Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 850 The old man reappears

Song Fengfu watched the rattan began to change bit by bit, and the corpses of Zhou Dongmei and Yuan Mingkun gradually turned into corpses.

Corpse without flesh and blood.

Song Fengfu did not expect that everyone would end up like this in the end.

If she had married Yuan Shaoming back then, Zhou Dongmei and Yuan Mingkun would not be dead now.

It's a pity that there are no ifs in everything.

Song Fengfu sighed softly, and was about to destroy the corpses of Zhou Dongmei and Yuan Mingkun, but the rattan suddenly attacked her.

In an instant, Song Fengfu dodged and jumped onto another huge vine, and released a flame after dodging the attacking vine.

Before, they didn't clean up this terrible thing in time because the rattan was too huge and other reasons. Now their abilities have increased a lot, it's time to deal with this terrible existence.

Song Fengfu didn't want to bother He Yufan or other supernatural beings, and Song Fengfu thought that this mutated plant might be an opportunity for her to train her supernatural powers.

Fortunately, it's still not dark here, Song Fengfu gave the vines a few flames from time to time, so that the vines didn't dare to approach her at all.

Natural selection, rattan is of the wood type, and the most feared thing is fire.

Song Fengfu released the probe in the live broadcast room to see the prototype of the rattan clearly through the live broadcast.

After more than half a year of development, the rattan has extended from the original city center to the entire city.

The soft rattan tentacles stretched into the houses in the streets and alleys, and then protruded from the houses, directly passing through the houses.

From the point of view of the live broadcast, Song Fengfu thinks that to destroy the whole cane, I am afraid that there must be an extra-large incendiary bomb.

Can't deal with this cane without incendiary bombs.

Of course, if you use fire, you don't know how long it can burn, and this rattan is not a living rattan.

When Song Fengfu thought about it, several vines flew towards her.

Entering the space without even thinking about it, Song Fengfu watched the vines collide with each other and scuffled each other as if they had thoughts.

She was happy to see this scene, the vines would fight each other, it must have become a spirit.

While thinking about it, she noticed that in the picture in front of her, there seemed to be something moving in the farthest part of the vine.

It looks like a beast and a person.

Song Fengfu narrowed her eyes, for some reason she felt a hint of danger coming from afar.

It felt like something was staring at her.

Song Fengfu frowned, standing at the entrance of the space and staring at the scene outside.

Suddenly a figure appeared in front of Song Fengfu from the depths of the vine, and Song Fengfu was a little startled.

That face, isn't that face Yuan Shaoming's?

Isn't Yuan Shaoming dead?

Song Fengfu stared at the person in front of her in astonishment. Fortunately, she was hiding in the space, otherwise she would be scared to death face to face.

It's just that although the person in front of him looks like Yuan Shaoming, his eyes are gray and without pupils, which makes people feel a little creepy.

The man looked around, as if looking for something, and behaved exactly like an animal.

Looking at the somewhat familiar face, Song Fengfu felt a little fear in her heart.

Immediately, without even thinking about it, he raised his hand, and just went out with a wind knife.

The wind knife cut directly from the temple of the figure, and Song Fengfu watched a bead appear in his mind.

Four Element Beads.

Song Fengfu recognized at a glance that this was the four-element bead that was snatched by the rattan at that time. Unexpectedly, this bead appeared on a person who looked similar to Yuan Shaoming, and Song Fengfu felt a trace of fear in an instant.

What the hell is going on here?

Wasn't the four-element beads taken away by the rattan before?

But she has withdrawn the power in the four element beads, it is impossible to...

Not allowing Song Fengfu to think about anything, she quickly left the space and brought back the four-element bead from the corpse.

As soon as the four element beads disappeared, the rattan trembled violently as if sensing something.

At the same time, countless vines roared towards Song Fengfu.

Song Fengfu raised her hands, and a huge fireball shot out from her hands. The rattan that came under the high temperature made a crackling sound in an instant, and at the same time, a smell of scorching came over.

Song Fengfu took the opportunity to dodge into the space.

Song Fengfu, what are you doing? He Yufan was about to take a bath after returning to the space from the north gate. He didn't expect to see Song Fengfu coming in and out at the entrance of the space. He didn't know what she was doing. .

Mutated plants. Song Fengfu didn't want to talk nonsense, and He Yufan didn't want to say more about a mutated plant. He ran up to her and looked outside the space, and saw a huge vine appeared in front of him.

He Yufan found that as long as it was rattan, the speed of growing was astonishingly fast.

Where did you go, and you provoked such a big mutated plant? He Yufan was a little bit dumbfounded, and his intuition told him that it was Song Fengfu who provoked it.

She curled her lips, and Song Fengfu said speechlessly, Do you think I would provoke someone with such a large mutant plant? The place where this thing appeared was in Germany.

Germany? Didn't you go to South America before? Why did you go to Germany again? He Yufan frowned. This Song Fengfu must be too good at picking places.

Go and throw away two trash. Song Fengfu spit out a few words slowly.

Throw away the garbage in Germany? What kind of garbage are you throwing away? He Yufan was very curious about the garbage Song Fengfu said.

Spend a teleportation talisman all the way to throw garbage, who will believe it.

You don't care about this. Song Fengfu didn't want to spread out her past.

He Yufan looked at her expression and wanted to know where she was going, but he only needed to ask the housekeeper to check the surveillance camera.

But since Song Fengfu didn't want to say what happened specifically, he didn't want to be nosy either.

Fine, I don't care, but tell me what you want to do now. He Yufan could see that Song Fengfu seemed to be planning to deal with the mutated plants in front of him.

I want to burn this plant, but my ability is not enough to destroy a city. Song Fengfu imagined how the pig feet in those novels could destroy the world.

Then find a way to do this. He Yufan walked out of the space listening to Song Fengfu's words.

Do that step?

She is not a god, she can do that step.

Song Fengfu chased out of the space, only to see He Yufan crossed his hand, and in an instant a fire dragon emerged from his hand and entangled in the sky.

It was the first time Song Fengfu saw an existence that could transform the fire power into a fire dragon.

After seeing He Yufan do this, she realized that there was really a big gap between the two in terms of strength.

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