Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 870 Take away friends

One by one, you help this woman to talk, do you think you can get something? Tell you, this woman even dislikes her classmates, and even asks her classmates to wash dishes in the crystal restaurant. Do you think this woman is kind? See Look at her behavior and you will know how shameless this woman is. He Min said loudly to the people around him.

Song Fengfu didn't expect this woman to overhear her conversation with Lin Feng.

Washing dishes and holding grass in Crystal Restaurant is not something ordinary people can get. An uncle around looked at Lin Feng enviously.

That's right, food and housing are included. No one can have this kind of treatment. Another person winked at Lin Feng.

Little girl, if you don't want it, just give it to me, even if I die for the rest of my life, I'm willing. Some people around looked at Lin Feng enviously, this is something that no one can ask for.

If she dislikes or doesn't want it, then give it to them.

They haven't had such good luck yet.

I'm going, you really dare to say that the little girl will let you do things, why don't you ask the little girl if she is willing to share things with you. The man snorted coldly.

The man was a little angry when he heard this, but he didn't speak, because there was still a special user here.

Everyone knows the status of the special users in the crystal base, and they will only be thrown out of the crystal base if they make a mistake. At that time, it will be difficult for them to find a shelter, let alone food.

In the whole world, it is almost impossible to find a place like the Crystal Base, let alone a place with fresh food and clean water.

Here, they not only have the feeling of living before the end of the world, but also save them a lot of trouble.

Hey, you're right, if the little girl doesn't want to, it's troublesome. The other party laughed twice, and Lin Feng's scalp felt numb for a while.

She didn't expect that someone would be willing to do the job of a dishwasher in the crystal base, which was completely beyond her idea.

Originally, she thought that everyone should discriminate against dishwashers, but she didn't expect everyone to be envious.

Is it because of the benefits?

Lin Feng didn't know what these people were thinking, he only knew that these people didn't look at her with false envy at all.

I said you woman, do you have anything else to say now? Song Fengfu turned her head to look at He Min, feeling that this woman is very strange and funny.

Doesn't she understand the current situation in the entire crystal base?

You can't find any job in the crystal base, and even if there is one, it is definitely a high-end job.

Few of the people left behind after the end of the world have good skills and brains.

It is simply too difficult to undertake the tasks entrusted to them by the crystal base.

He Min gritted her teeth, she didn't know what to say now.

Everyone's hearts were clearly on Song Fengfu, and it was useless for her to say anything.

Miss Song, He Min is straightforward. She has no malicious intentions. I don't want to be like this. It's already late at night. What's the matter? Let's talk about it tomorrow. How about it? Wei Wei turned his head quickly, as soon as these words came out Later, Song Fengfu knew that he was going back to think of a strategy.

It doesn't matter, if he wants to go back and think about a strategy, it's fine, anyway, the soldiers come to cover up the water and the soil.

She is not afraid of this man playing tricks.

No problem, but I have to take Lin Feng away. It doesn't matter if you stop me. The housekeeper and the guards will do everything. When Song Fengfu mentioned the guards, the man froze. The team is nothing but the personnel in the crystal base who are responsible for resolving disputes. They can take people out of the crystal base at any time and let them fend for themselves outside the base.

Wei Wei's face froze. He could hear the threat in Song Fengfu's words. The butler was the second most terrifying existence in the crystal base, and the third most terrifying existence was the guards.

So far no one has been able to escape the hands of the escort.

Naturally, Wei Wei knew very well that he might not be able to survive in the hands of the guards.

No, no, how could we stop you. Wei Wei smiled reluctantly.

Song Fengfu didn't even bother to look at him.

Well, in order to prevent you from saying that I'm reckless, tomorrow at twelve o'clock at the entrance of the Crystal Restaurant. Song Fengfu didn't say a word, obviously she didn't take Wei Wei seriously.

Wei Wei is more or less educated, and Song Fengfu seems to have no honorifics when he doesn't say anything.

That is to say, people didn't take him seriously at all.

It's ridiculous that he can't attract this woman's attention with his pretty face.

No problem. Wei Wei grinned and raised a faint smile, but Song Fengfu found this smile very unpleasant.

Let's go. Song Fengfu took Lin Feng's hand and walked towards the outside of the mission center.

Lin Feng turned his head and glanced at the people behind him. Except for Bai Yun who could smile and wave his hands, the others had gloomy faces at all, looking really scary.

Fengfu, Baiyun is a nice person, he took good care of me along the way, and you saw that he helped me just now, can you help him when you see it? Lin Feng looked at Song Feng with anxiety. Fu.

She knew that she shouldn't ask Song Fengfu too much, but she was afraid that Baiyun would be...

You've taken a fancy to that kid, haven't you? Song Fengfu stopped after hearing Lin Feng's words.

It is generally difficult to have any true feelings in the last days, so Lin Feng has a crush on that kid, but I don't know if that kid really likes Lin Feng.

Stop talking nonsense, that kid saved me several times, so I wanted to help him, don't get me wrong, I don't want to ruin other people's reputation. Lin Feng's face turned red when he was told .

Okay, okay, I know. Song Fengfu waved his hand, Let me observe him first, and if there is no problem, I will make another arrangement.

Thank you, Feng Fu. Lin Feng had nothing to say, he could only say thank you.

You're welcome. Song Fengfu spit out three words slowly.

Send Lin Feng from the mission center to the Crystal Restaurant and lead him into the dishwashing room on the other side where there are not many people.

I saw several women wearing gloves washing the dishes inside.

Seeing Song Fengfu appearing here, those women couldn't help frowning.

Who are you? How can you come here.

You do what you want, don't talk nonsense. Song Fengfu turned her head and said to Lin Feng after finishing speaking, Look at them, they can wash whatever they want. Anyway, eight hours a day, the rest of the time after finishing the work is your own.

En. Lin Feng nodded, waiting for Song Fengfu to say the next thing.

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