Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 879 Meeting Old Classmates

Lin Feng's voice made the surrounding supernatural beings couldn't help but look at Wei Wei and He Min.

I didn't expect, I really didn't expect you two to be such wolf-hearted things. Lin Feng added.

Obviously today's situation is completely different from what was said yesterday.

Wei Wei looked down at Song Fengfu and the others with a gloomy face, then glanced at the people around him, and couldn't help frowning.

This situation is really bad for them.

Forget it, forget it, Lin Feng, you saved them and they have nothing to do. There are too many wolf-hearted people in this era. You can't teach them a lesson. It's better to buy out their friendship with you. Song Fengfu When he said the word buyout, everyone couldn't help but feel jealous when they heard it.

Buyout, at this time there are still people who will choose to buy out the friendship.

It's really funny.

Fengfu. Lin Feng looked at Song Fengfu without knowing what to say.

She didn't want Song Fengfu to spend money for her.

It's okay, it's worth spending 200,000 points to buy out the relationship between them and you. If they don't want to accept it, then I have no choice but to ask the housekeeper to come out and make the decision. After all, you are not their slave, nor did you sell yourself to them .” Song Fengfu shone with a strange light.

The people around the 200,000 points exit gasped.

200,000 points, say more or less.

Everyone knows that it only costs ten points to have sex with a woman by the south gate.

Even if you want to buy a slave to go home, it's only a few hundred points.

Now Song Fengfu actually got 200,000 points in one shot, which really frightened them.

Two hundred thousand points is not a small amount. You can buy dozens of women. A voice came from around, causing many people to look enviously.

That's right, that's right, if I had known such good luck, I would have sold my teammates.

Come on, it doesn't matter who their teammates are, who would be as lucky as them.

Hey, it's true. People can get so many points by selling a teammate. If their feelings sell all the people in their team, they may have more points.

Wei Wei's expression remained unchanged, but the eyes of everyone around him turned dark.

He Min looked at the crowd and said sharply, What nonsense, we didn't betray our teammates, she was willing to give it.

Oh, now I came to say that I am willing to give it. Didn't you plan to say yesterday that if I don't give you benefits, you won't let me take away my friends. What, you changed your mind now? Song Fengfu snorted coldly, Since it’s okay to change your mind, then I don’t have to give 200,000, and you don’t have to betray your teammates. Lin Feng is not your slave, and it is her business that she leaves you voluntarily. If you dare to stop, then don’t blame the base for being ruthless.”

Everyone didn't expect that I would suddenly go back and say that at the moment everyone feels as if they have been tricked.

However, Wei Wei and the others who were tricked first suddenly had the urge to vomit blood.

Lu Jingxuan sat drinking water, and almost spit out the tea in his mouth when I said these words.

Sir. Jiang Li looked at Lu Jingxuan, she didn't go to look for Wei Wei and others, she just wanted to get close to Lu Jingxuan.

As a result, she saw Lu Jingxuan losing his composure, and Jiang Li couldn't help but be concerned.

I'm fine. Lu Jingxuan shook his head.

But you look like this... Jiang Li was a little worried looking at Lu Jingxuan's appearance.

Song, don't be shameless. He Min heard Song Fengfu's words, and really wanted to stab her to death.

Originally, she was thinking of getting some benefits, but now she said that if they really asked for 200,000 points, they would be betraying their teammates.

In the future, it will be even more difficult for them to hang out in the crystal base.

Oh, you say I'm shameless, then I want to ask if you've ever given me shame? Song Fengfu sneered and glanced at the crowd.

Let's talk first, do you want the two hundred thousand?

Song Fengfu gave them a dilemma when she opened her mouth.

Faced with such a situation, Wei Wei didn't know what to say.

Captain, I want the 200,000 points. He Min said through gritted teeth.

She didn't have any points on hand. If she didn't get the 200,000 points, they would have to drink the Northwest Wind.

Are you sure you want it? If you want to harass Lin Feng again after you want it, you know the consequences. Song Fengfu's warning voice sounded.

Wei Wei hesitated and glanced at everyone, whether he wants it or not?

They can't harass Lin Feng after they want it, and they can't harass Lin Feng if they don't want it.

What to do?

He Min waved his hand impatiently, Captain, I want the two hundred thousand.

Do you really want the two hundred thousand? Wei Wei weighed his choice.

Yes. He Min said arbitrarily.

Okay, I'll give you the 200,000 points now. Song Fengfu was not short of the 200,000 points, but he didn't expect that He Min would want points under such circumstances.

Are you really afraid that they won't be able to get along in this base?

Song Fengfu called the housekeeper out and said in front of everyone, The housekeeper testified and transferred the 200,000 points in my hand to them.

Yes. The housekeeper glanced at Wei Wei at the same time as the cold voice sounded, as if looking at a group of dead people, Wei Wei couldn't help frowning.

Who is the butler? Wei Wei knows very well in his heart. At this time, the butler looked at him as if he was looking at a dead person.

Wei Wei looked at a message that popped up after the jingle sound came from the watchband, which was the news that Song Fengfu had transferred 200,000 yuan.

The transaction has been completed, and the two sides will not owe each other. From now on, whoever violates Ruoyan will get out of the crystal base. After the butler finished speaking, his figure disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Okay, you don't have to worry about Lin Feng this time, if they dare to trouble you again... Song Fengfu dragged out her voice, which made Wei Wei feel very uncomfortable.

He Min also choked with discomfort in his heart, Don't worry, we're not that thick-skinned.

Really, that's fine. Song Fengfu snorted coldly.

Now that the points have been given to Wei Wei, they can be completely ignored in the future.

Lin Feng, long time no see. I didn't expect you to do something like this when we met. Yao Xia's voice came from behind Ren Yifei.

Lin Feng looked at Yao Xia in surprise, she had noticed Ren Yifei when she came just now, but she didn't expect Yao Xia to hide behind Ren Yifei.

Yao Xia, are you alive?

Of course, if I die, can I still appear here? Yao Xia rolled her eyes.

Lin Feng heheed, That's right.

If you say you're stupid, you're really stupid. Yao Xia chuckled, she was a classmate for many years, Lin Feng's personality was still her own.

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