Originally, I wanted to find out why the Crystal Base existed?

The big man sneered in his heart, there was no one who came to the base recently who was not curious about the base.

The soldier was also curious about the base at first glance.

Then what do you want us to do? The big man remembered that many people came to them recently to find out the secrets in the crystal base, but unfortunately they couldn't enter the castle at all, let alone know the secrets inside.

The soldier glanced at the slightly skinny burly man, Enter the crystal base castle.

Enter the castle? Haha, are you kidding me? No one can enter the castle at all. The big man laughed loudly when he heard the soldier's words.

The people around glanced at the soldier and shook their heads with a sneer.

You think this crystal castle is your backyard and you can enter it if you want? A person around sneered.

The soldier frowned, Isn't anyone going in?

No. The big man shook his head.

In his opinion, the Crystal Castle is the imperial palace, and these ordinary people can go there wherever they want.

Brother Huang, what you said is a bit wrong. I heard that two people have entered the castle, and they seem to have a good relationship with the city lord. When the surrounding people spoke, the soldier couldn't help pricking up his ears.

Two people entered the castle? Who are they? The soldier pricked up his ears when he heard this.

If you want to know, at least give some indication. The man looked at the soldier's clean clothes, as if he didn't have any zombie beads.

After expressing this point, the soldier took out nearly ten zombie beads from his pocket.

Is this enough?

Staring at the nearly ten zombie beads in front of him, the man glanced at the surrounding people, and saw Brother Huang nodded.

Then he opened his mouth and said, I heard that they are a man and a woman living in the apartment, and they are also listed as special users.

Special user? The soldier murmured these four words, what special user?

There is still this special user in the base?

Yes, I heard that because they saved the city lord of the crystal base, the city lord gave them the identity of this special user out of gratitude.

The man looked at the soldier and told him all he knew.

The soldier nodded slightly, Do you know their specific address?

It seems to be on the top floor of that apartment. The man pointed to the top floor of the apartment.

The soldier nodded again, Thank you.

After a military salute, the soldier turned around and walked towards the base.

Brother Huang, what do you think the soldier wants to do with those two people? The man who took the zombie beads stared at the back of the soldier.

I don't know, we don't have anything to do anyway. Brother Huang also stared at the soldier's back, and for some reason he had a very bad premonition.

Xiao Lei, I think the soldier must want to enter this base to be stationed, so he wants to know what's going on in the crystal base.

The old man recalled what the soldier said before, looked at his clothes, and guessed his purpose.

Hehe, then this is interesting. I'm afraid the situation in the base will change. Huang Lei sneered, it seems that without him making trouble, the base will change.

Xiaolei, I think we'd better play it safe. Protesting against the base may not be beneficial, let alone we have to rely on the base now. The old man agreed with them fighting for rights, but he didn't agree with them messing up the entire base.

Huang Lei looked in the direction of the gate of the base. A group of soldiers who didn't know where they came from were standing outside the base, as if they were waiting for some order.

Uncle, can we really survive only by relying on others? Huang Lei clenched his fists, he didn't want to live like a refugee.

If you don't want to live a life like this, then turn yourself into a supernatural being. After you become a supernatural being, you can do whatever you want. The old man looked at him, whoever he was.

The only way to survive in this last world is to make yourself stronger.

Uncle, you made Brother Huang a supernatural person, isn't that telling him to seek death? A person surrounded by the two said.

What do you know, as long as he doesn't enter the crystal base, he will be fine. If he enters the crystal base and the city lord knows that he is a supernatural person, it will be hard to say. Inside activities.

And based on this, we know that as long as the identity of the supernatural person is not exposed in the base, then there will be no problems.

Uncle, do you mean that we won't enter this crystal base? Huang Lei was surprised when he heard the old man's words.

According to him, they will never be able to enter the crystal base?

Didn't I say that? As long as no one knows that you are a supernatural being. The old man took out five zombie beads from his pocket.

It is no secret in the base that they eat zombie beads and become supernatural beings.

The old man looked at his nephew, expecting him to become a supernatural being.

Uncle, I didn't expect you to have a zombie bead. Huang Lei was surprised to see the zombie bead in the old man's hand.

This is just in case, Xiaolei, you guys should eat this quickly.

The old man stretched out his hand, and the five people present looked at each other. It would be good for everyone to become a supernatural being.

Huang Lei picked up a zombie bead, struggled for a while and put the zombie bead into his mouth.

Brother Huang, wait, do we really want to eat this zombie bead? The others watched him pick up the zombie bead.

If you eat this, life or death is unpredictable.

Eat, why don't you eat? Huang Lei squinted at the group of people behind him, they were still relying on themselves to survive.

I thought this would be a government relief site, I thought there would be free food and clean water here, but I didn't think that after coming here...

What clean water, what free food, are nonsense.

It takes three zombie beads at a time to enter the crystal base, and it only lasts for twelve hours.

During this period of time, in order to obtain the water source in the crystal base, they not only rented the house closest to the base, but also sent people to continuously deliver the water source from the base 24 hours a day.

Without a car or pole, they could only carry buckets to bring water back from the crystal base more than 1,000 meters away.

This back and forth, 3 zombie beads can only exchange two buckets of water at most.

Originally, they thought that someone could meet the people inside the city, but what they didn't expect was that the access to the city wall was not opened in the base at all, so they said that they could only propose the base.

However, it is impossible for the guards at the base to let them take over from the outside.

So the three zombie beads turned into two buckets of water.

Huang Lei was heartbroken to exchange three zombie beads for two buckets of water.

But they are just helpless.

Brother Huang. Everyone looked at him.

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