Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 362 Another Woman in the Space

Louis, hurry up and take the prince. The young princess ran to the car and shouted at Louis who was holding a weapon.

Hearing what the princess said, Louis, who was already busy at the moment, quickly pulled James out of the car and ran forward.

Annie and Anthony followed closely behind to protect them.

However, the cane quickly got involved in the young princess from behind. Seeing his wife being rolled up, James quickly shouted, Help her, save her.

Prince, it's too late, let's go. Louis knew that the person who was swept away by the cane had no hope, even his princess was useless.

Louis pulled James and ran forward quickly.

The young princess watched her husband's disappearing figure with deep blue eyes and did not cry out.

She knew that once she yelled out, James would definitely turn around.

Just like Lily, when the young princess was tied behind her back, the rattan had already torn her clothes to pieces.

The same proud figure was tied up in the wind, the only difference was that there was a man looking out from the space, and saw this beautiful scene at a glance.

Without even thinking about it, a water knife flew out of the space, Yuan Shaoming quickly grabbed the body of the princess and entered the space after the rattan was cut off.

I didn't expect that just when I thought I was going to die, I was brought into the space.

Just as Wang Hao wanted to see the situation in front of her clearly, a big palm grabbed the softness of her chest.

Compared with Fu, the princess is even more beautiful.

Yuan Shaoming looked at the fruit-bodied beauty in front of him, how could he not eat it?

Mr. Yuan, what are you going to do? Wang Hao exclaimed.

He quickly covered his chest with both hands.

Enter my space, from now on you will be my woman. Yuan Shaoming stared at her white skin, never thought that James had such a beautiful princess.

You... how could you do this. The princess looked at him in astonishment.

James must have never imagined that you were still alive when you were dragged away by the cane. Now he must think you are dead, so now you are already a dead person, aren't you? Yuan Shaoming pulled her up and didn't pay attention to it before. It was only now that she realized that her figure was even more perfect than Fu. It's a pity that she is no longer a virgin.

No, Mr. Yuan, you can't do this, you can't do this. James' sister will not forgive you.

The princess shouted the name of sister James, but she couldn't see James' sister coming out of the tent.

It turns out that Yuan Shaoming discovered that in this space, the space can be divided in various ways, that is, the space can be divided into different small houses by using the water system ability, and now James' sister is sleeping in his divided small house .

Fu can't hear your yelling, she is locked in the room by me now, she can't hear any sound you make. The beautiful little face of the princess was evoked, and the smooth skin was still tender.

Yuan Shaoming dragged her into the water room.

You will change your name to Rong in the future, do you hear me?

Throwing his beautiful body onto the bed made of water, Yuan Shaoming immediately leaned over.

No, no, please don't. The princess kicked her feet to prevent him from approaching.

Woman, let me tell you, don't even think about taking half a step away from here. If you enter my space, you are mine. Yuan Shaoming narrowed his eyes, and Rong's hands were clasped on the left and right sides by the bracelets formed by Qingshui.

No, no, Mr. Yuan, please be me. After the end of the world, I will ask James to give you half of his property. There was a trace of fear and fear in Rong's eyes.

The snow-white softness trembled with her undulating chest.

Yuan Shaoming looked at her and sneered, The apocalypse is over? It is impossible for this apocalypse to end within a few hundred years. You asked him to give me all his property. Do you think those properties are useful to me?

After hearing his words, her beautiful face changed slightly. Rong saw his big palm grabbing her own whiteness, and she wanted to die at this moment.

Let me go, please, Mr. Yuan, let me go. Rong was caught in pain, seeing that Yuan Shaoming's actions could not be stopped, tears flowed from Rong's eyes.

Watching him take off all his clothes, his not-so-tall figure immediately crushed him.

Skin to skin, Rong watched him bury his head in her softness, his hands kept moving around her body, and then she was tightly combined with him with pain.

Yuan Shaoming kissed her face and neck, and gnawed on the strawberries on her soft skin.

Rong exclaimed, and slowly cooperated under his skillful lead.

From now on, you will be called Rong, the Rong of Furong. Yuan Shaoming told her in Chinese.

Rong? It was stuck on her body like a label.

Rong looked at the man in front of her who didn't intend to let her go. Could it be that she has been trapped in this place all her life?

No, she doesn't want to be stuck here.

Rong looked at the eyes stained with love and lust in front of her eyes, and one day she would escape.

Yuan Shaoming looked into her burning eyes, how could he not know that this woman hated him to the bone.

I can't tell that James really knows how to choose a wife. I really can't bear to give up such an energetic woman. Yuan Shaoming deliberately stimulated her.

Rong listened to the English he spoke, and saw his chin resting between the two lumps of softness that he grabbed and squeezed, and glared, Mr. Yuan, I always thought you were a gentleman, but I didn't expect you to be a villain. .”

With a charming smile, Yuan Shaoming's eyes fell on the ditch in the softness, Rong, you will call me master from now on. Remember, you will only be my slave from now on.

Grabbing the two balls of softness fiercely, Yuan Shaoming watched her suffer a pain.

Rong couldn't help struggling a bit from the soft pain, but it made him go deeper into her...

No, I'm not your slave, and I won't be your slave when I die. Rong glared at him.

She is the princess of a country, the daughter of a duke, and she will never allow herself to be a slave.

I can't help you, now you will take good care of me. Yuan Shaoming pushed up, and Rong's face paled instantly.

She couldn't help but say no, from now on she was destined not to leave this space and not see her husband.

Thinking of this, Rong closed her eyes in pain, and let Yuan Shaoming do whatever he wanted on her.

Until her consciousness sank with the passage of time.

I don't know when they ran, James and others finally ran to the highway, where there was no cane.

There was no one on the highway at the moment, and James felt very uncomfortable looking at the only Louis beside him.

No, nothing.

Prince, don't be sad, we have to work hard to live.

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