In every World, someone will say something like this:

What if I could do it again!

What if I could go back in time!

What will happen to me if time can go backwards!

Unfortunately, for the vast majority of people, this so-called “if” is simply “if” and cannot be realized at all.

But for today’s Long Hao, these “ifs” are not necessarily just “ifs”.

Wanting to turn these “ifs” into real reality is definitely not impossible for Long Hao now!

Because, Saint Artifact Samsara Wheel, which is completely integrated with Long Hao, has awakened an extremely heaven-defying Divine Ability after the last re-awakening-“Time Backflow”!

Once it is on display, you can go back in time within a certain range!

Of course, the degree of formidable power that can now be expressed by the “backflow of time” is very unbearable.

You can only go back one second.

The effect range is only 100 meters.

However, at this moment, Long Hao has decided to disregard all costs. To achieve this ability to the utmost, it must achieve incomparable results!

For this, Long Hao is even willing to pay the price of life.

Because, if not, not only Long Hao himself, but everyone around him will die!

“This guy, the distance between me and me is now 2000 meters! At this moment, it takes 2000 seconds for Guiming to start deceiving the other five Half Gods! Therefore, I must reverse the time Effect, increase by more than thirty times! At least the time to go backwards, more than thirty seconds! At least the range of action, beyond 1 metres!

Long Hao moves his mind and performs fast calculations in his heart.

The next moment, he directly exploded all the potential of the whole body, using the Divine Ability such as “time countercurrent” to stimulate!

“Blood Essence Combustion, the ultimate acceleration!”

“All strength of Faith, burn for me!”

“Fairy Tree, try your best to inject strength of Space-Time for me!”


At this moment, golden light is on the body of Long Hao!

The massive amount of Space-Time energy suddenly overflowed inside and outside Long Hao!

The golden flame, like the same fire, slammed out of his body. The blazing flames are so high that they are nearly 10,000 metres high!

“Come back in time, let me succeed!”

A roar, heaven shaking.

In an instant, within 10,000 metres around, suddenly the Space-Time flowed and the time was disordered.

As if the time of the entire World is completely chaotic.

Next moment, all natural phenomena disappear!

At this moment, Long Hao suddenly discovered that at this moment, he was still in a hidden state. not at all appeared, and did not suffer a fatal blow from the ghost!

It is just that Long Hao has become very weak.

The blood essence of his within the body seems to have burned out.

The whole body is dry and the state is very bad.

In addition, the strength of Faith in the Spirit space was once again consumed by 10%.

Even Fairy Tree fell into a deep sleep again, and seemed to be extremely depleted and overwhelmed.

“En? Was the ‘Time Countercurrent’ just performed by me?”

Long Hao hurriedly released Divine Consciousness, and moved towards the ghostly place.

After Long Hao saw the scene in front of him clearly, a boulder in his heart finally loosened.

It turned out that at this moment, not only did the five Half Gods such as Gui Kang not be killed by the ghost pit, and even Hu Sheng had not completely died, he was struggling on whilst at death’s door, leaving a last breath.


Long Hao breathed a long sigh of relief.

After the calculation, even he himself was extremely shocked.

The “Time Countercurrent” just now turned out to have unexpected effects!

There is a minute of retrogression!

The range of action is also 10,000 metres away!

At this moment, Hu Sheng had just shown the ultimate blow to Long Hao, and thought he had killed Long Hao.

“Hmph! Now that the so-called ‘if’ has become ‘reality’, I must not repeat the same mistakes and let the same kind of things happen again!”

Long Hao said secretly in his heart.

And secretly decided that no matter what means and strategies are used, it must not let the next state of affairs flow according to the previous time track!

Otherwise, they will fall into the terrible situation before.

Thinking of this, Long Hao appeared directly and appeared in the eyes of the half gods!

“You, you, how could you not die?”

Seeing the appearance of Long Hao, Hu Sheng’s eyes stared at the boss instantly, completely inconceivable. I didn’t believe that Long Hao could survive his full blow.


the same as last time.

After his heart was violently touched, Hu Sheng finally couldn’t hold back the wounds on his body. The body was directly torn to 40%, disintegrating into a mass of blood mist, and disappeared without a trace.

“You, you! Hasn’t Sir Sir just killed you? Why are you still alive?”

Blackbird was terrified, terrified loudly said.

The other Half God was also there, a expression that was totally unbelievable.

Seeing this, Long Hao frowned slightly.

Because he found that in the midst of some things, the trajectory of certain things seems to be repeating the way before “time reversal”.

If allowed to continue, I am afraid it will become the same situation as before.

That’s definitely not what Long Hao liked.

“No, I must stop this from happening!”

Long Hao said extremely firmly in his heart.

Just then, Long Hao’s mind suddenly flashed.

A wonderful idea suddenly came to Long Hao’s mind.

Thinking of this, Long Hao suddenly faintly smiled, looking at the Half God, and said quietly, “Are you now, really want to find a way to deal with me easily?”

“Hehe, there is no need to skill. I have a method that is absolutely best for you and can definitely help you kill me!”

“I’ve heard of a God Level secret technique that can enhance one’s own strength by devouring another’s cultivation base, strength, or even bloodline. In this way, the strength of this person will be within a short time, Has been greatly improved. “

“I don’t know if any of you six have mastered this secret technique! I think if one of you, exhibits this secret technique, and devours the rest of you, the cultivation base will surely soar to a brand new realm … even Heavenly Dao levels beyond this World may be possible! “

“At that time, you will be able to get rid of the Heavenly Dao suppression of this World and get completely free. At that time, don’t say kill me. Even Heavenly Dao of this World is no longer his opponent! , He will be the sole master of this world! “

“Of course, you need to pay a certain price if you want to use this method. That is, except for the person who performed this technique, everyone else will die!”

“However, it’s better than five people to die!”

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