Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 833 Do you eat human flesh?

Hurry up, everyone get in the car, they shouldn't be far away, we can still catch up. Athena opened her mouth after observing the surroundings for a while.

Let's go, hurry up and get in the car. Everyone in the five cars got into the car quickly.

Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu did not expect that their group of people would go to the crystal base just like the previous people.

Fortunately, there were no mutated animals and zombies around, so Athena turned her head to look at Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu in the car. There is a deep look in the eyes.

Are you supernatural beings?

En. Lu Jingxuan nodded. Are you going to follow the previous team to the crystal base?

Yes, we are planning to go to the crystal base, don't you plan to go to the crystal base? Athena asked.

Of course I will, but not so early. Lu Jingxuan shook his head.

Oh, then when do you plan to go? Athena wanted to win over Lu Jingxuan.

After all, they didn't have a single supernatural being in their car.

Relying on guns and ammunition alone is actually very unrealistic now, especially since guns and ammunition have reached the point where there is no way to produce them.

Their team desperately needs new personnel to join them.

The corner of Lu Jingxuan's mouth slightly pursed, seeing Athena's sincere eyes, he knew what kind of attention she was paying.

But um, they won't go to the crystal base with Athena.

We don't know about this, we need more training. Lu Jingxuan didn't give a positive answer, but the word training made Athena frowned.


What are you working on?

Training? Are you going to kill zombies? Athena was a little hard to understand the two people she saw.

In particular, she noticed that the skin color and hair color of the two were obviously different from theirs.

Almost, we need zombie beads. Lu Jingxuan didn't want to say too much, as a single zombie beads could reveal a lot of information.

Zombie beads? Do you mean the beads in the zombie's head? What are they used for? Athena was very confused.

You know the supernatural beings, so you should remember how those supernatural beings came from? Lu Jingxuan couldn't believe that no one knew where the supernatural beings came from more than a year after the end of the world.

I don't know. Athena shook her head.

Seeing her dazed look, Lu Jingxuan couldn't help but shook his head, Has none of you eaten zombie beads?

Yes, but those people have all turned into zombies, and no one has supernatural abilities. Athena said.

Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu looked at each other, this kind of situation is obviously rare.

The probability of appearing supernatural beings in China is obviously much higher than that of foreigners.

Could it be because the appearance and genes of the Huaxia people are very similar to the Feng clan?

Lu Jingxuan felt that there seemed to be a little connection between them.

So the zombie beads are useless to you, so how did you barter? Lu Jingxuan looked at Athena curiously.

Food, if we want to exchange bullets and weapons, we can use food to exchange. Of course, we can also exchange other things. Athena pointed to the things under Lu Jingxuan's body covered by tarpaulins, Here That's what we collected.

Lu Jingxuan felt that the supplies under their bodies were definitely not food, it should be other supplies.

The materials you collected include food? Lu Jingxuan seemed to be asking, but in fact he was confirming whether Athena had collected the corresponding things.

Including. Athena was not afraid that Lu Jingxuan would know.

After all, if they fought seriously, she knew very well that they would not be able to defeat Lu Jingxuan.

If he wants to snatch their supplies, it is also very simple.

It seems that this apocalypse is not too bad until now. At least as far as you can still find food, your survival problem should not be too bad. Lu Jingxuan knew that the worst time is the first time after the apocalypse. Three years to start.

Because the shelf life of many materials is two years or three years, including cosmetics.

That is to say, all these materials must be eaten within two to three years, otherwise they may deteriorate or rot.

Lu Jingxuan knew very well that it was not easy to preserve food in various places this year, and it would be difficult for them to survive without spatial abilities.

What's more, after the nuclear leak, although it was absorbed by cockroaches in a short period of time, the nuclear leak still exists, and many materials cannot be used or eaten.

The only escape from all this is the crystal base, and only the materials in the crystal base are the most healthy and pollution-free.

Lu Jingxuan believes that after the news is released, many people will flock to it.

Athena sneered when she heard Lu Jingxuan's words, It's not too bad, but it's not much better. The canned food and food in the city have been collected and scraped. If it wasn't for the broadcast, we would probably be like Like headless chickens scurrying around.

Lu Jingxuan nodded, That's true, but it's a good thing you haven't eaten human flesh like others.

When it comes to human flesh, Athena's face is instantly filled with very complicated and incomprehensible expressions.

She didn't speak, but Hansen, who was sitting next to her, poked his head out of the chair and shot Lu Jingxuan with unfriendly eyes, Huang Maogui, what do you mean by that? Dare you want to say that everyone else Cannibalism, you don't look like a cannibal.

Hansen, shut up. Athena made a prayer, as if repenting.

Athena, people are bullying you, don't you plan to do nothing? These two yellow-haired ghosts have been very suspicious since they appeared, and now they point at us and say we eat human flesh, you Have you ever thought about these two yellow-haired ghosts... Hansen stared at the two cute babies beside Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu, feeling that it would be impossible for a human to carry these two things like plants are not plants, animals are not animals guy.

Hansen, you're enough. Don't be a yellow-haired ghost and a yellow-haired ghost. Don't be ungrateful. Athena glared at the guy named Hansen.

I really don't know how he talks.

Lu Jingxuan, who saw everything in his eyes, opened his lips slightly, It's okay, I can understand, after all, this is the end of the world.

I'm sorry, I'll say sorry to you instead of Hansen. He... Athena put her hands in the car and squeezed Hansen's flesh, which immediately made him speechless in pain.

Needless to say I'm sorry, people will try all kinds of ways to survive when the most difficult decision is made. Lu Jingxuan stuffed the baby rambutan into his backpack and carried it on his back.

Song Fengfu also put the onion baby into the backpack, and stood up while leaning on the fence of the car.

Seeing the actions of the two, Athena frowned. Are they leaving?

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