As a Half God, Hu Sheng is a cultivation base far beyond the level of true mystery, so he can naturally exert this ability.

The blood beast clones he exhibited just now have not only the same appearance as Hu Sheng, but also the same aura!

Unfortunately, this ability is used to cast the “blood beast clone”. Strength is a bit of a rib!

Under normal circumstances, compared to the body, there are two or three realm differences!

And, once the blood essence of the “blood beast clone” within the body is exhausted, it will disintegrate and dissipate directly!

Compared with Long Hao’s “Phantom Clone”, the difference is not a grade at all!

You know, Long Hao’s Phantom Clone has the same conventional strength as the body!

However, even so, the strength of the nine “blood beast clones” exhibited by Hu Shengshi cannot be underestimated.

After all, Hu Sheng’s own cultivation base is strong enough, even if these “blood beast clone” cultivation bases differ from his body by two or three realm, they all have strength close to Wang Xuanjing level.

It is much stronger than the ordinary Old Ancestor.

Unfortunately, if you want to use such a method, it will consume more than just the blood essence of the body.

In order for these “blood beast clones” to have a completely independent will to act, they must also be injected into a part of Soul Power.

If the “blood beast clone” is killed, this part of Soul Power will be destroyed directly and it is difficult to recover.

Therefore, in many cases, these Half Gods would rather let the ordinary Old Ancestor of their tribe die, rather than damage their “blood beast”!

Although the destruction of these “blood beast clones” has caused little damage to their souls, it is almost negligible.

If it was not under a last resort, they would never want their bodies to have even the slightest accidental damage!

“shua shua shua !”

When these “blood beast clones” of Hu Sheng were condensed, they flickered in shape, each driving a piece of Divine Artifact, soaring in different directions.

Then he printed with both hands and sketched out complicated and complicated formation marks in the air.

They are building a great array out of thin air, and using the nine Divine Artifacts as the mantra of this great array!

Even more weird is that the great array constructed by these “blood beast clones” is integrated with their bodies.

Therefore, when their body moves, the entire great array will move accordingly.

In other words, what they have built now is a heaven defying great array that can be moved freely and freely!

Even more terrifying, the scope of this great array is extremely wide!

With a full circle of 10,000 metres, almost all are shrouded in the domain of this mobile great array.

All of Hu Sheng’s doing, Long Hao and Nangong Huan all see it.

After all, in doing all this, Hu Sheng not at all deliberately concealed Long Hao and Nangong Huan 2 people.

Moreover, since becoming the real Profound Fighter, both Long Hao and Nangong Huan have greatly improved their ability to perceive once again. tqr1

“Damn! With such a great array of movements, he should be able to make all-out shots! In this way, can you still be sure that the Master can deal with him?”

Nangong Huan brows tightly knit, said extremely solemnly.

However, he knew very well that the current Long Hao has not yet faced the strength of a Half God.

However, Long Hao smiled faintly, sound transmission said: “I don’t have any plan, I want to stand up against them!”

Nangong Huan said for a moment, sound transmission said: “en? Can you mean that, Master?”

Long Hao mysterious smiled, sound transmission said: “Don’t forget, our initial combat plan! Our plan, but with the help of Heavenly Dao from this World, to kill these evil souls! After all, for this World Said that these descendants of Evil God are originally invasion of living beings and belong to poison insects! If we can help Heavenly Dao of this World to expel these ‘poison insects’, it will definitely not miss this opportunity! “

Nangong Huan said, “How can you be sure, Master, Heavenly Dao of this World will cooperate with us to remove these ‘poison insects’?”

Long Hao smiled quietly and said, “Don’t forget, there is Fairy Tree around us! The Fairy Tree now is close to the real adult World Tree. Now she is already at the same level as the Spirit Martial World Heavenly Dao. The presence!”

Nangong Huan’s eyes suddenly flashed and said, “What? Isn’t Fairy Tree successfully connected with Heavenly Dao of this World?”

Long Hao slightly smiled, saying: “Yes! In the process of my retreat, the Fairy Tree did contact the Heavenly Dao will of this World! It is also the World Tree will of this Azure Barn Spirit World! It has promised us that we are receiving In the coming battle, cooperate with us to kill all alien invaders! “

During the conversation between Long Hao and Nangong Huan, Hu Sheng has brought nine “blood beast clones” and the great array that can move freely, and came to Long Hao at the same time!

At this moment, Long Hao and Nangong Huan, and Hu Sheng himself, are all shrouded in a mobile great array that can blind Heavenly Dao’s will!

The entire great array has a range of 10,000 meters!

In other words, within this range, Hu Sheng can shoot unscrupulously and without fear of the bombardment of Heavenly Dao!

“Hmph! Human Race brat, your death is finally here. Now, what else do you have to say? I know you’re crazy! Now, I’m in a good mood and I specifically allow you to say all the crazy words you want to say After I finish talking, I will kill you again! “

Hu Sheng said violently, that look, that tone, that look, as if Long Hao had been regarded as a dead person.

Too. Under this great array that can move freely and completely blind Heavenly Dao, he has XNUMX reasons to believe that he can easily kill Long Hao in seconds, and the slightest pressure will not be there.

Long Hao smiled faintly, and said, “It’s you and not me who speaks wildly? But it doesn’t matter! It will be fun to kill you after you have said these crazy words!”

Long Hao’s expression was very calm. It seems that there is no fear of Hu Sheng in today’s state.

“Hmph, you Human Race trash, it’s still so crazy!” Hu Sheng coldly said: “But if you really don’t have anything to say now, then I can only complete you right away. Now, you give I’ll just die! “

A word of “Death” has just been issued from Hu Sheng’s mouth, and he has already started directly!

Hu Sheng is detached by force, and doesn’t look at Long Hao at all. I feel like I can kill Long Hao with a little finger!

Therefore, in this shot, he not at all exerted his full strength.

Just holding the fist print in hand and blasting it out with random punches, I want to blast the body of Long Hao directly into a blood mist!

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