Eternal Existence

Chapter 1006 Two Magical Weapons

Of course, Chen Feng will not absorb so much soul power in a short period of time. This cultivation method itself is a shortcut. It takes time to digest, condense, and eliminate hidden dangers. Otherwise, it may burst out and go crazy. Cause other changes.

"Congratulations, you have cultivated the Fire of Life. You have taken another important step on the road of cultivation." Seeing Chen Feng come out, the Biqing Immortal said with a smile.

"Senior has received the award, but Huo Yunlong is still practicing?"


A powerful breath magic weapon came out, and then became more scattered. Huo Yunlong shook his head and walked out of the formation.

"what happened?"

"Hey! I still haven't succeeded in practicing the Heaven-Swallowing Demonic Technique." Huo Yunlong sighed, his face looking a little ugly.

"The Heaven-Devouring Demon Technique!" Bi Qing was stunned for a moment and then said: "It is rumored that this secret technique was created by the Heaven-Eating Divine Beast. It can be regarded as a god-level technique, but generally speaking, only Devouring Beasts with the blood of the Sky-Eating Divine Beast can only Only those who can cultivate are the royal family of the demon world, but this is not certain, there may be some special physiques that can be cultivated. "

"Special physique, what kind of physique? Is it possible that monks from the Changsheng clan can practice it?"

"This is impossible. I have been practicing for some years, but I have never heard that monks in other worlds can practice this secret technique. Maybe some people can practice it, but they have been secretly eliminated by the demon world. But Chen Feng can practice it, maybe there are some Other reasons may also be related to the Sky Swallowing Absorption Technique," Bi Qing said slowly.

"I heard that the legendary Chaos Body can practice any technique and swallow all energy. I said Chen Feng, don't you also have a Chaos Body?" At this time, Huo Yunlong suddenly stared at Chen Feng and said.

"What!" Chen Feng was shocked, but then he laughed.

"I am currently cultivating the Chaos Body."

"Chaos body, this kind of physique is impossible to cultivate at all. It is just a legendary physique. I have heard before that some people in the Changsheng clan have chaos body. I have been reincarnated and cultivated over the years, and I don't know a lot of the news." Bi Qing He shook his head and said.

"I have also heard that there are people in the heavens who have chaotic bodies, but they are born. Again, this kind of physique, which is the best in the past and present, is not cultivated at all." Huo Yunlong also said the same.

Chen Feng nodded and didn't say anything. Chen Feng knew that the other party could not guess his physique at all. Besides, he was not a Chaos Body now. Even if he had really cultivated into a Chaos Body, with Bi Qing and Huo Yunlong's You can't even see it with your eyes.

"Is it possible that I really can't practice the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique? If Chen Feng said this, wouldn't I be at a disadvantage for our reservation?" Huo Yunlong said suddenly.

"The Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique is a god-level technique. Logically speaking, you should have taken advantage of it. Of course, I actually have a way for you to practice the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique." Chen Feng laughed.

"Oh, what can I do? If I can really practice the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique, I will also have some benefits in return for you." Huo Yunlong asked hurriedly.

"That means freeing one's body and allowing one's soul to enter the demon world and be reincarnated to rebuild." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Fart, you're not fooling me." Huo Yunlong's expression changed.

"Then there is no good solution." Chen Feng shook his head.

"Okay, now there are countless opportunities in the entire eternal world. Until now, those true immortals have not shown up. It seems that they were attracted by better things. Now we have two choices. One is to find some mid-level ones. The second is to compete with those true immortals, maybe you can get some top-quality immortal weapons, but the competition is cruel and dangerous," Bi Qing thought for a while and said.

"What do you two think?"

"Hehe, I don't care, I see what you two mean." Huo Yunlong just said, without making a decision.

"Our Donglong Island Alliance has enough power, and there are many immortals. I think many people will definitely get the opportunity during this period. For me, I can also snatch the immortal weapons, but when I encounter better things, I will definitely do it." Chen Feng laughed. During this period of practice, Chen Feng's strength has once again broken through. His soul power has advanced to the level of the fire of life. The surge in strength has brought about an expansion of confidence. Besides, the Tower of Eternal Life has already Suppressing the two immortal weapons will free up your hands.

"By the way, I collected two immortal weapons before." Chen Feng said and took out the scepter and chain.

"The cursed scepter!"

"Chaos Chain!"

"They are both high-grade immortal weapons, close to the best. These two magic weapons are both good things. They were used by the true immortal during his lifetime. They are of extremely high quality. It is not impossible to be promoted to divine weapons in the future." Bi Qing Holding that scepter in hand.

"This scepter contains the law of truth. It has been refined by the essence of the true immortal for many years. It contains the original power of cursing the world. With this scepter in hand, you can restrain the great power of cursing the world. Some monks.”

"The monks who curse the world won't be so difficult to deal with in the future."

