Long Hao’s words were very light.

But listening to the ears of several incarnations outside, it revealed a hint of ice cold and killing.

“What on earth do you have to say? Hurry up! Otherwise, you won’t even have a chance to say your last words when we really do!”

One of them, incarnation outside, pretended to be tough. In his deep in one’s heart, he never believed that Long Hao could really kill them all.

Long Hao coldly snorted, saying: “What I want to say is actually very simple. Let those Half Gods behind you, take all your clansman, and leave this world all!”

When talking about this, Long Hao’s eyes suddenly froze, aura instantly became extremely cold, killing intent Ling Ran said: “If not, then I will put the Half God behind you, and the souls of your entire family, Kill as many as you can! “

After listening to Long Hao’s words, the remaining four incarnations outside were stunned first, and then Haha laughed wildly.

“Haha haha, are you this bastard, are you kidding me? Let ’s not talk about the half gods behind us, can we leave this world. Even if they can really leave this world, you think it ’s just a threatening word from you, they Just obediently leave this World? You are too overestimating yourself! Even if you really have the power to kill all the incarnations outside of us, you can never be the opponent of Half God! Among them, as long as there is one If you are willing to do it, you can definitely kill you in an instant! You must be too crazy about garbage like this! In addition, if I guess correctly, the method you just showed should be your strongest trump card. Right? There must be a limit to such a method. I am afraid that you can only use the method just three times at most! Next, even if we are incarnation outside of us, you can easily kill you! “

One of them was incarnation outside, and the head of the analysis was Tao. I think Long Hao has exhausted the strongest method, and then there is only one dead end.

Long Hao scorned coldly snorted and didn’t speak. A golden light burst out from him again! tqr1

Another guardian’s light!

The incarnation outside the body that had just spoken, without any trace of resistance, died instantly.

As a result, the last three incarnations outside the body did not dare to say anything.

For the first time in their eyes there was real fear.

At this moment, Long Hao has performed “Guardian Light” four times. Today, he can perform the last time.

But there are three incarnations in front of me.

Thinking of this, Long Hao couldn’t help sighed.

For Long Hao now, the only way to kill these incarnations is to guard the light.

If other means are used, there will be a lot of consumption.

After all, these incarnation cultivation bases are more than two and a half realms longer than Long Hao.

“Oh! After all, there is still a long way to become a true Guardian War God. Otherwise, I can exhibit an unlimited ‘Guardian Light’. If that is the case, such an enemy is not worth mentioning at all ! “

Long Hao said with regret in his heart.

But at the same time, Long Hao was very lucky.

Because, before becoming the real “Guardian War God”, it is almost impossible to show the “Guardian War God armor” and “Guardian Light”.

Today, the reason why Long Hao and Nangong Huan were able to exhibit this past life means is a powerful means left by Tang You!

It turned out that after the Long Hao retreat, the mysterious great array suddenly collapsed, and then opened a weird Space-Time door!

From that Space-Time gate, two God Level medicine pills— “Battle Divine Pill”!

Both Long Hao and Nangong Huan recognize this medicine pill.

Once swallowed, you gain some of the abilities that Guardian War God can cast.

Otherwise, with their current cultivation base, even if the Guardian War God of the previous life is reborn, it is difficult to show this method!

Of course, it’s just “difficult.”

After all, with Long Hao and Nangong Huan’s aptitiude, it’s not impossible to want to exercise God’s power before come God.

“Master, let me deal with the remaining three! After swallowing ‘Battle Divine Pill’, now I can show the ‘Guardian Light’ three times a day!”

Nangong Huan glanced at Long Hao and said with some hope. He also wanted to try it out. What kind of power does the current “protection light” he exhibited have.

Long Hao slightly nodded.

So Nangong Huan went straight to work!

“xiu xiu xiu!”

Nangong Huan is relatively straightforward, directly displaying all 3 “Guardian Lights”, and moved towards the last three incarnation strikes left over!

“pu! pu! pu! ”

The three incarnations outside were spitting blood and were severely wounded.

One of them had cracked body and was on the verge of dying. It seemed that he would disintegrate at any time and died.

“Fuck! What’s the situation? This old rabbit can even exhibit this move!” The expression of an incarnation outside his face changed drastically, and in his eyes, a desperate expression had already appeared.

“Damn! What kind of opportunities did these bastards get? Why did their strength suddenly soar? In the previous time, they could never have been so powerful! Otherwise, they would have launched a total attack on our races!” Another incarnation outside was terrified and yelled.

As for the incarnation outside the cracked body, his face was so angry that he seemed to want to say something.

Unfortunately, he had just opened his mouth, and his body was no longer supported. He was directly torn to 40%, and he was completely dead.

Seeing this, Nangong Huan frowned suddenly.

“Oh! It seems that no matter in previous life or in this life, my true strength is far inferior to Master!”

Nangong Huan 悻悻 ‘s sound transmission said, it seems very sad.

After all, when Long Hao just cast the “Guardian Light”, he might be able to easily kill four outside incarnations.

However, Nangong Huan used “Guardian Light” to kill only one person, and the other two were only seriously injured.

Long Hao faintly smiled, saying: “What I am good at is mainly combat. And what you are good at is all kinds of changes. Although you are a little down on me in terms of combat, but along the way of change, You are far beyond my ability! “

Nangong Huan thought about it, think so too. My heart is balanced.

Subsequently, Nangong Huan pointed to the remaining two incarnations that were severely damaged and said, “What are we going to do next? Continue to solve the remaining two incarnations?”

Long Hao is lightly snorted, saying quietly: “These outcarnations are, at best, high-level battles. They are not our real enemies. Our real enemies now are the so-called Half God! Now, Let’s take a look, with our current strength, can we kill God! “

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