Tana's expression gradually changed from anger to confusion. I'm sorry Fei De... I've made you mess up again... Sigh, if this Gaia Divine Stone really should belong to her, then give it to her... But I don't know why Father God made such a decision...

Feder sighed.

Song Fengfu is the reincarnation of your sister, Tana. Your father had many children, but this daughter died young. Moreover, she has the blood of a foreign race in the last days, and has the ability to turn things around. I can't say more, Your father... has his own arrangements.

Then why not give it to her together? The energy of the God's Stone of Noth is comparable to that of the God's Stone of Gaia. If you have both, saving the world in this dimension is just around the corner... Tana murmured to herself, not realizing that Fei De had already His countenance changed.

Tana. That woman named Song Fengfu is the reincarnation of your sister, but not your sister. If you want her to awaken and have the ability to save the world, you have to put her through more trials. That's why she fell into the alien world. The reason why your father didn't blame you for the impaired spatial ability...do you understand?

Tana looked at Fei De's serious face: Fei De, I just... miss my sister.

He hugged her silently. The moonlight traces their fused figures, just like the dream in the mind of Song Fengfu who is sleeping soundly at this moment.

The morning sun shone into Song Fengfu's room and woke her up.

Just when she was depressed that she couldn't remember anything, she heard the door open.

The one who came in was a cute girl in her teens, with long shawl hair, wearing a snow-white nurse uniform, perfectly outlining her immature figure.

When she saw the nurse walk into the room, she made that hmmmm sound smaller than a mosquito to attract the nurse's attention.

Seeing that Song Fengfu had woken up, the nurse said pleasantly, You finally woke up. You have been in a coma for more than three months. Most of the parts are injured, but the internal organs are not too damaged. We have spent a lot of time here. I just saved you, especially me! I helped you with all your troubles, shouldn't you give me something in return?

Song Fengfu thought: Why does this nurse look so unkind? I can't think of anything now and ask me anything in return, it's really annoying. As the saying goes, help people to the end, send Buddha to the west, if you want me to repay you, you must first let me get the memory back, right?

Although she thought so in her heart, she couldn't speak, and could only make a sound of hmm anxiously. The little nurse thought that Song Fengfu agreed, so she said happily: You are really easy to talk! Then wait until I have figured out what I want, and then you can give me back?

At this moment, ten thousand horses are rushing past Song Fengfu's heart...

The little nurse took out the walkie-talkie and said something, and then continued to chatter with Song Fengfu, who could only keep silent.

Whenever the little nurse asked for some reward or benefit, seeing that Song Fengfu didn't speak or look at her, she would keep poking Song Fengfu's injured part, causing Song Fengfu to grin her teeth in pain.

Whenever the little nurse puts forward various requests at this time, Song Fengfu has no choice but to respond with tears in her eyes, so the little nurse will say: You have already promised me, and then you are not allowed to go back on your word, the one who goes back on it is the little girl dog.

Song Fengfu cursed in her heart: There is such a shameless little bitch in this world, who bullies me because of my injury and can't move her whole body, and wants to take so many benefits from me. I don't care about you!

Just as Song Fengfu was enduring all kinds of abuse and torture from the little nurse, the door was opened again, and an old man in his 60s came in.

Xiao Tao, don't mess around, come here. The old man said with a gloomy face.

Hearing the old man's voice, the little nurse named Xiao Tao made a face with Song Fengfu and ran to the old man's side.

Xiaotao explained Song Fengfu's situation to the old man, and the old man nodded slightly and walked towards Song Fengfu. Song Fengfu heard the old man's footsteps and thought: This old man should not be a robber like that little girl , Amitabha, hallelujah... Buddha, Lord, if this old man is like that little girl, please take me away?

The old man came to Song Fengfu's side and said kindly: Little girl, are you awake?

Song Fengfu kept silent and kept sleeping.

The old man frowned and said to Xiao Tao: Didn't you say that she is awake? Isn't she still in a coma now, you naughty bastard, you even started joking with grandpa.

Xiaotao said aggrievedly: Grandpa, I really didn't lie to you. Just now, this sister promised me many things. If you don't believe me, I will prove it to you.

Then, regardless of her grandfather's objection, she punched Song Fengfu with a punch. Song Fengfu finally stopped hmm this time, but let out a scream like killing a pig, Ah—— .

Xiao Tao looked at her grandpa proudly, and said, No matter how much Xiao Tao likes to joke, she doesn't dare to make such unreasonable jokes with Grandpa. Grandpa, do you think she is awake now?

The old man looked at Xiao Tao with a helpless expression.

Then he turned his head to Song Fengfu and said, You don't have to be afraid, little girl, we won't harm you. My little granddaughter is still young, so please forgive me if she is rude to you.

When Song Fengfu heard the old man's words, she immediately felt relieved. Fortunately, the old man was sensible and didn't come to torture me.

Song Fengfu answered the old man's words with hmmmm twice.

The old man went on to say: Let me introduce first, this is the scientific research center of our city S, which mainly studies how to fight against zombie viruses and how to save human tissues infected by mutated organisms. I am the person in charge here, everyone calls me Dr. T, It was my granddaughter who was violent with you just now. When she was young, her parents died in the battle against loss, so I spoiled her very much. Haha, now my granddaughter is hiding from everyone in the institute except me She.

Song Fengfu really wanted to punch the old man when he heard this. You are used to your granddaughter beating Miss Ben, who is in pain all over, are you still in the mood to joke here? Sooner or later your granddaughter will be the best of the best!

But the old man didn't finish his sentence: Our team members found you on the way back from a mission in the field. You were in a coma at that time. They saw that you were not infected, so they brought you back. We don't know how you got here. Under such circumstances, we can guarantee our own safety, so we would like to invite you to cooperate with our research work to make better contributions to mankind.

After the old man said these words, Song Fengfu was even annoyed: Didn't he just want to treat me as a guinea pig, and he said it so noblely! The old man looked reasonable, but he turned out to be such an unreasonable bastard. But when you are under the roof, you have to bow your head. When you cure my sister, it is up to you whether you are worthy of cooperation or not!

The previous article will be changed in these two days, so the article in these two days will be a bit messy, and it will be changed tomorrow, everyone can rest assured

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