Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 800 Survivor on the Vine

He Long's current life is very good. If he is asked to go out to kill zombies, it is estimated that he will not be able to kill zombies, and he may be killed by zombies.

This is not Song Fengfu's malicious idea, it is because He Long is getting old, and it may be too much for him to go out to get fit. It's better to let his son come out to deal with the zombies.

Just when Song Fengfu wanted to come, there was a sound from the RV.

Something happened to Suqin and the others. Song Fengfu felt He Suqin's shout from outside the caravan, and immediately pulled Lu Jingxuan into the space.

Something happened? Lu Jingxuan couldn't help frowning upon hearing these words.

They are not in a tall building, how could something happen?

There are mutated plants. Song Fengfu reappeared and had already returned to the combat vehicle.

The people outside the car, who were originally quiet, have now become a mess.

After getting out of the car, Song Fengfu quickly asked Lu Jingxuan to put away the car.

Fengfu, there are mutated plants. He Suqin felt relieved after watching the two get out of the car.

She called the two of them before but they didn't see any response. Fortunately, it took only two or three minutes for them to react.

Listening to He Suqin's words, Song Fengfu opened the wristband, and saw that there was a plant-like point reflected on the wristband. The distance from them was not too close, but there seemed to be countless threads swinging.

What kind of mutated plant.

Since it was night and the light was dim, Song Fengfu couldn't see what the so-called mutated plants looked like.

Sister Song, it's a vine, very similar to a pumpkin vine. Wang Yun used the fire ability to aim at the vine attacking him. Song Fengfu looked at it through the light of the fire, and it really looked like a pumpkin vine.

However, the vine seemed to have self-awareness, so it escaped the attack of the fire and came towards Song Fengfu.

This reminded Song Fengfu of the mutated plants she saw in Europe.

A fire was raised, and Song Fengfu instantly burned the attacking vines to ashes.

Looking at the other people who were entangled with the vines, Song Fengfu frowned, Hurry up and find a way to get out of here, Jing Xuan and I will deal with this mutated plant.

Can the two of you deal with it? He Suqin blew up the wind and chopped off a vine.

If you can't do it, you have to do it. After Song Fengfu finished speaking, she walked to the edge of the roof and looked at a certain shadow that was flickering in the distance.

That shadow is the head of the vine.

Wait, Fengfu, I know you don't see us as outsiders, and even at this moment all you think about is our safety. We know that we may hold you back, but please believe us, we are real If you want to deal with the mutated plant, we must deal with it together, and we must not let the two of you protect us all the time.

He Suqin suddenly stopped in front of Song Fengfu, and what she said made Song Fengfu feel depressed.

When did He Suqin become so emotional?

Fengfu, since Suqin wants to help us, let's let them help us. After all, we should let them see how powerful mutant plants are, so they will know how to deal with them carefully when they go on missions in the future.

Lu Jingxuan took out three large fireworks from the space and placed them in positions aimed at the vines.

Song Fengfu saw his actions and knew what he meant.

Well, remember to be careful yourself. We can only take care of ourselves, not you.

Sister Song, we are not children, we will take care of ourselves, don't worry. Yuwen looked at Song Fengfu with a smile.

Let me talk about the plan first. You fire-type supernatural beings, don't let your guard down. If there are vines coming up, use fire. Even if you can't burn them to ashes, you must ensure the safety of our place. Lu Jingxuan opened the mouth after setting up the fireworks.

Received. Lin Yu stood on the other side and spoke.

I will light the fireworks in front of me later. According to the lighting level, you should be able to see the situation where the vines are. Later, the rest of you will cooperate with Feng Fu and me to send them to the root of the vines.

Lu Jingxuan turned his head to look at the crowd. Except for Chen Yi, Zhuang Hong, Fang Ling and Jin Han, the others had already started to deal with the vines.

What about us? Chen Yi felt that he was useless, but when Lu Jingxuan and the others were fighting, he could only stand aside and worry.

You don't have to worry, you will take care of the injured later. Lu Jingxuan could only arrange a few of them as support staff.

After all, they don't have the harmful strength to deal with those vines.

Okay. Chen Yi nodded slightly.

Although he wanted to deal with the vines with Lu Jingxuan and the others, but without their abilities, Chen Yi thought that he could only be a hindrance.

Fortunately, Lu Jingxuan and the others did not give up on them.

Otherwise, he probably went to drink the northwest wind.

After I light the fireworks, Chen Yi and you guys run towards the downstairs, and then drive to avoid the vines. Yu Zun, you and Yu Wen don't have to accompany us later, you are responsible for the response with Chen Yi and the others later. If If someone wants to make trouble in the middle of the journey, kill them. Lu Jingxuan glanced at the three people who were hiding beside him, and the decisive attitude of killing made them shrink back.

Did he think the three of them would like to stay in this place?

They actually didn't want to stay here, it was the damned city lord who brought them here.

If the city lord hadn't brought them here, there wouldn't be so many things.

The three of them silently drew circles and cursed the city lord in their hearts, but they didn't dare to have any reaction on the surface.

Yu Wen followed Lu Jingxuan's gaze to look at the three of them, and immediately laughed, Don't worry, Brother Lu, if the three of them dare to make trouble, I'll kill the three of them directly.

Okay, I'll leave this matter to you. Lu Jingxuan patted Yuwen on the shoulder, turned his head and said to the others, After the fireworks go out, Feng Fu and I will head towards the center of the vines. You solve it quickly, and then disperse the attack of the vines on me and Fengfu.

No problem, leave this matter to us. He Suqin said this, watching everyone nodded towards her.

Dark night, dark world.

Lu Jingxuan ignited the fireworks with the firelight from the crowd, and the fireworks shot towards the center of the vine in an instant, and blossomed.

However, at the moment of development, Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu, who originally wanted to move, saw that the central position was not a vine stem as they imagined, but...

That's... the previous survivors. Lu Jingxuan could only see some figures at first, but he reacted quickly and immediately took out the binoculars to observe, only to find the huge leaves in the center of the vines like a bed , Survivors lay in the leaves one by one, and were quickly sucked with blood from their bodies, turning into mummies.

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