"This chain is called the Chaos Chain. It contains the power of chaos. It can restrain and attack. It contains the way of strength and softness. Hey, Chen Feng, these two magic weapons are really good."

Bi Qing said and returned the cursed scepter to Chen Feng: "It's a pity that I can't use it. It would be more like a top-quality fairy sword."

"Senior, what do you think of this sword on me?" Chen Feng was about to hand over the Zhengtian Sword to Bi Qing.

"Forget it, although the Zhengtian Sword is good, it is only of the highest quality. I don't like it yet. You should put this scepter away carefully. It may be of great use in the future." Bi Qing said lightly.

"I don't like this chain either." Huo Yunlong also returned the chaos chain to Chen Feng. In fact, Huo Yunlong was also a little hesitant. In any case, this chain is a top-grade immortal weapon, which is indeed good. To say that Huo Yunlong is not tempted That's fake. But Huo Yunlong also had his own considerations, and gave up the Chaos Chain after a brief thought.

Chen Feng did not say any more polite words and directly put away the two immortal weapons. With these two magical weapons, Chen Feng's strength could increase again.

"It's a pity that the corpse of the true immortal has been obtained by the opponent. If it is refined, it will definitely be a formidable enemy. Now that our injuries have recovered, I suggest we go back and take a look. If the opponent is still there, we can find a way to kill him. Kill the opponent." Chen Feng suddenly suggested.

"This is a good suggestion. I agree. If we can kill the other party, we can harvest the body of a true immortal again. Besides, maybe there are other good things on the altar." Huo Yunlong was the first to agree.

"I'm afraid our trip will be in vain." Bi Qing said.

Although they said this, the three of them were all highly cultivated people, and they were so fast that they didn't care about billions of miles in the eternal world. It didn't take long for them to find the ancient city again, and the three of them entered quickly. , Sure enough, after searching the entire ancient city, there was no trace of the monk who cursed the world. As for the altar, it had long since disappeared. Not to mention, even the power of the curse has almost dissipated in the entire city, and even some earthly immortals can enter. A large number of buildings have been destroyed, and some treasures have been unearthed, including many immortal weapons. Of course, Chen Feng and the other two people still looked down upon these things.

"Let's go and see other places." The three people quickly left the ancient city and quickly flew across the land of the eternal world. The three of them all spread out their spiritual consciousness and swept across thousands of miles. All disturbances could not escape the three people's senses.

Although Chen Feng's small group is small, the combat effectiveness of an individual is very strong. Bi Qing can communicate with Bi Luo Tian to exert the combat effectiveness of a half-step true immortal. Chen Feng is even more unfathomable with the Tower of Eternal Life, while Huo Yunlong seems to be Reckless, but also giving people an elusive aura, Chen Feng had a vague feeling that what the other party showed was not his true strength.

"Okay, with this turmoil, the previous battle situation has changed, but it seems that there are more dead and injured monks. Of course, I don't know how many lucky monks will emerge." Chen Feng felt a little confused, because Along the way, his spiritual consciousness swept across and discovered many monks from the Donglong Island Alliance. Some of them died, while others received opportunities and greatly increased their strength.

Power spurted out, space rippled, and the breath of the fairy world descended on the earth, then quickly disappeared.

"Someone has ascended!" Chen Feng said calmly.

"Hmph. This chaos in the Heavenly Dao is just when the cultivation level is advancing by leaps and bounds. It can be suppressed even if it goes to the next level. It is unwise to choose to ascend at this time."

"Yes, the Immortal is actually only a low-level existence in the Immortal Realm, not a person at all. Only the True Immortal is just starting out. These people are too impatient. For some people, the Immortal Realm is actually not the best choice. I I almost entered the devil's world at that time, but I did enter later."

"Okay, I feel the aura of the immortal weapon. No one else has appeared yet. It's a good opportunity." Chen Feng suddenly said.

"Why didn't I feel it? Why is your consciousness stronger than mine? Hey! I felt it. It is indeed an immortal weapon, but what level is it specifically?" There were flames dancing in Huo Yunlong's eyes.

"High-grade immortal weapon!" Biqing said lightly.

"I hope there is something suitable for me this time." Huo Yunlong suddenly accelerated his speed and surpassed Chen Feng and the other two.

"Chen Feng, is this person reliable? On the surface, this person is a high-level immortal, but if his hidden strength is revealed, he can also exert the fighting power of a top-level immortal." Bi Qing secretly communicated with Chen Feng.

"It should be okay. I have fought with each other before, and we are not acquainted without fighting. To put it bluntly, we are just using each other. However, I feel that Huo Yunlong's character is pretty good and we can use each other. Besides, now we, Donglong The island also lacks some monks of this level. Besides, I have nothing to be afraid of if the other party really wants to fall out."

"Just pay attention to yourself. You are pregnant with the Tower of Eternal Life, and there are not many people who can resist the temptation."

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