Who knows, Long Hao is lightly snorted, and said, “Who said that now I have lost the power to fight again?”

Long Hao was very weak. After a little slowing, he continued quietly: “Don’t forget, I’m not just me! I’m still Long Tian, ​​but also Dragon Ant! They serve as my ‘Soul Shadow’ and ‘ Soul Beast ‘, but it can also replace my own body to fight! “

As soon as the voice fell, there were two streams of light, suddenly burst out from the black mist particles transformed by Long Hao.

“shua shua !”

The two silhouettes suddenly appeared in front of Nangong Huan.

It’s Long Tian and Dragon Ant!

“Long Tian, ​​let’s continue the fight for you in the next battle! And you, take a good rest for a while!”

Long Tian said quietly.

Tone barely fell, and saw that he directly stretched out his right hand, moved towards the dark mist particles scattered around the great hall!


The black haze particles transformed by Long Hao were instantly gathered together by Long Tian, ​​condensed into a fist-sized black Danzhu, and appeared in the palm of Long Tian.

This black danzhu is exactly a source of cost that Long Hao has survived!

Unfortunately, the origin of Long Hao was too severe, and it lost 90% of its origin.

Therefore, the current Long Hao cannot be directly transformed into the appearance of the ontology. It can only exist in the world in the form of a black danzhu.

However, the only good news is that Long Hao’s Primordial Spirit and cultivation base, not at all, were damaged.

In this way, as long as Long Hao’s origin can be fully restored, his true strength will be fully restored.

“Hehe! That’s right! Let us fight the next battle! You guys, take a good rest!”

Dragon Ant turned out a huge ontology, casually said.

Although Long Hao can’t become the form of the ontology now, he can still communicate with others through the way of passing thoughts.

I saw him sigh gently and said, “Unfortunately, in my current state, if you want to fully recover, even with the help of the Fairy Tree and enough strength of Faith, it will take at least a month!” Now, the most lacking is time! This is a terrible thing! “

Who knows, after hearing Long Hao’s words, Dragon Ant suddenly blinked his eyes, and said, “I have a way to make you recover within three days! I wonder if you would like to try?”

Long Hao said: “What means, to listen? As long as the effect is obvious, I can take a chance!”

Dragon Ant said: “Adventure is not needed. However, my approach is a little extreme. I am more worried that you are not willing to use it at all!”

Long Hao coldly snorted, “Isn’t it going to be a cruel way? If that’s the case, you don’t need to say it. I definitely won’t use it.”

Dragon Ant glared and said, “Long Hao, you bastard, don’t look down on people? Why do you think that my methods are harmful to the law? I don’t know how many are not harmful to the law?” tqr1

This time, even Nangong Huan said: “Master, but let Dragon Ant talk about this method before you make a decision! Maybe, this method of Dragon Ant is really suitable for you now ! “

Long Tian also ordered nodded and said, “Yes, that’s right!” Then he looked at Dragon Ant and continued to say, “Hurry up and talk about your means, don’t sell it!”

Dragon Ant glared at Long Hao again, and then continued to say, “My method is actually very simple, it is to use the technique of ‘body possession parasitic’-“

Who knows, before Dragon Ant finishes speaking, Long Hao is furious, saying: “Dragon Ant, you this bastard, do you want me to kill other lives and parasite body possession?”

Long Tian also froze, Coldly said: “Dragon Ant, if you use this method, you don’t need to continue talking.”

Even Nangong Huan looked at Dragon Ant with a killing intent on his face, and said coldly: “hmph! Really evil! Even after rebirth, the nature is still difficult to change!”

Upon hearing such words from Long Hao, Long Tian, ​​and Nangong Huan, Dragon Ant suddenly became furious.

I saw him jump straight up and yelled resentfully: “Can you three bastards, listen to me and say what? In your eyes, am I so uncomfortable?”

Long Tian and Nangong Huan ordered nodded at the same time, and said very earnestly: “That’s true!”

“you guys!”

Dragon Ant’s face was black, and he was almost speechless.

However, at this time, Long Hao sighed and said, “Keep on talking. I hope your next words will not let me down.”

Dragon Ant coldly snorted, saying indignantly, “You this bastard, which time have I let you down?”

Having said that, Dragon Ant once again fiercely stared at Long Tian and Nangong Huan before continuing to say, “Actually, the method I want to say is simple. Long Hao Do you still have Divine Artifact ‘Myriad Spirit Divine Pen’ You can borrow the power of Myriad Spirit Divine Pen and use the strength of Space-Time and Good Fortune of Supreme Ultimate World Tree to draw a powerful and Soulless ‘painting life spirit within the painting’. Then, you Run the ‘body possession parasitic’ cultivation technique, parasitize your Primordial Spirit and soul together with your current remaining cost source in this ‘life spirit within the painting’. In this way, it only takes up to three days In just the time, you can completely possess this pictured body and return to Peak state! “

After listening to Dragon Ant’s belief and explanation, Long Tian and Nangong Huan’s eyes flashed!

“En? This is a good way, and it is completely feasible! How did I never think of it before!”

Nangong Huan was pleasantly surprised, loudly said.

This method can indeed make Long Hao recover quickly.

Moreover, with the strong assistance of Fairy Tree, if you use enough strength of Space-Time and Good Fortune, you can draw a perfect “body in the picture”.

The strength of such a body is completely comparable to Long Hao’s original body!

However, Long Tian’s expression is a bit gloomy, and he said solemnly: “But since then, the origin of Long Hao’s body will no longer be pure! I am afraid it will affect the ultimate achievement in the future!”

Dragon Ant said, “What’s the problem? When we are born again, this body in this life is no longer the body in the previous life! But as long as we can survive well, there is absolutely a chance and a means to transform the body tempering to the satisfaction of us! “

“That’s right!” At this time, Long Hao’s voice finally sounded again, and said calmly: “Whether we are strong in the future or not, with the fleshhy body we have! Not to mention, I don’t think that in The new body created by Myriad Spirit Divine Pen and Fairy Tree will be inferior to my original body! “

“shua shua !”

At this moment, two figures suddenly appeared in front of everyone, the spirits of Fairy Tree and Myriad Spirit Divine Pen!

“Master, rest assured! At this time, I will try my best to build a new body for you!”

Fairy Tree’s eyes were scorching, and he said steadfastly.

“That’s right! At this time, we will definitely do our best to help you build a new body that surpasses all beings!”

Myriad Spirit Divine Pen is equally determined, said chop nails and sever Iron!

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