It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you and your husband didn't expect to be down to this point. It's really sad. There was a hint of irony in Song Fengfu's tone-changing words.

When Zhou Dongmei heard this man's words, she clearly wanted to see their good show, and said angrily, Who the hell are you? What do you want to do?

Nothing, I'm just helping people to see your miserable end. Song Fengfu raised the corner of her mouth under the mask, Mrs. Zhou, I didn't expect that you, who were arrogant and arrogant more than a year ago, would end up like this. I really don’t know if you at the beginning would regret your original decision if you saw this scene now?”

In front of Song Fengfu, the current Zhou Dongmei was in rags, emitting bursts of stench. Compared with her more than a year ago, it was simply a natural difference.

Who are you? Zhou Dongmei looked at Song Fengfu vigilantly.

In this precarious end of the world, Zhou Dongmei is used to the constant death of people around her, and she has long been used to the days when there are no familiar people around her.

She didn't expect that now that someone mentioned her a year ago, it made her vigilant.

She dared to say that this person must be someone she knew, and in her memory, there was only one person who was more in line with her thoughts.

That is Song Fengfu who agreed not to see each other again.

Unexpectedly, she would come to her, Zhou Dongmei smiled, I see, you are Song Fengfu, right? You came to see our joke, am I right?

Yes, I came to see your jokes. I didn't expect you to live such a miserable life in your later years. It really makes people happy. Song Fengfu took off her sunglasses and mask, and her slightly cold eyes looked at Zhou Dongmei's already cloudy eyes. .

Seeing the unchanged face in front of her eyes, Zhou Dongmei looked at Song Fengfu's clothes, and she really should be described as thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi.

Song Fengfu, now that you have seen our current situation, are you satisfied, then can you get out? Zhou Dongmei stared at Song Fengfu viciously.

If her son was still alive, how could she be so arrogant?

Roll? I'm so sorry, I still don't know how to spell the word roll. Song Fengfu shook her head.

If you don't get out, let's go. Zhou Dongmei supported Yuan Mingkun and was about to leave, but she didn't expect them to appear in the prison of the crystal base the next moment.

A look of astonishment appeared on the faces of Zhou Dongmei and Yuan Mingkun.

They never thought that they would be teleported to this place.

No one outside the south gate noticed the disappearance of Song Fengfu and the three of them, but in a blink of an eye they saw that the three of them had disappeared at the gate of the city, making people wonder if Song Fengfu brought them into the crystal base to enjoy Qingfu.

Where is this place, why are we here? Zhou Dongmei looked at the railing in front of her, never would have thought that she was outside the south gate one moment, and would appear in such a strange place the next moment.

It's that woman. Yuan Mingkun thought about the cause and effect, only Song Fengfu could do this.

What is she trying to do? Did she bring us here to kill us? Zhou Dongmei immediately became vigilant when she thought of this.

Kill you guys? I'm afraid I'll get my hands dirty. Song Fengfu's figure appeared from the corridor outside.

Looking at the two people in the prison, Song Fengfu sneered.

Then why did you arrest us here? Zhou Dongmei glared at Song Fengfu.

Look at your miserable situation. By the way, I happen to have time to chat with you about life. Song Fengfu pointed her finger, and a chair appeared in front of the prison.

Zhou Dongmei looked at Song Fengfu's actions, and suddenly thought of her behavior, isn't it just...

You are a space power user. Zhou Dongmei exclaimed.

Song Fengfu smiled, That's right, I am a space power user. As you can see, I actually built this crystal base. Surprise, surprise.

What did you say, you built the crystal base? Zhou Dongmei couldn't believe it, how could Song Fengfu build such a powerful crystal base by himself.

Yes, I have to thank you. If you hadn't prevented Yuan Shaoming from marrying me, I would not have had the space, let alone this crystal base. Song Fengfu stared at Zhou Dongmei's face. It caused her to jump off a building more than a year ago, maybe she still can't get space, let alone know the news that the end of the world is coming.

Zhou Dongmei didn't know the stalk, and she didn't know why Song Fengfu said that after she stopped Yuan Shaoming, she gained space.

Is there any inevitable connection among them?

Zhou Dongmei couldn't figure it out.

What did you say? Zhou Dongmei looked at her incomprehensibly.

It doesn't matter what you say, what's important is that now let me tell you how Yuan Shaoming died. Song Fengfu seemed afraid that this would not irritate the two people, so she immediately brought up the cause of Yuan Shaoming's death.

When Zhou Dongmei heard of her son's death, her heart ached.

The son's departure not only made them white-haired and black-haired, but also made their lives plummet.

And all this is...

Song Fengfu, you bitch, did you kill my son?

Mrs. Zhou, what you say is really ugly. Have you ever thought about why your son has supernatural powers? It's all given by me. If I didn't read it and still have so much affection, I wouldn't give it to him at all. Ability. Seeing Zhou Dongmei running to the door and stretching out her hand, Song Fengfu thought it was funny for a while.

This woman bullied her terribly before the end of the world, but she didn't expect that after the end of the world, she would not only be down and out, but even tens of thousands of times worse than herself.

Listening to Song Fengfu's words, Yuan Mingkun recalled everything back then, no wonder Yuan Shaoming possessed space powers and other abilities in an instant, it turned out that Song Fengfu was responsible for all of this.

The funny thing is they didn't find out at all.

You gave him the ability? Zhou Dongmei looked at Song Fengfu in astonishment, but she didn't expect that this woman was still thinking about her old love, and she even prepared the ability for Yuan Shaoming.

That's right, I made him into a supernatural being with my own hands, but I didn't expect that it would be the one who destroyed him in the end. Song Fengfu twitched her lips, Do you know? Before he died, he begged me to save him. That looks really... ...

What did you say? You said that Shaoming begged you to save him before he died? Zhou Dongmei only remembered that Yuan Shaoming disappeared suddenly, and had no idea what happened to Yuan Shaoming.

Yeah, it's a pity that his dirty behavior really disgusts me. I don't think you know that your son actually usurped other people's wives and sisters as bed warmers. Song Fengfu sneered, and she used to blame herself for something If you are blind, you will fall in love with someone like Yuan Shaoming.

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