Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 898 Who Is Your Sister

Listening to Song Fengfu's words, Xiaotao suddenly had the idea of ​​strangling her to death.

Every plant and tree on this planet belongs to our princess, including you. If you dare to say a word, I will slap you right now. Xiaotao firmly supported Tana, as if she regarded her as a god.

Song Fengfu doesn't care whether Tana is a god or not, she only knows that if she doesn't find a way to solve Tana now, she won't feel at ease even if she returns to the earth.

Tana is a potential threat to her. Although Fei De's news is that she is the reincarnation of Tana's sister, everyone knows that anyone who is not good to her will betray her at any time, so Tana is no matter what she says. All are their own enemies.

Do you dare? I am your princess' VIP. If you dare to slap me, you are making an enemy of me. Do you know the consequences of being an enemy of me? Song Fengfu looked at her coldly, as if seeing a dead person.

Xiaotao shrinks her neck, she doesn't know what the fate of being an enemy of Song Fengfu is, and she doesn't know what kind of abilities Song Fengfu has, but he knows one thing, Song Fengfu is just a prisoner now, she will It's too powerful to hurt yourself.

She is protected by a princess, does she still need to be afraid of Song Fengfu?

Xiao Tao's triumphant look makes people want to slap her mouth.

Especially seeing Xiaotao like this, Song Fengfu began to feel that Xiaotao was like the best relative mentioned in some apocalyptic novels in the past.

Speaking of Xiaotao, Song Fengfu thought of Zhang Xiaoqin's younger sister, the woman who stalked Lu Jingxuan back then.

That woman also seemed to be called Xiaotao.

Song Fengfu did not remember very clearly the memory that was too long ago.

You, dare to talk to me like this, you wait to see if I go back and take care of you. Xiaotao just died of her grandfather, and she was really unhappy in her heart, and there was no one now, her true nature was instantly exposed.

Song Fengfu was too lazy to know her as well.

Besides, I don't know who will clean up who after I go back.

Song Fengfu knew that Xiaotao could not be kept, and keeping her was like planting a time bomb by her side, which would do him no good at all.

Xiaotao, I asked you to take good care of the guest, why do you treat the guest like this? Tana's voice came from a distance, and I heard the soft voice, thinking that in Fei De's memory, Tana was a stunning beauty .

We must know that in ancient times, none of the nobles and grandchildren were handsome or beautiful.

Especially in the Tang Dynasty, it was said that fat was considered beautiful.

Just think about the aesthetic vision of modern people, how could the vision of ancient people be better?

And how can there be so many delicious things in modern times in ancient times!

It is said that the ancient emperors would have been able to eat white rice with pickled vegetables, so there are so many particularities.

After all, it was at that time, when wars continued in the north, coupled with the rhythm of heavy snow in winter, the north

There is no way to store green vegetables at all, otherwise how can Korean kimchi be so famous, isn't it just pickles?

Princess, she is disrespectful to you, she said you are not her princess. Xiaotao first complained to Tana, and Tana twitched her mouth slightly after hearing this voice, and looked at me with a playful expression.

I sneered, Xiao Tao, are you trying to provoke the relationship between me and the princess?

Xiaotao's face changed slightly. She knew that Tana was a fickle woman. According to rumors, she was like the evil witch Medusa of the earth.

What nonsense are you talking about, princess, this earthling is so hateful, he always provokes our relationship. When Xiaotao mentioned a word that was always two words, Song Fengfu wanted to laugh.

This Xiaotao is also true. The first time I met Tana, she said that she always provoked the relationship.

Really intoxicating.

When did she provoke the relationship between them?

Xiao Tao, go down. Looking at Song Fengfu's half-smile face, Tana knew that she was laughing at Xiao Tao for being a brainless person.

Okay, Your Highness, I'll go down first. Xiaotao gritted her teeth and backed away quickly.

Song Fengfu sat across from Tana, with a trace of teasing in her eyes.

From Fei De's mind, Song Fengfu has seen the appearance of Tana, she is beautiful, but in the final analysis she is still a bit femme fatale.

Are you the princess of this country? Song Fengfu asked pretending to have amnesia.

A country is much smaller than a planet, but for Song Fengfu who has lost her memory, she only knows this country.

Tana is a smart person. When Song Fengfu said the word country, a flash of light flashed in her heart.

Yes, I am the princess of this country. Tana nodded.

I don't know why, I obviously have a lot to say, but it seems that I can't say it when it comes to my mouth.

Did you invite me here for dinner? Song Fengfu said with a silly look.

Yes, by the way, I want to talk about you. When Tana said this, she raised her lowered head slightly, looking at Song Fengfu's appearance with a little more nostalgia.

I am? What's there to talk about? Song Fengfu sneered in her heart.

What did Tana want to learn from her?

Hasn't she already taken the ruby ​​from my hand?

What else do you want from me now?

Of course. Tana looked at Song Fengfu, I'll just get straight to the point, I want you to help me save people in this country.

Save people from this country? Are you kidding me? What do I have to do with this country? Why should I save people from this country? Song Fengfu frowned. Tana wanted to push her out to be a meat shield Yes or no?

Because you are my sister. Tana spit out a sentence, and Song Fengfu showed a genuine expression in her heart.

Tana wants her to die, doesn't she?

Sister? If I were your sister, logically speaking, I should be a princess, but so many people don't regard me as a princess, and even want to bully me. Do you think I'm really your sister? Song Feng Fu sneered, and Tana frowned.

She wanted to use Song Fengfu to drive away the zombies outside, but Song Fengfu was obviously unwilling.

Didn't you say that women with amnesia are easy to fool? Why does this woman look very difficult to fool.

Sister, you have lost your memory now, so... Tana walked towards Song Fengfu from the chair.

So what? Song Fengfu didn't move, she was waiting to see what Tana wanted to do to her.

So you don't remember saying that some people hate you, and even bully you when they get the chance. Tana wanted to find a good excuse for her reason.

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