Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 826 Torturing Zombies

The two noticed that there were many weapons stalls with various weapons.

There are also many people around the weapons, most of them have food in their hands, and it seems that they plan to exchange weapons with them.

The two were not very interested in weapons, so they walked straight ahead, and they saw several blond and blue-eyed water-type supernatural beings filling quite a few buckets with water.

And surrounded by these water-type supernatural beings, there are several men who look powerful. These men don't have any weapons in their hands, but they should look like a group of supernatural beings.

Just when Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu paid attention to these people, a voice sounded, aimed at the supernatural beings in front of them, Alice, let them fill all the buckets with water within half an hour, one In an hour we will depart for the crystal base.

Depart in an hour? Then we won't wait for survivors from other places? The woman called Alice frowned.

The reason why they stay here is to wait for more survivors to come here. If they are all gone, how can those survivors come here without food and food?

I can't wait anymore. The broadcast has been broadcasting for several days. If they want to come, they will come long ago. There is no need to wait until now. And who knows if they will go on other roads? After all, our place is to the east, and if they want to go, they will go to the west. .” The person before said.

The woman called Alice pondered for a while, then nodded, Okay, I'll prepare here and leave in an hour.

I'm going to inform other people. The figure started to move towards various places by the light.

Lu Jingxuan thought that since these people decided to leave in an hour, shouldn't they also prepare?

They are leaving, shall we follow? Song Fengfu tugged at Lu Jingxuan's clothes, but she didn't really want to stay with these survivors, lest they would not even have the chance to train.

No, let's go into the city. Lu Jingxuan shook his head. For them, entering the city is the real kingly way.

Following behind the survivors, they shrink back and forth, unable to play any role at all.

After making up their minds, the two chose to leave this temporary survivor town, drove out of the RV and returned to the city where the heavy truck was before.

It's just that this time, because of the navigation and the lack of survivors along the way, the speed of the RV can be said to be as fast as a high-speed train, which can reach hundreds of kilometers in an hour.

After coming out of the survivor's gathering place, it can be said that the RV arrived here in only an hour.

The zombies who were attracted to the entrance of the city by the heavy trucks were still wandering in front of the intersection, the blackness blended into the surrounding darkness, if it weren't for the fact that Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu had already cultivated some ability to see at night, they would have I'm afraid that they don't even know how many zombies there are.

Seeing the scene in front of me, I really want a missile to come down and raze this place to the ground. Song Fengfu thought of the Raccoon City in Resident Evil. Wasn't a missile razed to the ground in the end?

Lu Jingxuan stared at the zombie in front of him, It's easy to raze this place to the ground, but the rest of the place will still not change after it is razed.

It is said that if this place is razed to the ground, other places will not change. Song Fengfu sighed.

Seeing Lu Jingxuan stepping on the accelerator and rushing towards the group of zombies, like a bowling ball hitting a bowling pin, all the zombies would fall down if they were hit by a car.

Song Fengfu sat in the car, looking out of the car window, the clearly visible rotten faces outside the car window passed by the car window one by one, and finally fell into dust.

At this moment, the RV was like a wild horse running wild, until it knocked these zombies beyond recognition.

However, as the movement here became louder and louder, zombies coming from all directions gradually surrounded the place.

Go to the tall building over there, we will kill them on the tall building. Song Fengfu pointed to a place not too far away.

Wait, we don't need to kill them all. These little guys are meaningless to us. After we collect some supplies, we will find a bigger boss. After we get rid of them, we will go to the next city. .”

Lu Jingxuan's tone was not too strong, but Song Fengfu felt that there was some truth in what he said.

Dealing with the little minions is no longer very important.

After all, if they improve their powers, one fire power can kill at least one or two hundred zombies.

They naturally have no interest in these scum that can only be their cannon fodder.

Wait, let's put these words later, and solve the problem in front of us first. Song Fengfu watched the zombies rushing towards them overwhelmingly.

The problem in front of me? Lu Jingxuan looked forward, suddenly feeling a headache.

Those zombies came towards them recklessly. If they wanted to leave here, they had to hide in the space or crash out.

But now it is obviously difficult to hit it out. These zombies are thicker than before, and the car will stop at most five meters away.

And He Yufan said that they are not allowed to enter the space, so do they really want to deal with these zombies?

When will you have to kill him?

Shall we go out? Song Fengfu's eyes were shining brightly.

The word kill out made Lu Jingxuan no longer think about it.

Let's go, let's go out. Lu Jingxuan opened the door first, beheading the zombies near the door.

Song Fengfu glanced at the zombies outside the door, and each zombie opened its mouth wide, as if it wanted to eat her into its mouth.

With her eyes fixed, Song Fengfu stretched out her hand, and a swirling wind knife cut off most of the heads of most of the parallel zombies.

After leaving a space outside the door, Song Fengfu quickly got out of the RV.

Seeing Song Fengfu get out of the RV, Lu Jingxuan put the RV into the space, and the two of them were surrounded by zombies.

This group of zombies are all killed, is it possible to form a mountain of corpses? Song Fengfu asked with a faint smile as she looked at the zombies in front of her.

It might be possible to kill them all. Lu Jingxuan slashed across the head of a zombie with a wind knife in his hand, and at the same time kicked the zombie that was rushing towards him.

Compared to Lu Jingxuan's side, Song Fengfu did not use the ability of the fire element, but the ability of the element of the earth element.

Yes, soil ability.

It is said that native gold.

Song Fengfu extracted metal and other things from the soil and stuffed them into the mouths of the zombies, sealing their hands and feet, making them unable to move as if they were mummies.

If you want to move by force, you have to cut off your limbs.

This method sounds like a torture to the zombies.

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