Seeing Guiming Shi exhibit this method, Gui Kang and others finally satisfied with nodded.

“Tsk tsk, is this guy finally getting serious? Hehe, it is estimated that this time, that Human Race bastard, is really going to be completely killed!”

“Hehe, yes, very good! If the ghost can work harder, it’s even safer. The Human Race will definitely die terribly!”

“Haha, wouldn’t it be better if Guiming could shoot directly? If they were perish together, we would not only eliminate this calamity, but also reduce one competitor!”

The five Half Gods, crooked there, spoke very freely.

It seems that they only care about whether Guiming can really kill Long Hao, but they don’t care so much about the safety of Guiming himself.

They even wish that ghosts could die together, preferably with Long Hao perish together.

What’s more exaggerated is that when these guys said these words, they didn’t even shy away. Those excessive words fell into the ears of ghosts completely without any word!

“Hmph! A group of damn bastards, don’t let me find a chance! Otherwise, I must devour all of you and make myself!”

Ghostly look cold, fiercely said in his heart.

However, he never knew that such a thing, in fact, he had already done it and succeeded.

Unfortunately, the Space-Time was changed by Long Hao’s “Time Countercurrent”.

At this moment, the ten “flesh and blood clones” exhibited by Guiming have arrived in front of Long Hao and are about to siege.

Each of these “flesh and blood clones” is extremely powerful and possesses the strength comparable to Wang Xuanjing’s Middle Stage.

Compared to those ordinary “blood beast clones”, I don’t know how many times stronger.

Ten such “blood clones” join forces to kill the enemy. The entire Azure Barn Spirit World, with the exception of those Half Gods, I am afraid that few people will be their opponents anymore!

You know, besides Half God, even the most powerful descendant of Evil God, Old Ancestor, has only such strength.

However, it is clear that Long Hao today is no longer Long Hao three days ago.

Three days ago, just to deal with Old Ancestor, a descendant of Evil God from Middle Stage of Wang Xuanjing, he had forced him to show strongest means, and it was difficult to win.

But today, Long Hao’s cultivation base has once again promoted two realm.

In this case, let alone ten “flesh clones” of this level, even if there are one hundred, one thousand, or even ten thousand, they will no longer be Long Hao’s opponents.

Because, for Long Hao, the least feared is the siege of enemies smaller than himself!

“Exploding Life Pill, Life Lotus Flower!”

“Phantom Clone, drive!”

With a roar, Long Hao directly displays two God Level Forbidden Techniques at the same time!

His cultivation base instantly promotes a realm, which is comparable to the heavenly peak Peak!

Then, the body flashed, and a hundred Phantom Clones were directly separated!

However, at this time, Long Hao not at all let these Phantom Clones attack those “blood clones”.

Because Long Hao knows well that these so-called “flesh and blood clones” are not their true enemies. No matter how many kills, there is no use at all.

Only by killing these Half Gods can we finally win!

“Thousand Kill Sealing Town, Kai!”

Another roar, Long Hao continues to exhibit the third God Level Forbidden Technique!

“shua shua shua !”

The Phantom Clone in the Peak State of Peak Realm, terrifying the incomparable power, all turned into a setting heaven Divine Needle of incomparable gigantic!

next moment, these Setting Heaven Divine Needle instantly build into an incomparable gigantic cage, go beyond those “flesh and blood clones”, and directly envelope the ghostly body!

Three God Level Forbidden Techniques are all urged to the extreme by Long Hao, and they are combined together to form a God Level Forbidden Technique combined with Battle Skill!

Its formidable power is almost beyond the single God Level Forbidden Technique countless times.

Even for Long Hao now, this method is already one of his strongest methods!

“si si 嘶!”

Suddenly, the massive strength of Heaven’s Punishment, like a colorful dense rain, moved towards the ghostly body!


A heartbreaking scream burst out from the ghostly mouth.

I saw that his eyes were protruding, his face was embarrassing, and his body began to tremble, suffering from the incomparable gigantic pain!

Under the erosion of the strength of Heaven’s Punishment, his skin, his flesh, began to rot at a rate of terrifying, turning into rotten flesh, turning into thick blood, and it looked terrible!

With the sizzling voice of “zi zi”, those eroded flesh and blood were directly turned into a plume of smoke, rising into the air, and dissipating!

“Damn! Damn it! You bastard, you can really communicate with Heavenly Dao and lower the strength of Heaven’s Punishment to us!”

The ghost roared with horror.

Can he not panic?

For this level of him, Long Hao’s attack, he can care less.

But Heavenly Dao’s bombardment was able to completely go to his life.

He knew very well that Long Hao’s Thousand Kill Sealing Town could attract the Ultimate Explosion Kill of Heavenly Dao and land on them.

“No, I must not let him attract real Heavenly Dao Ultimate Explosion Kill! Otherwise, I would really die!”

The ghost said in horror, terrified in his heart.

At the next moment, his gaze was fixed, and he gave instructions directly to the ten flesh clones released before!

“You guys, kill me now while he’s attacking me!”

The ghost shouted loudly.

After the ten “flesh and blood clones” got the order, they exerted their best force directly, and moved towards Long Hao and bombed away!

“Hmph, do you want to take the opportunity to kill the Master? Whimsical! If you want to deal with the Master, you must pass me this level!”

Nangong Huan suddenly appeared, shouted, and moved directly towards the ten flesh clones.

If it was Nangong Huan three days ago, it would be almost impossible to jointly attack ten flesh and blood clones of this level at the same time.

But today, under the blessing of “Guardian War God,” the one to emerge victorious is unknown.

Because when Nangong Huan exhibited the “Guardian War God armor”, when facing these flesh clones, at least he could be invincible!

With the attack power of these flesh clones, it is not easy to crack the “Guardian War God armor” of Nangong Huan!

In this way, for the current Nangong Huan, it is only a matter of long time and short time to want to kill these flesh clones! tqr1

What’s more, during this time, his magic Celestial God was awakened again by the new ultimate ability!

“Fantasy Celestial God, ultimate change! Super level copy, with the enemy!”

shout out loudly, Nangong Huan directly exhibits a high level ability in the Celestial God!

“shua shua shua !”

Suddenly, Nangong Huan’s body suddenly cracked and split into ten blazing golden lights, and the ten flesh-clone clones that moved towards the ghost blasted away!

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