“Eh! You didn’t see it! When I helped Long Hao to descend on ‘God’s Gift’ and ‘Divine Punishment’, I finally found out that among those believers, they have such crazy people! Their faith is crazy. Even for this purpose, you are willing to give up your life! You know, even Long Hao in the previous life, there is no such faithful believer! “

Long Tian said with great emotion, and informed Dragon Ant of everything that happened before.

After listening to Long Tian’s words, Dragon Ant was silent for a long time. Seems to feel deeply.

“What are you thinking?” Long Tian asked in amazement.

Dragon Ant sighed faintly, saying, “I was just thinking back, when I was a god in my previous life, did I also have such crazy believers!”

Long Tian asked, “Have you thought about it? In your past life, did you have such a believer?”

Dragon Ant said, “Yes, yes, and seem to have a lot. Unfortunately, they were killed by me in the end!”

Long Tian hesitated and asked inexplicably: “Since these believers are so loyal and crazy, why do you kill them?”

Dragon Ant was very helpless, long sighed, and said quietly: “Because only such believers, their souls are more pure and precious to me! Only after swallowing their souls can they be mine The cultivation base improves faster! After all, in the previous life, I mainly relied on devouring the soul of others to improve my cultivation base and strength! “


Long Tian was suddenly speechless.

Just then, Long Hao’s voice sounded again and again in the minds of Long Tian and Long Hao!

“Three hundred and eighty temples, three Kings are leading the rebellion! Dragon Ant, immediately lower me ‘Divine Punishment’ and devour all their souls!”

“Temple XNUMX, ninety-three false believers tried to break out of the temple, but were stopped by a devout believer! Long Tian, ​​immediately helped me lower ‘Divine Punishment’ and cultivation those false believers Base, all stripped off. And injected into that devout believer within the body by means of ‘God-giving’! “

“The 1st Temple, that believer, desperately suppresses everyone, will not cause confusion for everyone! Long Tian, ​​immediately help me to lower the” God’s gift “and use your new means to bring a Supreme Ultimate World Tree Energy into his body, raising his cultivation base directly to Emperor Spirit Realm Level XNUMX! “

With the arrangement of Long Hao, with the help of Long Tian and Dragon Ant, each and everyone “God’s Gift” and “Divine Punishment” descended into each Hall of Celestial God that was transferred to Samsara Wheel World!

This approach is very effective.

Those hypocritical believers were frightened and did not dare to continue their actions.

They are afraid that the next “Divine Punishment” will come to their heads!

As for those true believers, they have become even more religious!

They hope that the next person to be given by God is themselves!

In this way, the halls of Celestial God, carrying countless souls, were relocated to Samsara Wheel World and distributed throughout the world!

However, no one walked out of those temples without permission!

Or it can be said that it is impossible for them to get out!

No rules, no standards.

Even for the most devout believers, Long Hao can’t let them come and set rules for them.

As for those false believers, how could Long Hao be merciful and soft-hearted?

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, five days had passed.

On the entire Evening Fall Continent, more than half of the “Hao Celestial God Hall” has been relocated to Samsara Wheel World by Long Hao, along with countless believers inside!

“Hu! This speed seems to be faster than we expected at the beginning! It seems that we can really save all people at this time!”

Long Tian said with some emotion, it seemed that he was finally sighed in relief slightly.

Long Hao ordered nodded, and said with relief: “Yes. According to this process, before this world is completely destroyed, we still have a great chance to save all of them successfully!”

However, Dragon Ant on the side was frowning and seemed worried.

“En? Dragon Ant, what’s wrong with you? You’ve been like this since yesterday! Did you find something bad?”

Long Hao frowned, asked puzzled. He had long discovered the anomaly of Dragon Ant.

Dragon Ant brows tightly knit, it seems hesitated for a long time, before hesitant to say: “There is a very bad thing, I don’t know if I should tell you now!”


Seeing Dragon Ant so heavy, Long Hao and Long Tian looked at each other, and their eyes were instantly dimmed!

A very bad hunch instantly appeared in the hearts of Long Hao and Long Tian.

“What the hell is it? Could you tell us earlier and tell us later that there will be different results?”

Long Hao eyes slightly narrowed, asked coldly.

Dragon Ant thought about it and said, “It’s really a bit different! Because if I tell you earlier, you will probably die early! But if I tell you later, maybe you can die a few days later! “

“En? Is this thing that you know worse than that?” Long Tian brows tightly knit said quietly.

Long Hao’s eyes were deep, and he took a deep breath, saying, “You are still now, tell this thing! If it is really like you said, we are destined to die, so sooner, later, what else? What’s the difference? “

Dragon Ant hesitated for a long, long time before he suddenly said: “Since yesterday, I suddenly felt a very familiar aura, which appeared near this world! If my induction is correct, it should be the 100,000 monsters of my previous life. One of them, at least, is the cultivation base of Celestial God Realm! Although for us in previous lives, Celestial God Realm’s monster will be worthless, not even a fart. But for us now, Even if we add XNUMX together, it will not be enough for him to fall apart! “

“What? A Celestial God Realm suddenly appeared near this World?”

After hearing Dragon Ant’s words, the faces of Long Hao and Long Tian changed, and they instantly became gloomy!

“Do you know why he suddenly appeared here? What exactly was his purpose? And, why didn’t you tell us so soon?

Long Hao’s eyes narrowed and he asked coldly.

Dragon Ant long sighed and said very heavily: “Because I worry, if I tell you earlier, you will go straight to death! Because I can sense that there is Xuanyuan Yirou on the body of the demon. A trace of aura! “

“What? What you said is true? There is really aura of Yiruo on that monster general? How is this possible, why do I not perceive any aura of Yiruo?” Tqr1

Long Hao’s emotions became extremely excited in an instant!

I saw him instantly fighting intent Ling Ran, killing intent rushed. It seems that at the next moment, we have to break out of this world and find a battle with that monster!

Seeing Long Hao’s situation like this, Dragon Ant sighed again and said, “Let me say it! When I tell you the news, you will surely rush to die as soon as possible! This is why, I not at all Tell you the reason in the first place! “

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