It doesn't matter, shouldn't your space be able to reclaim a third piece of land? Lu Jingxuan remembered that Song Fengfu's space was only one hectare at the time, but now it can be expanded to more than 20 hectares.

The second expansion has actually expanded the land to about ten hectares. According to calculations, if Song Fengfu expands, the land area will be equivalent to the area of ​​a middle school before the end of the world.

Although it looks like a large area, according to the range that a school can bear, it can only bear about seven or eight thousand people.

For Song Fengfu, if animals are raised in such a large area, they will only be able to raise more than 2,000 animals.

Well, I plan to start driving when I turn around, and I can breed more by then. Song Fengfu said, Lu Jingxuan nodded slightly here.

The food on the table is not very attractive to Song Fengfu. After all, what is the attraction of what they eat every day?

On the contrary, other people changed after they ate the Reiki Spicy Crab.

Damn it, this Reiki Spicy Crab really gives people an uplifting feeling. One person expressed his feelings, and the people around each expressed their own thoughts after listening to that person's words.

Could this really improve your abilities?

It's much more delicious than ordinary spicy crab, and it also feels like a power boost.

Hurry up, those who haven't eaten, hurry up and eat. After feeling the benefits, one person beckoned the people around him to eat too.

Is it really that good? The other people who didn't order asked after hearing the voice.

Of course, you will know after you try it. The person before said.

Quick, let's buy some and try.

Those who didn't buy it will squeeze out some points to buy a spicy crab.

At this time, in a villa in the villa area, a middle-aged man was furious after receiving news continuously.

Damn it, what the hell is going on?

Seeing that the points in the watchband continued to decrease, the middle-aged man inquired about the relevant information and found that his precious son had stolen his points.

However, more than half of the tens of thousands of points he had gained with great difficulty disappeared in an instant, and the middle-aged man couldn't sit still, so he hurried out.

It took more than half an hour to walk from the villa area to the Crystal Restaurant. The middle-aged man watched the points keep losing from his hand, and he was extremely anxious.

Adjutant, the car, get the car ready. The middle-aged man shouted at the adjutant following him.

Car? Commander, our points are not enough to exchange gasoline. Now the car can't start without gasoline. The adjutant smiled wryly when he heard the middle-aged man's yell.

It's been more than a year since the end of the world. If you want to find gasoline or something, you can't find it.

All the gasoline in the gas station has been used up long ago. They finally arrived at the crystal base, and they barely rented this villa with the zombie beads on hand, and arranged all the soldiers into the villa. Now They don't have any extra points to buy gasoline or something. After all, they have to buy not only weapons in the weapon store, but also food to maintain food and clothing, and they don't have any extra points to do other things.

What? The car has no gasoline? Didn't we still have 90,000 points before? What are we going to do with it? The middle-aged man frowned.

Before, he deliberately left 90,000 points in the public account, but now he is told that he can't even afford gasoline.

Commander, the price of grain in the crystal base is getting higher and higher, so we use points to stockpile the grain first. The adjutant listened to the commander's words and opened his mouth.

Compared with other things, what he hoards now is mainly rice.

After all, to put it bluntly, the things sold in the supermarket in the crystal base do not give people a living space at all.

Like potatoes, which are the easiest to preserve and grow, the crystal base is actually peeled and sold.

There are other ingredients, the core and seeds are basically removed, leaving only the pulp.

Although such food is a lot more convenient for them, it also makes them unable to grow food by themselves.

It is equivalent to saying that all food resources are in the hands of the Crystal City Lord.

Not only that, they have seen someone plotting to occupy the Crystal Castle, but they disappeared in front of the Crystal Castle.

It was later learned through the Crystal Base news broadcast that these people were sent out of the Crystal Base and became refusal households.

And the fate of those people after that was obviously not much better, and they all became food in the mouths of zombies.

From then on, those military personnel who entered the crystal base became completely honest, and they dared not do anything at all.

Knowing that the adjutant's actions were not wrong, the commander sighed softly, Well, food is also very important, let alone so many soldiers need to eat.

Commander, where are you going now? The adjutant saw that his expression was a little ugly, and he must have encountered something.

Adjutant, is there still a car to go to the Crystal Restaurant? The commander said as he immediately opened the strap to cut off contact with his precious son.

Car? Commander, it will take five minutes for the car to arrive at the Crystal Restaurant. The adjutant glanced at the time, and the fastest and fastest car would not arrive until five minutes later. Can't wait five minutes.

Five minutes, that's fine. The commander crawled up his head, feeling much older in an instant.

Originally, there were hundreds of thousands of points on hand, but now less than 50,000 points are left after being used by that precious son.

Thinking about those lost points, I don't know what good deeds that prodigal son did.

Commander, is something wrong? The adjutant stood aside and looked at the commander with some hesitation.

My precious son, damn it, he spent so many points. The commander's ferocious face made the adjutant look extremely scary.

It turned out that the commander's son had spent the commander's money, no wonder the commander was so angry.

Commander, my son, he probably wouldn't... The adjutant knew what kind of person the commander's son was earlier, so judging from what the commander said, it cannot be ruled out that the son is holding his own father. The money went out to spend the day and night.

The adjutant's words made the commander think of his own son's personality, Damn it, if he really took the points and went out to have a good time, I would kill him.

Five minutes later, the Commander waited for the car, and it took nearly ten minutes for the Commander to arrive at the Crystal Restaurant.

However, the crystal restaurant was crowded with people, and the commander and adjutant could not find anyone at all.

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