I don't know, I don't know. Chen Qingming shook her head, she thought her son would take care of her, but was she wrong?

Thinking back to the past, Lu Jingxuan still had feelings for her from the beginning until now, I'm afraid... he has been completely disappointed in himself.

Don't you know? Someone from one of the supernatural beings sneered.

She doesn't even know if she wants her son or not, so she is too useless as a mother.

I don't know, but I don't know. Don't force me. Chen Qingming began to feel very disappointed. If according to what others said, her son was really there, and she would never let herself encounter such a situation.

Unless his son is not there.

However, Chen Qingming did not expect that the door in front of him would suddenly open, and Song Fengfu's face would be revealed.

Originally, Song Fengfu didn't intend to show up, but Lu Jingxuan still had some affection for his mother, so he asked Song Fengfu to come out and have a look at Chen Qingming.

By the way, let her restrain herself a little.

It's you, where is my son? Quickly call my son out. The moment Chen Qingming saw Song Fengfu, he knew that his son was indeed there.

Who are you? Song Fengfu looked at Chen Qingming with a half-smile.

Who am I? You ask me who am I? I'm Lu Jingxuan's mother. Chen Qingming pointed to her wide eyes, and felt that it was really ridiculous for Song Fengfu to ask this question.

Lu Jingxuan's mother? It's so funny. You are Lu Jingxuan's mother. What do you call me in front of my door? Song Fengfu sneered.

The contemptuous attitude made Chen Qingming feel indifferent.

How can you talk to me like this, I'm your mother-in-law. Chen Qingming looked at the people around her and their attitude towards Song Fengfu seemed to have changed after she spoke.

When Song Fengfu said the word mother-in-law, Song Fengfu laughed a little prettily at the words.

It was like hearing the funniest joke in the world.

Old woman, are you too shameless? You say you are my mother-in-law? Please think carefully before answering. You are too shameless because you want to get married.

Who are you talking about? Who are you talking about getting married? Chen Qingming's expression was extremely ugly.

Okay, don't come in front of me to look for a sense of presence. There is no one you are looking for here. And the rest of you don't have nothing to do. If you are in trouble, I don't mind letting the city lord give it to you. You can cure it.

Song Fengfu glanced at the others. Is it because the price of supplies in the crystal base is too low, or are they living too happily in the base and just want to have some fun?

No, no, we are accompanying this lady to find her son. When the others saw Song Fengfu mentioning the city lord, their faces instantly became ugly.

Everyone knows that the city lord is not easy to mess with, and it would be bad if something really caused trouble.

Accompany her? Does she have anything to do with you? Song Fengfu snorted coldly.

It's okay, it's okay. The others waved their hands quickly.

I don't know why they are afraid of this woman.

If it's okay, get out of here. Song Fengfu yelled at those people angrily.

Although she wanted to choke back, everyone knew that Song Fengfu was not easy to mess with, especially since there was a city lord behind her.

Everyone turned into cowards at the moment, and left the corridor on the twentieth floor very unspiritedly, leaving Chen Qingming alone.

Hmph, hum, I didn't expect you to come here shamelessly and kneel and lick. Song Fengfu said contemptuously, and Chen Qingming was stunned for a moment.

Kneel and lick?

What's the meaning?

Said she knelt and licked?

Kneeling and licking what?

her feet?

Chen Qingming's expression was extremely ugly.

What do you mean, you woman is disgusting, do you treat your mother-in-law like this? Chen Qingming wanted to call Lu Jingxuan out, but Song Fengfu obviously didn't open the door, so that Chen Qingming couldn't see it at all. to the situation inside.

Mother-in-law, come on, you want to be my mother-in-law just like you, and you don't even look in the mirror to see what you look like? When you were considered a mother-in-law, you were shameless, and now you come to call yourself a mother-in-law. Do you think I will give it to you? Do you have any face? Do you take my face as a smear? Wipe it if you want. Song Fengfu recalled that she was so kind to her at the beginning, but what did she get in return?

Since she chose not to, it's not her fault.

Are you educated? I'm your mother-in-law. I can treat you as I want. Whoever asks you to marry my son. Chen Qingming didn't want to show weakness. She is a mother-in-law and she has her dignity.

That's really embarrassing, I haven't held a wedding with your son yet, and you eat and live and wear mine now. Should I treat you as I want? Song Fengfu's mouth froze. , Chen Qingming's face turned black for a while.

what you up to?

Didn't I give you 500 points every day? It seems that life is too leisurely for you. From today onwards, it will be reduced to 300 points every day. Song Fengfu looked at Chen Qingming expressionlessly, and immediately scared her It's a little unclear.

Five hundred points is not enough for her to spend, let alone her pocket money will be tight after dropping to three hundred points, and she has to work harder.

No, you can't do this, you can't do this. Chen Qingming rushed to the door and shouted loudly.

Song Fengfu sneered, I can do whatever I want with my money. If you have the ability, don't spend my points, earn it yourself.

Song Fengfu closed the door, and Chen Qingming wanted to knock on the door in shock, but she was also afraid that Song Fengfu would reduce her points to the minimum, or even give her no points, which would be troublesome.

After all, she still wanted to use the points to buy what she wanted.

Chen Qingming stopped jumping around, and when Song Fengfu returned to the room, she saw Lu Jingxuan sitting on a chair, peeling an apple and waiting for her.

My mother's matter is settled? Lu Jingxuan turned to look at Song Fengfu.

He didn't go out to check the situation, just to avoid suspicion.

He knows exactly what kind of woman Chen Qingming is, and he also foresees the consequences if he goes out under such circumstances.

For such consequences, he still chose to let Song Fengfu go out to help solve the problem.

Although such a matter should be resolved by him, but...

Lu Jingxuan knew very well that after he went out, he might not be able to explain many things clearly.

It is said that Shengmi is fighting against Michou, isn't he just making himself inhuman now?

Didn't you hear that? Anyway, I've already become a bad guy. Song Fengfu spread her hands.

How can you call it a bad guy? You have treated my mother very well. If it were someone else, I probably wouldn't know if they would take my mother to the southern district. Lu Jingxuan handed the apple in his hand to Song Fengfu. Come and eat an apple.

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