Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 883 Another Emerald

In this way, not only can you retain your experience, but you can also ensure that your blue will not be used as a wedding dress for others.

We'll clean up those zombies after they're gone. Lu Jingxuan let the car start to drive itself and turned on the tablet computer. After finding the place Song Fengfu said, he was planning to drive there, but saw the tablet computer showing a distance of ten kilometers. Survivors outside even came towards this road.

What's the meaning?

Lu Jingxuan frowned, and soon he found that a group of zombies were densely packed behind the group of people.

It seems that we are in trouble now. Song Fengfu stared at those people.

Ten kilometers is actually a very long distance. If you really want to run in front of them, you have no ability.

Whether you want to take this trouble or avoid it is up to you. Lu Jingxuan stopped the car and turned to look at Song Fengfu.

If those people are saved, they will be in trouble. If they are not saved, their troubles will naturally be small.

When Song Fengfu was hesitating whether to save someone, a glowing dot appeared on the tablet.

Yes, of course. Song Fengfu's eyes lit up, it was emerald.

After they came out of Antarctica, they didn't meet another emerald on the way. Now that they finally met, there was no reason for Song Fengfu to let it go.

Then I'll rush up. Lu Jingxuan increased his horsepower and galloped towards the survivors in the distance.

At this time, the survivors in the distance were exhausted facing the group of zombies and the group of zombies, and they had no extra strength to run again.

Are we going to die here? I'm not reconciled, I'm really not reconciled. A man roared and ran towards his eyes.

There must be a way, there must be a way to escape from those monsters.

During the process of approaching those people, Lu Jingxuan changed the car into a bus, and piled some unimportant things on the car.

Finally, I prepared some canned food.

Of course, these foods were obtained in the UK at the beginning, and basically Chinese people would not eat these things.

If Song Fengfu didn't want to dispel the thoughts of those people and said to find a way to find out the emeralds on those people, she would not have taken out these things at all.

But just in case, she asked the housekeeper to find the two babies.

Originally, the two babies had a great time playing, but when they were found back, they looked at Song Fengfu with a wrinkled little mouth.

It made her suddenly feel like raising a child.

Fengfu, take out the buckets and let them absorb the water vapor. By the way, see if you can make the car a first-level protection. Lu Jingxuan wanted to drive, and Song Fengfu could only do these things.

After understanding the meaning of Lu Jingxuan's words, Song Fengfu quickly took out a bucket from the space and fixed it near the window.

At the same time, he took out water from the space and poured it into the bucket.

After having Lingquan water, the two babies were very happy.

After the two of you enter the water, put the branches out of the window. It's better to surround the whole car, but the front-view mirror and the door are not allowed to be surrounded. If there are zombies approaching, quickly deal with them, you know? Song Feng Fu didn't know if the two babies could understand, but they could only hear their beeping sounds.

Just when Song Fengfu thought the two babies were very obedient, she didn't expect the two babies to fight.

What are you two doing? Song Fengfu couldn't help frowning seeing the two babies making a move.

The barrels you gave them are too small, it's better to have one by one, which is better. Lu Jingxuan received the consciousness from the rambutan, and knew that the rambutan wanted a barrel for himself, and he didn't want to be with the baby onion at all. Together.

Song Fengfu also accepted Baby Onion's consciousness, and shook her head angrily.

Okay, okay, I'll prepare a bucket for your baby.

I feel more and more like a mother.

Song Fengfu stroked her forehead, and prepared another bucket for the rambutan baby on the side of the car door.

Seeing the baby rambutan happily jumping into the bucket, Song Fengfu really wanted to spank its little butt.

Fortunately, this kid was also obedient, and quickly stretched out his branches to the car, surrounding the car.

Not to be outdone, the baby onion stretched out its white and tender branches from the window.

Survivors running on the road looked at the cars approaching in the distance, and everyone was pleasantly surprised.

Hurry up, there is a car over there, we will be safe if we get in the car.

Run, everyone, work hard, as long as you get in the car, you'll be fine. A group of survivors ran towards Lu Jingxuan's car.

At this time, they also thought that the people in the car might not necessarily let them get in the car, but at this time they had nothing to do.

The car drove very fast, and arrived in front of the group of survivors in less than five or six minutes.

Song Fengfu poked her head out and shouted to the group of people, Get in the car.

When everyone heard this, they didn't care how weird the branches outside the car were, and went directly into the car.

The inside of the car was very empty. When a group of more than a dozen people got into the car and sat down to rest in a hurry, they couldn't help being surprised when they saw two melon-like things appearing in the bucket.

What is that? As soon as the people in the car relaxed after the door was closed, they became curious about the two melon-like things that appeared on the car.

The baby of a wood-type supernatural being. Song Fengfu introduced generously.

Wood-type supernatural powers? How is this possible? Isn't there only water, fire, wind and earth four supernatural powers in this world? The person sitting in the car called out.

There are quite a few supernatural beings among them, but there are no wooden supernatural beings.

The wood ability is a variation of the third level of the earth ability. As long as you reach the third level of the earth ability, you will naturally be able to obtain the wood ability. Want to find someone who owns an emerald.

The third level of the earth system? Oh my god, then you have the third level of the earth system now? one of them stared at Song Fengfu and said.

Yeah, I'm already at the third level of the earth system. Song Fengfu nodded, noticing that there were several Asian faces among them, so she didn't know whose body the emerald landed on.

Oh my god, the third level of the soil system, it is difficult for us to get into a second level, let alone a third level. The girl with one of the Asian faces exclaimed in surprise.

It's no wonder you two can wander around in the zombie world calmly. Someone who got on the bus noticed that Lu Jingxuan was the only one in the bus besides Song Fengfu.

The two of them entered the end of the world because they thought their lives were too long.

Thank you for allowing us to get in the car and saving us. A certain person in the car saw that no one said thank you, and felt very embarrassed.

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