How can a human body produce spiders? Song Fengfu blurted out subconsciously.

How could there be spider's feet growing on that person's body? Lu Jingxuan retorted.

Song Fengfu was speechless.

It is said that silent speech is strange, but this world has surpassed their imagination, and it would be strange if they really did not blame power and chaos.

Song Fengfu raised her hand, and a wind knife condensed from the air in front of her, and quickly moved towards the spider man.

As if sensing it, the Spider-Man jumped away from the attack of the wind knife.

Seeing that the blow failed, Song Fengfu sent out another knife, two knifes, and the knife greeted the spider man.

The spider man kept dodging, but his eyes kept looking around, trying to find the person who attacked him.

Except for this bus, he couldn't see anyone else.

At this time, Lu Jingxuan also joined Song Fengfu's team, and continuously used the wind knife to attack the spider man.

After doubling the number of attacks, the spider man was obviously overwhelmed, and Song Fengfu had already hit two of the six legs behind him.

It feels like playing a shooting game. Only by killing this guy can you pass the level. Song Fengfu kept using the wind knife, feeling as if her spirit was about to reach its limit.

Exciting, isn't it? Lu Jingxuan raised his mouth, the car window in front of him was like a screen, and the bullets fired turned into wind knives.

It's like playing some pre-apocalyptic shooter.

But Lu Jingxuan felt that this was not enough, what he wanted was to eliminate this spider man.

The spider man kept dodging the wind knife on the roof of the car, and his dark blue eyes gradually showed anger, hatred and even the gaze of eating people.

The sound from the roof of the car was transmitted to the bottom from time to time, and Catherine grabbed the gun and kept shaking it with the sound.

Catherine, what's on the roof? Fanny slammed on the accelerator and drove the car, but her heart was full of fear.

Hearing the sound from the roof of the car but not knowing what kind of existence is on the roof, this kind of unknown thing is often more terrifying than the known thing.

Catherine didn't know what was on the roof of the car, she only knew that with a gun, she must kill it when it came down.

Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan seemed to be in a state of being, they took the spider man in front of them as the boss in the game and kept using the wind ability.

As time passed, the two removed the six legs from Spider Man's body, and at the same time, Song Fengfu cut off the flesh behind his buttocks.

Only when the two were about to get rid of the spider man, he escaped.

Also escaped very thoroughly.

The knife Song Fengfu sent out didn't cut his neck at all, it just let him escape completely like this.

Really, if you want to play, play it thoroughly, what's the point of escaping like this? Lu Jingxuan had long since lost sight of the spider man.

And this damn spider man actually chose to jump from the front of the bus, which made Fanny, who was driving, crush him without any precaution.

Although the spider man escaped, but after the not-so-slow bus hit him, the spider man's entire head was forcibly ripped off from his neck.

Fanny heard a loud bang and knew she had hit something, but she dared not stop to look because she knew there was something on the roof.

What happened to the spider man in front made Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu couldn't help showing embarrassing expressions.

Such a good toy is over like this?

This is too reckless.

I was wondering if we should put a cow behind the car to attract zombies. Song Fengfu seemed to find some fun in it, and began to find fun for herself.

Lu Jingxuan stopped the car, canceled the stealth mode and glanced at Song Fengfu, You want us to be hunted down by zombies?

Correct, by the way, it will allow us to exercise our abilities. This earth attribute ability has not broken through to the second level so far. We just take this opportunity to improve our various abilities.

You can exercise by doing this, but what about collecting supplies? Lu Jingxuan asked a question.

Song Fengfu was silent for a moment.

Then just give up.

Well, if you want to play, let's play while collecting supplies. Lu Jingxuan took out a yellow, slightly shiny zombie bead from the spider man's head, cleaned it, and handed it to Song Fengfu .

Nodding her head, Song Fengfu put away the zombie beads, Then we can chase them now, right?

Don't worry, we have plenty of time to chase. Lu Jingxuan started the car and chased him like a sword off the string.

In less than a minute, Lu Jingxuan caught up with Catherine's car. At this time, Catherine collapsed on the chair as if she had collapsed.

Catherine, are you all right now? Fanny asked very carefully.

It should be fine, but we are not out of danger yet, we have to find a safe place, and we have to take a rest now. Catherine only felt that she was extremely tired for a while.

I didn't expect it to fall like this tonight.

It didn't even occur to Daniel that he would die as soon as he said it, which was completely beyond her expectations.

Fanny looked around. With such an open plain and high speed, unless they went to the city ahead to find a house to rest, they would not be able to live safely tonight.

It's just that there is a strong fire in the city now, and I don't know what happened.

They dare not rush into the city like this.

Fanny drove to the fork in the city, and when she was considering whether she should enter the city, one car after another came roaring towards her in the distance with a strong smell of gunpowder.

When Fanny was about to slam on the accelerator, Catherine, who had rested for more than half an hour, stepped forward and said, Fanny, you go to rest, I will drive.

Can you do it? Fanny stared at Catherine in front of her. She had only rested for more than half an hour.

No problem, I'm much better now. Catherine took over Fanny's seat and sat in the driver's seat and began to rush forward.

While Lu Jingxuan's car followed behind, he paid special attention to the cars driving out of the city.

Where did those cars come from?

What is the purpose?

It didn't take long for Lu Jingxuan to know, just because those heavy trucks were already on the road.

Lu Jingxuan activated the particle mode used before, which kept the whole car in a decomposed and undecomposed state.

Soon Lu Jingxuan saw that the heavy truck had passed the bus, and the people on the bus showed surprise to Catherine in the driver's seat, but didn't say much.

Catherine, let's follow them. Their carts are loaded with supplies. Fanny saw box after box of food from the other side's car, and some of the iconic food packaging made Fanny unable to swallow. I swallowed my saliva.

Catherine turned her head and nodded after listening to Fanny's words.

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