Athena, what should we do? The man beside Hansen looked in the direction of Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu while running, and asked eagerly.

Lu Jingxuan and the others went farther and farther, even to the point of disappearing.

If they don't catch up again, they will really miss them.

Athena is also very anxious at this moment, the zombie army behind is chasing up so endlessly, it is simply not something they can handle.

After thinking about it, Athena finally made a decision. We follow them, find a place to hide first, and come back to get supplies.

If they run like this, they can't run away from the zombies. Why don't they find a place to hide and come back to find a way to get back the supplies?

Athena didn't want to give up those supplies, and more importantly, they didn't know when they would be chased by zombies.

Okay, then let's find a place to hide first. Hansen followed behind Athena with a submissive look, stepped out from the high-speed railing, and headed in the direction where Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu were running. go.

The others scoffed at them when they got out of the highway, but later found that these zombies were not intelligent zombies after all, they would only run along the limited road, and everyone left the highway quickly.

Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu would never have imagined that their actions would lead a group of survivors into a more terrifying city.

The smell of dilapidation continued to come from the city, coupled with the smell of rotten meat, Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu had to take out two pairs of gas masks and protective clothing from the space.

If the smell of corpses in the previous city could be dispelled, then this place is like a huge steamer, and the smell of corpses is constantly brewing inside.

Just like the earthquake that happened a few years ago, corpses appeared in every corner of the city, and as the corpses decomposed, various epidemics appeared in the earthquake area one after another.

This kind of epidemic is completely impossible to avoid, and it will even kill people.

Like the zombie virus, it is terrifying and hard to guard against.

As the two people wearing gas masks and protective suits headed toward the city from the edge of the city relying on the communication of their heads, prompts came from the watchband one after another.

The group of survivors entered the city with an army of zombies. The watch strap on Song Fengfu's hand showed that nearly three or four hundred green dots had rushed into the city from the edge of the city at the fastest speed.

They are fast and seem to be training fast.

Let's find a place to hide first, and by the way, we can have a live broadcast escape. Lu Jingxuan turned on the live broadcast function in the strap and released a small camera.

After the small fly-sized camera was instructed by Lu Jingxuan, the housekeeper in the crystal base adjusted the camera to the entrance on the edge of the city.

This time, many people entered the live broadcast room one after another, including He Long and others who were guarding the crystal base to maintain order.

Because they have been stationed in the crystal base for a long time, they have almost forgotten what it looks like outside.

In the past two days, they also sent troops to the North Gate to exterminate the zombies, but unfortunately, everything was not ideal.

The evolution of zombies is getting faster and faster, but the evolution of supernatural beings has been stagnant.

If it weren't for the news that the third-level earth-type ability evolved into a wood-type ability in the live broadcast room, everyone in the entire crystal base would be extremely depressed.

Since He Long logged into the live broadcast room with the word Marshal, after Lu Jingxuan found a relatively safe place to hide, he opened the live broadcast room and saw the news of He Long's login.

However, Lu Jingxuan didn't have time to pay attention to He Long's affairs. He looked at the content presented on the screen, which was really thrilling.

In fact, when Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu entered the edge of the city, they found a place to put on protective clothing, and then found a relatively safe house to hide in as quickly as possible.

According to the length of the distance, the distance between Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu and Athena was at least three or four hundred meters.

So Athena couldn't see their final whereabouts at all.

Even though Athena wanted to catch up with them, Athena had no choice but to lead the people to run forward, looking for a more favorable foothold after losing the trace of the two of them.

And the sound of bombs came from nearly two or three hundred meters behind Athena from time to time.

Accompanied by this burst of sound, people cursed and screamed endlessly.

Athena, Hansen and the others felt their hearts were about to jump out of their bodies, and finally they hid in the opposite side of the house where Lu Jingxuan was when they were about to run.

This is a crossroad, leading in all directions. The key point is that the structure of the house presents a bell tower structure, which allows them to better observe the surrounding situation.

After Athena and others hid in the opposite clock tower, Song Fengfu had already sensed it.

Athena and the others are in the opposite house. Song Fengfu passed the information to Lu Jingxuan.

Leave them alone, this city is weird. Lu Jingxuan looked at the screen on the screen, when a massacre spread from the highway into the city, a strange white misty object appeared on the screen.

Weird? What's weird? Song Fengfu stared at the picture on Lu Jingxuan's watch strap, only to see that the screen seemed to be covered by something, and gradually she couldn't see it.

Look outside, it's foggy. Lu Jingxuan pointed out.

When Song Fengfu heard this, she turned her head and looked outside, only to see that the opposite house could be seen from the window, but she completely lost the trace of the opposite house in an instant.

It's really weird.

When Song Fengfu spit out a few words, the baby onion in the backpack started to move.

Feeling the restlessness of Onion Baby, Song Fengfu watched the same mist appear in the room.

At the moment, Song Fengfu didn't even think about putting Baby Onion in the space.

Lu Jingxuan didn't dare to be too careless, not to mention the strange fog, and the baby onion and baby rambutan, which are plants, also became agitated as if they were disturbed.

Like Song Fengfu, after Lu Jingxuan put the baby rambutan into the space, the two of them looked at the thicker and thicker fog, and felt that breathing seemed to become more and more difficult.

Let's go downstairs and get the RV out. Song Fengfu felt that her body seemed to be approaching a zero point, and she couldn't breathe more and more.

Lu Jingxuan nodded and quickly went downstairs.

Anyway, the fog is so thick now that no one can see their situation clearly, just so they can take out the RV.

After getting into the RV, Song Fengfu took off the protective clothing and gas mask after closing the door and threw it out of the car.

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