When a World enters the process of death, the creatures living in this World are the most wounded wounded, not from those terrifying natural disasters!

It comes from the Heaven and Earth Rule in trouble!

To a certain extent, the chaos of the Heaven and Earth Rule is more terrifying to the harm caused to the living beings.

Even in the end, when the Heaven and Earth Rule was chaotic to its extreme, the destructive formidable power it produced was not much different from the so-called “strength of Heaven’s Punishment”.

This is also the most important reason why, after the death of a World, the living beings will eventually die out.

Otherwise, how could it be called “Death World”?

The word “death” represents not only the death of World itself, but also the “death” of all beings!

Of course, in the process, the weaker creatures of the cultivation base die faster.

As for those creatures with strong cultivation base, they will be supported for a long time!

At this moment, Long Hao is standing in the sky above a giant city, and through the War God Celestial Eye, he is checking the status quo in this giant city!

However, when Long Hao could clearly see the scene in this huge city, his mood became even lower.


The creatures in the entire giant city can be described by miserable words!

According to Long Hao’s observations, so far, those creatures whose cultivation base is above Earth Venerable Realm are still better. Under the influence of the chaotic Heaven and Earth Rule, it just became extremely weak, and there was no worry about life.

However, those creatures under Earth Venerable Realm or Earth Venerable Realm are far more miserable!

With their physical strength, they can’t resist the chaotic Heaven and Earth Rule at all!

When the Heaven and Earth Rule is disturbed to a certain extent, it is simply the most violent poison for these lower realms.

Their flesh and bones, even their spirit and cultivation base, have been severely eroded and unbearable!

Looking ahead, each of the bull apes clansman under the Earth Venerable Realm is covered with blood, the cultivation base is gone, and the spirit is weak.

They didn’t even have the strength to scream, all of them slumped on the ground, in the pain of groaning, waiting for death in horror!

And, at least half of them have died completely. tqr1

“Damn! Is the Heaven and Earth Rule now so confusing to such a degree? Can it easily destroy the creatures under the Earth Venerable Realm cultivation base?”

Long Hao whispered to himself with great dignity and was very worried.

He knew very well that most of the creatures on Evening Fall Continent were below Earth Venerable Realm!

Doesn’t it mean that they have also encountered such a bad situation?

“Actually, those creatures with a lower cultivation base will not die if they are sheltered by those with a high rank cultivation base!” At this time, Long Tian appeared beside Long Hao, looking at the bull ape on the ground. The huge city of Race, said differently: “In this huge city, there are three Emperor Monarch and dozens of Sovereign Throne! If they want, they can completely shelter the city. In that case, those low rank cultivation base cattle Ape clansman, I’m afraid one will not die! “

Having said that, Long Tian gently sighed and continued: “Unfortunately, these descendants of Evil God are themselves a race of evil attributes! How could they think of others? The Emperor Monarch and Sovereign Throne, obviously have protection. Clansman’s ability, but none of them are willing to do so. The tragic death of those people, they are completely indifferent! “

Long Hao ordered nodded and said quietly: “Yes. I can only hope now that those Human Race powerhouses living on Evening Fall Continent don’t want to be so selfish as well. I hope they can use their great strength , To protect the weak of the same race! If they are as selfish as the descendants of the Evil God right now, I don’t need to save them! “

“By the way, aren’t you the ‘Haotian Guardian God’ on the Evening Fall Continent now? And on the Evening Fall Continent, you have enough ‘Haw Celestial God Hall’ and ‘Haw Celestial God like’! If you want to know Evening Fall Continent’s current situation can be achieved through the way of “showing God” to Evening Fall Continent! In this way, you can’t clearly know everything that happened on Evening Fall Continent ?”

After hearing Long Tian’s words, Long Hao’s eyes flashed suddenly, and he said, “You’re right! Since that’s the case, I’ll show God next! Let me take a look, now Evening Fall Continent, what exactly In what condition! “

Tone barely fell, Long Hao directly recalled Long Tian, ​​and performed “Nether Jump” to return to the air giant!

“Dr. Sir, are you back? What’s going on outside, how is it now?”

Seeing the return of Long Hao, Nangong Leng hurriedly greeted him and said respectfully.

Long Hao eyebrows slightly frowned, solemnly said: “The situation is very bad! I just went to observe a giant city of descendant race of Evil God. The creatures in it are almost half dead under the Earth Venerable Realm cultivation base. Even the remaining ones have lost most of their lives and are not far from death. As for the creatures on Earth Venerable Realm, they are still good, and it is estimated that they can continue to support for a while! “

Later, Long Hao looked at Nangong Leng and asked with concern: “Yes, what’s going on in the air giant? Has anyone been hurt by the disorderly Heaven and Earth Rule?”

Nangong Leng said: “Our clansman is okay now! Although there are some clansman, the cultivation base is under the Earth Venerable Realm, they all have the powerhouse in their clan for shelter, and there should be no problems in a short time!”

Having said that, Nangong Leng hesitated for a moment, and asked heavily: “Dr. Sir, does ‘Haotian Guardian God’ really exist? Father and Xiaoyu both said that it won’t be long before ‘Haotian Guardian God’ will manifest God Leading our entire Jade Rabbit Race to a brand new World, let’s get rid of this calamity! Is this true? “

Nangong Leng didn’t know that Long Hao was “Haotian Guardian God”.

He just knew that “Haotian Guardian God” is what he always called “Ancestral Dragon Guardian God” in Father’s mouth!

As for changing the name of “Ancestral Dragon Guardian God” to “Haotian Guardian God”, it turned out to be his biological daughter Nangong Xiaoyu?

What made him even more incredible was that when Nangong Xiaoyu was on Evening Fall Continent, he even created a super level god “Hao Celestial God” and became the highest pope of “Hao Celestial God”!

In this way, at the deepest part of Nangong Leng’s heart, I always feel that such things are a bit unreliable!

However, both Nangong Huan and Nangong Xiaoyu are extremely devoted to this so-called “Haotian Guardian God”.

And solemnly vowed to tell everyone that in this World calamity, Haotian Guardian God will definitely show God again and save everyone!

Of course, Nangong Huan said this because he knew that Long Hao was “Haotian Guardian God”!

He also knows that Long Hao will definitely save everyone!

As for Nangong Xiaoyu, it is the purest belief!

She believes that Haotian Guardian God will never give up his pious people!

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