Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 838 Launching Missiles

Master, this person has been infected with the disease and cannot be saved. It is recommended that the master implement a missile extermination plan for the city after collecting samples. After the housekeeper scanned the people outside the window, he confirmed that the people outside the door were infected. After the bacteria, according to the calculation in his mind, these people are already hopeless.

Missile extinction plan? Song Fengfu couldn't help opening her eyes wide after hearing these words.

Missile extinction?

Where did she get the missiles?

Still extinct?

Yes, the missiles are extinct. There is already a missile system in the crystal base, which can launch long-distance missiles. The destructive power can be determined according to the size of the city. The butler stretched out his hand, and the missile system defenses of the 3D crystal base appeared. In front of Song Fengfu.

Seeing such fortifications, Song Fengfu began to have a feeling that he didn't know how to describe it.

Housekeeper, isn't the current land of the crystal base just the land of a prefecture-level city? Is it safe to put missiles in this prefecture-level city? Song Fengfu couldn't help but worry.

Master, because the principle of confidentiality was adopted with you before, under the instruction of Mr. He, he did not tell you that the crystal base site has covered the entire province of F.

The housekeeper looked at Song Fengfu who was about to faint, and didn't dare to say that the entire crystal base had undergone tremendous changes.

Otherwise, how could more people be accommodated in the land area of ​​a small prefecture-level city.

Damn He Yufan, who told him to do this? No, I'm going to go back and have a look. I don't care which onion he is. My space is up to me. He doesn't want to point fingers. Song Fengfu was furious, really wanting to He kicked He Yufan away.

If it is a territory of a prefecture-level city, maybe they can accept it, but if the territory of the entire province is included in the crystal base, it is equivalent to owning a small country.

Song Fengfu did not want to bear the pressure brought by a small country.

More importantly, who will take care of the big land?

Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, there are so many people in the crystal base now, the previous site will definitely not be enough. It's also good to expand it, this will shorten the distance for us to return to the base. Seeing Song Fengfu jumping up, Lu Jingxuan hurriedly embraced Stop her, lest she impulsively go back to the crystal base to settle accounts with He Yufan, which would be troublesome.

Song Fengfu knew that what Lu Jingxuan said was reasonable, but she just couldn't let it go.

But the base has expanded to such a large area, the energy is simply not enough to cope with the fortifications of the crystal base?

Song Fengfu remembered that at the beginning, the first-level city wall could not stop the appearance of those high-level zombies. Now that a force that can only be used in prefecture-level cities is distributed to the entire province, the power will naturally be consumed quickly. Go up a lot.

The owner can rest assured that the zombie beads collected in the base have been used for fortification construction. According to the personnel who have entered the crystal base now, the collected zombie beads have exceeded 200 million, and they have been used for fortification defense. The butler said. At the same time, he opened the map to let Song Fengfu check the relevant fortifications and defenses.

However, Song Fengfu didn't really buy it.

Butler, I don't care what you do, do you have any objection when I go back? Song Fengfu stared at the butler in front of her, if he dared to say no, she would see if she strangled him to death.

The housekeeper quickly shook his head, The master can go back if he wants, I can't stop the master's will.

Well, I'm going back now, don't let any of you stop me. After Song Fengfu finished speaking, her figure disappeared into the RV.

Lu Jingxuan looked at the situation and felt that Song Fengfu was really capricious sometimes.

Housekeeper, how do you collect the fog outside? In addition, launching missiles can really get rid of the bacteria in the fog?

Lu Jingxuan turned his head and asked the housekeeper.

The owner of the fog collector can use this function. The butler pointed to a certain place on the car.

Lu Jingxuan turned his head to look, no matter what the function is, it should be done according to the butler's instructions.

Pressing a certain button on the top of the head near the car door, Lu Jingxuan spit out a box-like thing from the side of the button after watching for ten seconds.

Master, that's it. I can handle the rest of the matter. As for whether launching missiles can solve the bacteria in the fog, I can't guarantee, but according to my analysis, if the bacteria can't be solved, its The rate of expansion will be multiplied.”

While the butler was speaking, he opened the map, and the topographic map of this area was displayed in front of Lu Jingxuan's eyes, and he saw a round ball of cotton candy-like things hanging over the city.

It was only a small piece at first, but it expanded to more than double in the blink of an eye.

At this rate, sooner or later the whole of South America will be affected.

Knowing that the matter was urgent, Lu Jingxuan asked, If the missiles are launched, when will they arrive?

Ten minutes at the fastest speed. Seeing that Lu Jingxuan seemed to be about to launch a missile, the butler immediately opened his mouth.

In ten minutes, Lu Jingxuan looked at the white group on the map, the white group more than doubled in ten minutes.

Then start, first calculate the size of the White Group's development in ten minutes, and then launch the missile.

Lu Jingxuan didn't want to be self-defeating and give Baituan a chance to escape from this place.

Yes, master. The butler nodded, Master, please leave this place quickly in the next ten minutes to avoid being affected by the airflow of the missile.

I see, you can make arrangements first. Lu Jingxuan waved his hand, watched the butler disappear and quickly turned on the tablet to check the survivors around the city.

Except for those who came in before, there are no survivors in the surrounding cities.

Lu Jingxuan knew that these survivors who entered the city could not be saved, even if they wanted to, it was already too late.

The RV exited the city along the road it had navigated previously.

As soon as he left the city, Lu Jingxuan suddenly found that the outside world was unbelievably beautiful. Without the attack of white fog, the surrounding became brighter, and the air was much better.

But the white mist has quietly started to follow him.

Lu Jingxuan drove the car onto the highway from another road.

After setting the time countdown, Lu Jingxuan opened the map while looking at the time, and saw that the range set by the butler had expanded beyond the range where Lu Jingxuan's car was.

Fortunately, the place where He Suqin and the others were located was not affected, otherwise it would have been a heavy loss.

Lu Jingxuan drove the car to the maximum speed, and within five minutes, he had arrived at the entrance of the next city.

However, this is not enough. The power of the missile is to destroy the city.

As a result, ten minutes was simply not enough time for him to leave the place where the missile exploded.

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