“cough cough !”

Dragon Ant coughed twice and looked at Long Hao and Nangong Huan with a weird gaze, saying: “You two have been talking for a long time, and I still don’t know what is wrong with this World’s World Tree. What kind of trouble and calamity will we encounter next? Are these things not the most important things we have to face now? If we ca n’t even get through our calamity, what else Qualified to save others? “

Even Long Tian, ​​on the other hand, nodded seriously, saying, “Yes! The priority of ours now is to completely remove the calamity we are going to face first! Otherwise, what we will do later The situation is very likely to get worse! “

Nangong Huan not at all answered directly, but instead asked: “Did you not find the anomaly of that World Tree before that?”

Long Tian frowned, saying: “What do you mean by that weird Divine Martial World tree branch? The branch of a Divine Martial World tree will grow on an ordinary Spirit Martial World Tree. People feel very strange things. But even so, it can’t explain that after it is destroyed, it will bring us more difficult calamity! “

“What if I said, that World Tree had died once when the Evil God invaded tens of thousands of years ago?”

Nangong Huan’s eyes were gloomy, so solemnly.


After hearing this, Long Hao, Long Tian, ​​and Dragon Ant were startled at the same time, and they seemed very surprised!

“Fuck, what are you talking about? The World Tree of this World has been dead once? How is this possible? If it has really died once, how can it still be alive? If so, even this World, I’m afraid it has already become Death World, right? “

Dragon Ant said loudly, and did not seem to believe what Nangong Huan said.

However, Long Hao and Long Tian next to each other looked at each other, and their faces were more dignified.

Vaguely, they seemed to have guessed something.

Nangong Huan gently sighed and slowly said: “You’re right! This World, at that time, has indeed become the real Death World! This World’s Heaven and Earth Rule, also completely collapsed at that time Now! Otherwise, how can a complete World be split into two relatively independent semi-Worlds? “

Having said that, Nangong Huan took a look at Dragon Ant and continued: “Presumably, you have already discovered it! The current Azure Barn Spirit World is not just divided into two continents. It’s as simple as Evening Fall Continent, Sanskrit Continent, between the two Worlds, has a World crystal wall to isolate it, it is like two separate Worlds! If it is two continents in a normal World, how could this happen? What about the situation? “

Long Hao and Long Tian slightly nodded.

Nangong Huan is right, if it is a normal World, even if the continuous one is really broken into two halves, the world crystal wall will not be separated between the two continuous pieces!

Like Azure Barn Spirit World, the two continents are completely isolated by the World crystal wall, as if they were two separate Worlds. Such a situation, even Long Hao of previous lives have never encountered.

At the beginning, Long Hao thought that it was a special powerful existence, which caused this situation through some secret technique.

But now, after hearing these words from Nangong Huan, Long Hao immediately realized that there is absolutely a huge problem with this World itself!

“Eh! Don’t go round and round, just hurry up! You just have to make it clear, what did this World and World Tree ever experience? What calamity are we going to face now?”

Dragon Ant seemed to be anxious, staring directly at his eyes, casually said.

So Nangong Huan came to the truth of this World!

“When those Evil Gods just invaded this World, they encountered fierce counterattacks from Guardian War God. In order to avoid being suppressed by Heavenly Dao’s will, at the beginning, they cut off the World Tree of this World!”

“As a result of this, you can guess without me saying that the Heavenly Dao rules of this World are slowly becoming disordered! Natural disasters have started, World has slowly entered the process of destruction, and finally became a ‘Death World ‘! “

“It was during that time that Ao Cang Continent was halved in the fierce All Gods battle and became today’s Evening Fall Continent and Sanskrit Continent!”

“Later, all Guardian War Gods stationed in this World were wiped out!”

“But the purpose of the invasion of Evil God is not to destroy this World, but to make this World their colony and leave their descendants!”

“And a Death World cannot be a colony at all!”

“So they have to think of a way to ‘rebirth’ the World Tree of this World! And thus ‘resurrect’ this World!”

Speaking of this, Nangong Huan’s gaze suddenly flashed angrily and said with a gritted tooth: “In their hands, there is a branch of the Divine Martial World tree! This branch is from Xu Yu Divine World Broken down on that World Tree, it has extremely powerful regeneration capabilities! “

“They used the evil secret technique to graft the branches of the Divine Martial World tree onto the World Tree that they killed, thereby” resurrecting “the latter!”

“So, this World is back again!”

“It’s just that, because this World has been ‘dead’ for a while, the Heaven and Earth Rule has been completely disordered. Therefore, when this World recovers again, a lot of natural phenomena have also occurred!”

“For example, the continent, which is split into two halves, is surrounded by the new World crystal wall, becoming two separate Worlds!”

“For another example, Heavenly Dao’s will of this World has a trace of evil aura!”

“In addition, there is a more critical point. Although this World ’s Heaven and Earth Rule has restored order, it is very unstable!” Tqr1

“So when the World Tree perishes again, the Heaven and Earth Rule in this World will not have any buffer time at all, it will directly mess up and cause a series of Heaven and Earth disasters!”

“If it is the normal Lingwu Small World, after the World Tree dies, that World will have a buffer time of at least three months before it will gradually enter the process of destruction. And it will take at least a few years before it will completely change Become Death World! “

“And the current Azure Barn Spirit World, after the World Tree is destroyed, I am afraid that there is not even a day of buffer time, and it will directly enter the process of destruction! And, at most, only one month, it will completely become Death World! “

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