I'll change this clothes after I get in the car. Lu Jingxuan looked at himself with a dark face, never expecting to encounter such embarrassing things when he came here.

If he had known earlier, he shouldn't have let that survivor get close to him.

Don't get your clothes dirty.

Then let's go. Song Fengfu didn't like the mess around here, especially when many people showed them cannibalistic eyes.

Returning to the RV, the two of them hadn't even approached the RV when they saw that the stalls in front of the RV had been moved into the RV at some point, and Lin Siyuan and others were leading people to confront the people outside the RV.

Song Fengfu took a closer look at the people who took the opportunity to make trouble and seemed to be nearby residents.

Probably thinking about an earthquake and wanting to take the opportunity to make trouble, but they didn't expect Lin Siyuan and others to protect the stall wholeheartedly, so they didn't succeed.

Looking at the pitch-black muzzle of the gun, Song Fengfu was sure that no one should be so blind-eyed and bumped into the muzzle of the gun.

But the group of guys seemed determined not to give up.

Clearing her throat, Song Fengfu said, Is there someone who wants to mess around now after the earthquake just happened? Have you forgotten whose territory this is?

Hearing Song Fengfu's voice, Lin Siyuan looked sideways, and the originally extremely alert expression on his handsome face relaxed slightly at this moment.

Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan are the ones who can survive under the giant vines. They are not so easy to die, nor are they easy to panic in front of these people.

The light voice floated into everyone's ears like a spring breeze. Seeing the appearance of Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan, everyone's eyes became more vigilant.

Anyone want to mess up?

Lu Jingxuan glanced at the crowd, obviously that handsome face made people want to scream, but the cold voice instantly froze everyone's warm hearts.

Many women felt a little hurt when they heard Lu Jingxuan's cold question, they were weak girls, how could he treat them like this?

Lu Jingxuan walked to the iron bucket, looked at the beef soup that had almost bottomed out, and then glanced at the thin layer of zombie beads, it seemed that the income was not very much.

This method of splitting the whole into parts may be able to obtain great benefits in the long run, but it is a pity that the effect is still far from what they expected.

It's bottomed out, today's sale is over.

Lu Jingxuan put away the iron bucket, zombie beads and other odds and ends, making the people who wanted to make trouble couldn't help but say anxiously.

How can this be? We waited so hard in such a long queue just for this spoonful of beef soup. How could you just accept it like that.

I can take my stuff if I want. Do I still need your consent? That's too ridiculous. Lu Jingxuan said with a cold face. Just now, this person was very outstanding.

There is a posture of wanting to step forward and grab something.

The man glanced at Lu Jingxuan, and closed his mouth under his cold gaze.

Mr. Lu, since you are back, I will take them to rescue the disaster. Lin Siyuan looked at Lu Jingxuan's confrontation with that person, as if a deep pool would swallow him at any time.

Disaster relief? What disaster relief? There are no high-rise buildings here, and there are no mudslides or other geological damage. What disaster relief? What will be used for disaster relief?

Lu Jingxuan looked at Lin Siyuan, without medical equipment, what would they use for disaster relief?

Lin Siyuan was taken aback by Lu Jingxuan's question, and then his expression changed, Mr. Lu, I'm also a soldier anyway, and I want to go to rescue disasters as a soldier.

Lin Siyuan never forgot how touching the scene was when there were mountains of corpses crying everywhere when the earthquake happened in China.

Lu Jingxuan was silent for a while, and looked at Lin Siyuan with somewhat uncertain eyes, Then you go, you are a soldier, this is your duty.

Thank you. Lin Siyuan gave a military salute, and immediately led his men to run towards the city wall.

The city wall was still under construction when the earthquake happened, and the violent shaking did not know whether it would cause the city wall to collapse. What's more, those seemingly helpless people who were working as coolies for food and clothing did not know whether they would fall off the city wall.

Lin Siyuan was very worried.

Watching Lin Siyuan leave with the people, Lu Jingxuan withdrew his gaze and looked at the group of people waiting in front of him.

Are you going to wait here until tomorrow, or should you care about the situation of your men or brothers? Earthquakes are not a joke. If they work on the city wall, they may fall off the city wall or fall off the cliff.

Lu Jingxuan spoke very slowly, the purpose was to let the group of them know that their brother was still working at a risk, so don't know what to do here.

It's their life if they fall. In this kind of situation where they have no food, drink or medical conditions, their injuries are equivalent to waiting to die. And what we can give them is to change them here for a bowl of soup and give them the best Good food, the best comfort.

A woman stood up, her eyes were full of autumn water.

Song Fengfu noticed the strength in her eyes, and then looked at her age, she seemed to be in her twenties, but she seemed to have experienced years of wind and rain, haggard like an abused little daughter-in-law.

That's right, well said, you people with supernatural powers don't even know how those of us who don't have supernatural powers roll around in the last days. You only know how to collect supplies and don't leave a little way for others to survive. You people are The devil is the devil.

The other person seemed to have thought of something, and while his face turned pale, his mouth was full of curse words.

It was the first time Song Fengfu heard someone call herself a devil, a devil.

Think about it, if you don't have the space given by Feng Qu'er, maybe you will be the same as the person in front of you.

Desperately think of people who have food and better conditions as demons or devils.

It's even hard to say that she might sell her body like a brocade in order to survive.

Song Fengfu couldn't imagine what kind of picture that would be.

The trembling hand revealed Song Fengfu's mood at the moment. Seeing this, Lu Jingxuan held her hand tightly with his big palm, and Song Fengfu suddenly felt warm in his heart with his concerned face.

It's okay, there's no need to care what they say, everyone is equal in the last days, and no one will be luckier than anyone else.

Lu Jingxuan cast a sideways glance at that person, seeing that she was dressed in a famous brand, and it seemed that she was also a rich person before.

The rich will become refugees in the last days, and the poor will become supernatural beings in the last days. The swap of identities is just a very common thing. Saying that others will not leave a way to survive, when you are a rich person before the last days Can you leave a way for people to live?

Lu Jingxuan's words made the other party's face suddenly become a little ugly.

What nonsense are you talking about? Why don't I leave people a way to survive? Why don't I leave people a way to survive.

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