No, I believe him. Lu Jingxuan looked at He Yufan with a smile.

He believed that He Yufan's behavior would not be like Yuan Shaoming's.

No, I'm still a little uneasy. Forget it, let's leave him alone. Song Fengfu took his hand and came to the apartment in the blink of an eye.

Lu Jingxuan looked in front of him, he didn't expect Song Fengfu to teleport him back home so fast.

You want to be charming in the golden house, don't you? Lu Jingxuan said angrily.

Jinwu Zangjiao? He looks better than you and has a better figure than you, but he is an idiot. I have no interest in idiots.

Song Fengfu snorted coldly, she was interested in the handsome boy, but if the handsome boy was an idiot, she would not want to be the nanny.

Really, but I can see that you seem to have a good impression of him, don't you have feelings for him? Lu Jingxuan felt that Song Fengfu had feelings for He Yufan that he didn't know how to describe.

How could I have feelings for an idiot, I just think he has a taste that I don't know how to describe.

Song Fengfu couldn't describe the smell, and always felt that He Yufan had some kind of purpose in staying here.

Taste, do you think it's food? Lu Jingxuan thought it was very funny.

Let's treat him as food. Anyway, the food can be kept in this house now. Song Fengfu yawned, and glanced at the time, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

It's already eight o'clock in the evening, now we wait for them to find out that Yuan Shaoming is missing, or should we go out... Lu Jingxuan walked to the edge of the windowsill and glanced outside,

It was past eight o'clock, and there were still many people active outside the base.

And on the mountain nearly 500 meters away from the apartment, many fires were lit on the playground of the middle school, illuminating the surroundings.

Wait until that old witch finds out that her son is still alive. Song Fengfu walked into the bathroom, the thing she wanted to do most at this moment was to take a bath.

Then get a good night's sleep.

Looking at Song Fengfu's back, Lu Jingxuan thought about Song Fengfu's words.

When Zhou Dongmei found out that her son was missing, she would go crazy again.

Lu Jingxuan walked into the bathroom on the other side, washed himself and just came out when a figure rushed towards him.

Before he had time to see the person in front of him clearly, Lu Jingxuan felt a piece of cold softness on his lips.

When his eyes saw the person in front of him clearly, he didn't expect that the person who posted it would be Song Fengfu.


I want to hug you. Song Fengfu rubbed against his neck.

Hold me? Fengfu, have you ever thought about it? Now that the crystal base has stabilized, have you ever thought about getting married and having children? Staring at the face in front of her, Song Fengfu was a little surprised when Lu Jingxuan's words came out.

Get married and have children?


Get married and have children? Is it right now? Isn't the zombie still unsolved? And I'm not very relieved now... Song Fengfu raised her head and looked at his handsome face.

I always feel that now is not a good time to get married and have children.

Then just wait for a while. Lu Jingxuan smelled her scent, it was very sweet, and instantly touched a certain nerve in him.

Yeah. Song Fengfu blushed and looked at his face.

Let's sleep. Lu Jingxuan picked up Song Fengfu and put her on the bed.

Sleep. Song Fengfu looked at him with a smile and leaned over.

The night has just begun.

As for the Yuan family, Yuan Mingkun knocked on Yuan Shaoming's room several times, but he didn't see his son come out at all.

This is something that has never happened before.

Yuan Mingkun couldn't help but worry at this moment, something will happen to his son.

What's wrong? My son still hasn't come out? Zhou Dongmei watched as her husband kept knocking on her son's door.

Have you called several times? Still no response. Could it be that the son entered the space? Yuan Mingkun looked at the door. Fortunately, there was a key on it. At this time, he didn't care about anything, so he opened it directly with the key. son's door.

Zhou Dongmei had just followed him into the room. At this moment, the empty room was a bit cold, as if no one had ever lived in it.

My son is not here. Zhou Dongmei felt that her son was not in the room, did she enter the space?

However, even if he entered the space, he could still hear their calls, and if they called from 8 o'clock in the evening until twelve o'clock, even if he couldn't hear him no matter how hard he couldn't come out to eat.

Something must have happened to my son. Yuan Mingkun looked around. Yuan Shaoming hadn't come out for such a long time, obviously something happened to him.

Something happened to my son, how is this possible! Zhou Dongmei couldn't believe that since her son had the space, how could something happen to her? There are no zombies here.

Something must have happened, otherwise there would be no response.

Yuan Mingkun looked at the room in front of him, what happened to his son, what would they do in the future?

Don't be kidding, nothing will happen to my son. If he has space, how could something happen to him? Don't scare me. Zhou Dongmei couldn't imagine what they would do if something happened to Yuan Shaoming.

But how do you explain what we've seen now, and what's more, son, you didn't respond to us at all. After all, we are also his parents. It's impossible for him not to respond to us. It's been several hours , if nothing happened, how would you explain all of this? Zhou Dongmei shook her head when Yuan Mingkun said this.

No, I don't believe it, Shao Ming, Shao Ming. Zhou Dongmei shouted towards the room.

Fortunately, the entire apartment building is completely soundproof if the ship is not sailing.

However, many people opened their windows and heard Zhou Dongmei's yelling.

They also want to hear more or less about this family, especially their son, who is also a space power user.

Hearing Zhou Dongmei's deep call, everyone couldn't help poking their heads out.

what's going on?

Haru, who lives next door to Zhou Dongmei, walked to the window sill and looked at the opposite side, which Zhou Dongmei was standing at this time.

My son is missing.

Zhou Dongmei turned her head when she heard his shout.

Yuan Shaoming is gone?

How could he not be there?

Haru immediately realized that this was a big deal. He hurriedly ran from his home to Zhou Dongmei's.

Mr. Yuan disappeared, what's going on? Haru didn't follow Yuan Shaoming for a long time, and in just two weeks, he didn't know Yuan Shaoming well enough.

But he knew that Yuan Shaoming was a person with spatial and water abilities.

Since they brought him to the car, they have relied on Yuan Shaoming's water to live until now.

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