Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 44 Lost people won't come back

I'll go find a place first, and I'll come here to look for you later. Just as Lu Jingxuan finished speaking, Song Fengfu grabbed his hand, Wait for me to go together, I'll tell Yao Xia and the others first, take a look at them Do you want to go with us, anyway, we will rest nearby, so we can take care of each other.

Okay then. Song Fengfu felt helpless, and he felt helpless too.

Do you want to rest here tonight? Could it be that you want us to rest in the car? Yao Xia didn't want to, these days they didn't want to say that they didn't fall asleep on the bed, even if their bodies were rubbed against by that chair, they would grow sore.

No, Jingxuan said, we will gather at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, so now we can find a place to live anywhere. There is a hotel in this small town, but this hotel is relatively small. If they and the Ren family Naturally it is suitable.

But if there are more others, then it is not necessarily true.

After the Ren family heard the news, they immediately took their supplies and got off the bus, and followed Song Fengfu.

Zhou Dongmei watched the Ren family members get out of the car with Song Fengfu, and quickly pulled Yuan Mingkun and Yuan Shaoming along.

Mom, Fengfu said that she didn't want to see us again, if we posted it like this... Yuan Shaoming didn't want to see Song Fengfu's alienated face, he was the one who caused Song Fengfu to jump off the building, and he made her die Lovely. The scene on the third floor of the service area was still in front of his eyes, and he really couldn't afford to lose this person.

What are you posting? You and Ren Yifei are husband and wife. There is no reason for a wife to leave her husband behind. Yang Mengjuan and Wu Xiangqing, you should follow along. Zhou Dongmei knew that these two people had a very good relationship with Song Fengfu in the company. With their help, it is entirely possible to live in a better place.

Hearing Zhou Dongmei calling him, Yang Mengjuan and Wu Xiangqing stepped forward, followed by Chen Wei and others.

Bringing the Ren family to the off-road vehicle, Lu Jingxuan did not expect that Song Fengfu would bring a large group of people.

This time you want to... Lu Jingxuan didn't know what kind of idea Song Fengfu was planning.

It doesn't matter, anyway, the two of us only need one room. After entering the room, they can enter the space and eat whatever they want.

Alright then. Lu Jingxuan watched helplessly as Yuan Shaoming and others also joined in, and the entire team looking for a place grew a lot in an instant.

Fortunately, there is a hotel in this small town, Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu happened to be in the same room, but unfortunately Yuan Shaoming went to live opposite them.

At noon, the kitchen in the hotel has not been idle since rice was available.

Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan secretly brought a lot of vegetables and seafood from the space, pretending to be from the farmer's market. For a while, the whole hotel seemed to be hosting a banquet. Except for chicken and duck meat, there were no fish and seafood. Seafood is really a little bit too much.

If I could eat like this every day, I would be willing to die. Looking at the food on the table, Ren Yifei sighed lightly.

Don't say die, die, the future is still long, maybe the zombie incident will pass soon, and we can return to normal life. Seeing Ren Yifei's longing and despairing expression, Ren Yi couldn't help but frowned. I frowned.

Divide the food, so that some people have more people and some people have less. Now the kitchen is contracted by Song Fengfu and Ren's family. As for Yuan Shaoming and others, they are not with them at all, and they are not qualified to be with them. Together, because the Ren family intends to exclude the Yuan family.

The smell of food from the kitchen wafted throughout the entire hotel. Zhou Dongmei stood outside the kitchen and looked inside, and when she heard that Ren Yifei wanted to share the food, she immediately stepped forward, Yifei, cooking, it smells so good .”

Aunt Yuan, why are you here? Ren Yifei frowned, Zhou Dongmei clearly came here to get a share of the action.

I'm just here to see if there's anything I need to help with. Looking sideways at the vegetables, fish, crabs, and prawns on the table, Zhou Dongmei never imagined that they had prepared so much food.

That's really embarrassing, we don't need your help. Yao Xia couldn't understand Zhou Dongmei because she almost killed Song Fengfu.

Standing aside, Song Fengfu silently divided some of the food in front of her. Anyway, if there is not enough food, there are still fresh vegetables in her space, which can be used for frying.

Feng Fu, why did you and Major Lu prepare such a small amount? There is not enough to eat. This seafood was brought by you, hurry up and grab a few more, and this shrimp, it doesn't matter if we don't eat it. How could we be so greedy with so many supplies from the market. Mother Ren looked at the food in Song Fengfu's bowl, if they hadn't brought seafood and vegetables, they could only eat white rice, how could there be so much food? dishes.

Enough, enough, Aunt Ren, Jingxuan and I can't eat that much, you should share the rest with others. Hastily rejecting Ren's mother's kindness, Song Fengfu held the two large bowls in front of her Walking towards the outside, as for Zhou Dongmei... whichever is cooler.

Song Fengfu, who didn't take Zhou Dongmei seriously at all, and even regarded her as air, walked out of the kitchen quickly.

Outside the kitchen, Yuan Shaoming and Yuan Mingkun stood there in embarrassment. Seeing Song Fengfu walking out, Yuan Shaoming's expression instantly became complicated.


Jingxuan, are you hungry? You got it from Yifei. See if you have enough to eat. If not, I'll ask for some more. Song Fengfu skipped Yuan Shaoming's side and looked not far away. The standing man put the bowl full of fragrant vegetables into his hand, and at the same time put some fish in his own bowl into Lu Jingxuan's bowl.

Seeing the scene of the two of them at this moment, Yuan Shaoming couldn't help clenching his fists.

Yuan Mingkun stood aside, looked at the picture in front of him, and then looked at his son beside him. If he had let his son choose Song Fengfu, would the ending be completely different?

No need, I've had enough, and you should eat a little more. You're skinny. Although Song Fengfu ate well and dressed well these days, she lost a lot of weight.

It's not that Lu Jingxuan feels sorry for Song Fengfu, but now it is necessary to highlight Song Fengfu's thinness, so that people will not think that there is any problem with Song Fengfu's rosy appearance.

I'm fine. I'll just go back and sleep. If we have enough food, let's go back to the room. There are too many flies here. I'm afraid it will be bad if I get infected with the zombie virus.

Taking a sideways glance at Chen Wei and the others who came smelling the aroma of vegetables, Song Fengfu didn't know how Ren Yifei would deal with this matter next.

After all, the people behind this are all from the Yuan family.

Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan left quickly. The fish, crab, shrimp and vegetables in the bowl were really enviable. Chen Wei and others felt that their saliva was about to flow out, but they couldn't grab Song Fengfu's food.

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