Seeing the air of being an official, the four men frowned unanimously.

Not interested. Lu Jingxuan said lightly.

However, just after he finished speaking, he felt something pressing against him at the back of his waist.

You want to make trouble here? You don't even look at whose territory this is. Lin Yu, who also felt something pressing against him behind him, turned his eyes cold.

Boy, do you think this is inside the city? Let me tell you, this is outside the city. No matter how much the city lord of the crystal base wants to control it, it is impossible to control it here. So, if you want your life, follow me. Let's go. If you don't want your lives, I don't mind my hands being stained with a little more blood, anyway, it's not like I haven't been stained with blood before. Like a pig, not too fat.

Lu Jingxuan glanced at him sideways, and a golden light flashed across his piercing eyes.

If this official is killed now, it will definitely attract the attention of many people. Even judging from the wound, he must be suspected.

Then you mean you want to kill us here? Lin Yu raised his hand secretly, intending to use the fire ability to deal with the soldiers in front of him.

It's such a pity to kill you. You are all talents, so I don't want to kill you. The fat official looked at the four people in front of him. If all four of them were used by him, it is not impossible for him to occupy the crystal base.

Hearing the fat official's sinister smile, Lu Jingxuan looked indifferent, he wanted to see what the fat official wanted to do.

Then what do you want us to do?

Hearing Lu Jingxuan's question, the fat officer gave Lu Jingxuan a sideways look, I don't want you to do anything, as long as you are used by the army and obey the army's orders.

Listen to the army? Do you want us to find food for you? Or help you occupy the base? Lin Yu looked at the fat officer coldly.

From Jiangxi to Fujian, he stayed in three refuges along the way, and none of the officers in the refuge did not want to be the head of the refuge.

Kill zombies externally and fight internally.

In the end, the three shelters fell apart due to internal fighting.

Originally, I thought that I would be fine when I came here, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen here.

Hearing Lin Yu's words, the fat official showed a surprised expression, as if he was very surprised that he would say such a thing.

Boy, I didn't expect you to be so good at it.

It's a pity that you won't succeed. It's impossible for you to occupy this crystal base. Lin Yu sneered, and the fat official was immediately very displeased.

What does he mean by that? Couldn't he occupy the crystal base?

Boy, as long as this is the country, I don't care who the owner of the crystal base is, I must hand over control of the crystal base.

The fat officer snorted coldly, and winked at the soldiers next to him, signaling them to take him away.

The people around looked at the scene in front of them, and no one dared to step forward to stop them.

Seeing that Lu Jingxuan and others were about to be taken away, he quickly walked towards the base alone.

The Fat Officer's army is stationed outside the base on the left side of the wall.

After bringing the four people to the station, the fat officer immediately had them tied up and thrown into a temporary tent.

Does he think he can control us like this? Jin Han was extremely uncomfortable being tied up, and immediately a muddy hand came in from under the tent and untied his tied hand.

Seeing that he was out of trouble, Lu Jingxuan immediately used the wind knife to untie himself.

After seeing Lu Jingxuan and Jin Han get out of trouble, Hao Junnan quickly shouted, Quick, untie me too.

Wait, I'll help you now. Lu Jingxuan used another wind knife to untie his bound hands.

What should we do now? It seems that the common people outside don't want to offend them.

Hao Junnan looked at the three people in front of him.

Just looking at the terrain, this place is more than ten meters away from the outside of the base.

If they run into the base, they can sit back and relax.

But how do we get to the base from here?

There are people from the army outside.

Enter the space, enter your space first, and then we will find a way to enter the base. Lu Jingxuan turned his eyes, as long as they find a way to make the other party think they are missing, they will find a way to enter the base.

When Hao Junnan heard that he wanted to enter his space, he immediately hesitated, but seeing that there were only three people in front of him, the space should be able to accommodate so many people.

After pulling them all into the space, the tent suddenly became empty.

Someone who entered the base quickly notified Song Fengfu.

Unexpectedly, Lu Jingxuan would be hijacked, Song Fengfu ran to He Long's villa and shouted in shock.

Uncle, Jingxuan was kidnapped by people from the army, and they are going to rebel now.

Song Fengfu looked at He Long nervously.

Jing Xuan was hijacked by someone from the army? What's going on? Who hijacked him? He Long looked at Song Fengfu in front of him, she must be joking.

Who will kidnap Lu Jingxuan? Don't you know his relationship with the city lord of the crystal base?

Song Fengfu shook her head, she didn't know who would be so bold as to kidnap Lu Jingxuan.

If Louise hadn't come to tip off the news, she would never have thought of it.

I don't know, someone told me that Jing Xuan, Hao Junnan and two supernatural beings were hijacked into an army tent outside the base. I don't know who the army that hijacked them is. Anyway, now Jing Xuan He must have been forced to do something. Cousin, hurry up and find a way to save him.

Song Fengfu pretended to be crying, which made He Long's face darken.

Thinking that there is no one around him who can be used, if something happens to Lu Jingxuan, who will manage his army in the future.

Go, take me to see who dared to kidnap my nephew.

Cousin, this way. Song Fengfu led the way and quickly came to the outside of the base.

Watching Song Fengfu walk outside the base, He Long saw the army he was referring to at a glance.

They kidnapped Jing Xuan. Song Fengfu pointed to the army in front of him and said to He Long.

You guys kidnapped Jingxuan? He Long looked at the army in front of him, but he didn't expect that the army in front of him was the army of the soldier he had talked with this morning.

Unexpectedly, he didn't accept them, and they kidnapped his nephew.

When He Long thought that they were coming against him, he became furious.

Since his son died in battle, he regarded Lu Jingxuan as his second son, so he naturally didn't want anything to happen to his son.

But he didn't expect someone to kidnap him.

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