Eternal Calamity: From Naruto

Chapter 195 Target Pure Land

"Damn barbarian, do you want to kill us too!"

After the smoke and dust cleared, the consciousness avatar and dominance avatar who ran out of the cave at the nick of time yelled curses, watching with lingering fear the pit ahead that turned into a lava hell, surrounded by infinite electric lights.

As the avatar in charge of the authority of the Herrscher of Thunder, the avatar of Thunder undoubtedly controls the 'magnetic field rotation' closest to the original version, and can directly push the atom splitting realm of 75W horsepower without any load. Absolute number one.

Therefore, the clone of knowledge and the clone of control are hung on the thigh of the clone of thunder as auxiliary pendants, but because the power of the clone of thunder is too strong, so that they often can't hold back, so that the two clones often feel that they will He was indiscriminately affected to death by the power of the clone of thunder.

"By the way, the sprites won't be killed for this kind of attack, right?"

After a long while, the Herrscher of Knowledge who came back to his senses swallowed and asked with some uncertainty.

"I can't die. The life essence of this kind of thing involves human belief. As long as the negative emotions and fears in the world are endless, a simple physical attack can't kill him, unless you hold it on the other side to restrain his divinity." strength."

The clone of thunder fell beside the two of them from the sky, and said indifferently as he looked at the lava pits and caves filled with thunder light.


Sure enough, as soon as his words fell, the lava pit suddenly burst, and the purple-black chakra pillar shot straight into the sky, covering the sky in an instant, and the whole world seemed to be plunged into darkness in an instant.


Huge terrifying tentacles danced wildly in the air, and sprites were celebrating their reappearance in the world, roaring to the sky and letting out bursts of terrifying roars.

The huge tentacles covering almost half of the sky are only a part of it, and the larger body has not even fully climbed out of the pit that was originally a cave but has now turned into lava!

"Is that a sprite? This evil and violent aura, as well as its huge body shape, are really surprising."

The avatar of consciousness took a careful look at the monster, and then exclaimed.

"No matter how big it is, it's just an ugly beast."

The thunder clone smiled disdainfully, a dazzling purple thunder burst out, and the first purple magnetic field appeared beside him.

Then, in less than a second, the second, third, and fourth laps, 500,000 purple magnetic fields and 500,000 horses of magnetic field power were easily used by him.

"Die, bastard."

With a malicious smile, a flick of thunder, a thunder light shining in the sky flashed across the void, and then infinite light erupted from the pit, instantly engulfing the monster inside.

Immediately afterwards, a violent thunder tide erupted, and the terrifying energy tore apart all surrounding matter, rushing into the microscopic realm in a brutal and unreasonable way, reaching deep into the atomic realm, and smashing and splitting the atoms into smaller substances structure.


With a loud bang, the infinite light and heat dissipated, and the vision returned to clarity. The entire mountain in front of me disappeared without a trace, leaving only a huge pothole with a diameter of more than 1,000 meters and a depth of several kilometers.

"Hey, this hasn't been completely wiped out."

After the blow, the Thunder clone let out a small cry, and jumped into the hole. On the smooth surface of the hole, there was a huge mass of flesh and blood, convulsing uncontrollably.

"I'll go, the vitality of this thing is too exaggerated."

The avatar of consciousness looked at the wriggling piece of meat and couldn't help but marvel.

"What is this? Even if the body and soul of those pure-blooded Datongmu have been annihilated, as long as there is something like a 'wedge', they can be resurrected perfectly. Isn't it outrageous?"

The Herrscher retorted when he heard the words.

The Otsutsuki clan has a method called 'Wedge', which carries all their own data. As long as the wedge is hit on the ninja natives, they can be revived by the erosion and transformation of a large amount of data.

This is a perfect resurrection, perfectly erasing the data of the original body, perfectly transforming into the body of the Otsutsuki clan, almost completely covered and assimilated conceptually.

"It's true that the Qi Na thing is very unscientific, but it's not without countermeasures."

Lei Zhi clone shook his head, pointed to the piece of meat in front of him and said: "Shi, you should go to complete your mission, dominate it, control it, and open the portal to the underworld."

"Alright alright."

Domination shrugged his shoulders, swallowed the ball of light in his hand representing the divine side of the sprite, then walked up to the sprite, and put his hand on its body surface.


Then, in the dark golden light, strands of puppet threads flew out of his palm, pierced into the sprite's body, and then gradually tightened, wrapping it all around.

Not long after, the sprite stopped wriggling, and dark golden lines appeared one after another on the body surface. After shaking violently for a few times, the sprite returned to calm again.


The dominating avatar moved his five fingers, moved the silk thread in his hand, and the sprite's body moved like a puppet, manipulating his power full of disasters, and opened a flash from the void full of death and filth. portal.

"The gate of the underworld has been opened, let's go in."

"Well, a quick fix, get rid of that old bastard Liu Dao quickly."

"Maybe, we can rush back to drink the wedding wine of the main body."

The three jumped onto the body of the monster, and entered the kingdom of the underworld together amidst chatting and laughing.

It was abnormally gray, as if there was no light, everything lost its inherent temperature, and even the rare plants exuded a gloomy silence.

A long river descends from nowhere across the whole world. A small boat ferries continuously on the river, receiving batch after batch of dead. In the distance by the river bank, there is a bright mountain peak, perhaps The only place with light on this side of the river.

"This is the kingdom of the underworld, which is different from what I imagined."

The avatar of knowledge squinted its eyes, and said in surprise: "I thought this place should be the gathering place of evil ghosts and resentful spirits."

"It may have been like that a thousand years ago, but the sprites have been sealed for thousands of years, and the Six Paths opened up a pure land to take over all the dead souls who have died since then. I am afraid that the evil ghosts and dead souls inside have long since disappeared."

The dominant avatar shook his head, and regrettably said: "It's a pity that the sprites were sealed before Otsutsuki Kaguya came, and lost control of the kingdom of the underworld, otherwise we could just let the sprites carry us to the pure land. "

"Can you feel the abnormality of the kingdom of the underworld?"

Lei Zhi clone stared at the boat on the river in front of him and asked.

"Is it abnormal?"

The sprites that controlled and manipulated his feet sensed for a moment, and pointed to the river in front of him: "That river is called the Santu River, and it is the channel that connects the ninja world and the underworld. At the other end of the river, there is an extremely obscure spatial fluctuation. .”

"It should be there, let's go."

Lei Zhi's avatar jumped onto the boat, and clapped his hands on the hull of the boat. The dazzling purple lightning exploded at the bottom of the boat, and the powerful thrust made the boat gallop out like a cannonball.

"What a quickie!"

The clone of consciousness shook his head, and followed along with the clone of dominance on sprites.

Not long after, they saw a twisted space barrier at the end of the Santu River.

"found it!"

Lightning flashed in the eyes of Lei Zhi's avatar, and he jumped high from the small boat. A dazzling lightning burst out from his body, compressing the tyrannical magnetic field into a blade, and slashed out with a shocking blade.


The next moment, the void was shattered, and the portal to the Pure Land was forcibly torn open by the Thunder clone.

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