Okay then, let's go to the second floor of the restaurant to chat. Song Fengfu turned around and followed them towards the restaurant.

There are crowds of people coming and going in the restaurant.

When the three of Song Fengfu entered the restaurant, some people glanced at them and then looked away.

As if they had nothing worth their attention.

Lu Jingxuan glanced at the crowd, then opened his mouth lightly. Let's go up to the second floor.

Louis nodded slightly, looking at all kinds of people in the restaurant with his dark blue eyes, he never expected to meet so many foreigners after coming to China.

From his glance, he could roughly see that people from at least five or six countries had gathered here.

Going up the stairs made of crystal, Louis felt for the first time that he was about to fall down at any moment.

When he came to the second floor, Louis thought that there were no people on the second floor, but he was completely wrong. There were still many people on the second floor, and these people looked very powerful.

Song Fengfu and the others couldn't help but be taken aback by the seemingly clean clothes.

It seems that there are many masters in the crystal base.

Let's sit over there. Lu Jingxuan pointed to a corner where no one seemed to want to sit.

It was a place for four people, leaning against the window, and could see the outside scene at any time.

When Louis sat down, the waiter brought the menu.

Louis, you can order whatever you like, and bring back what you can't eat later. Lu Jingxuan gave him a good meal without hesitation.

Just say what he wants to know from his mouth.

Lu Jingxuan, thank you. Louis looked at Lu Jingxuan. Although he didn't understand the Chinese characters on the menu, he knew that the numbers behind it represented zombie beads one after another.

With his current accumulation, these zombie beads are not enough for him to eat at all.

There's nothing to thank. If we meet by chance, we can be regarded as friends. Lu Jingxuan laughed, and Louis nodded slightly.

It's true. After Louis ordered a few side dishes, he leaned back on the chair, as if he was very relaxed.

Tell me what happened to you after we left that day. Lu Jingxuan's clear eyes seemed to reflect his face in a mirror.

Louis looked at him and slowly recalled what had happened before.

It turned out that not long after they entered the space, two days after Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu stopped paying attention to them, the flame inside the wooden ball broke through the restriction and was finally exposed to the outside air. Everything around it burned up.

Flames burning continuously from the sky above the wooden ball attacked the entire city. When the flames attacked the city, gusts of wind from nowhere made the fire even more intense.

One day later, the city was completely reduced to nothing. Yuan Shaoming saw the scene outside from the space, and it was pitch black.

Black is scary.

There's no fire outside. Could it be that everything has been burned? After being occupied by Yuan Shaoming two or three times, Fu's whole heart also turned towards him.

At this time, she completely regarded herself as Yuan Shaoming's woman.

Yuan Shaoming, whose eyes were still closely watching the situation outside, shook his head.

I don't know the situation outside, I think it is necessary to send someone out to find out.

Yuan Shaoming himself would definitely not go out to learn about the situation.

He turned his head to look at Lily and the others.

For Lily and the others, he never cared what their names were. The only thing he cared about was whether he could return to China alive and see his mother alive.

When Louis saw his gaze turned to Lily and the others, the meaning was very obvious.

He wanted them to go out and explore the way.

As the leader of Lily and the others, there is no reason for Louis to let his subordinates take risks outside.

Thinking of this, Louis said, Let me go.

No, Louis can't go, Louis you can't go, you have to protect the prince. Lily met Yuan Shaoming's gaze, took her weapon and walked to the entrance of the space.

Lily, wait, it's so dangerous outside, there's no reason to let you go, you go back for me, let Anthony and I go outside.

Mark picked up the gun with few bullets and stood up from the ground.

Lily looked at him with disapproval on her dark face. You go back, you still have to protect the prince, who will protect the prince when you go out?

Isn't there still Louis here? Mark patted her on the shoulder, looking at her with deep blue eyes, with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

Lily, you and Annie stay here to protect the prince, and we will come back as soon as possible. Anthony smiled at her, trying to reassure her, but found that it was impossible to reassure her.

This time out, no one knows life or death.

Facing this situation, Anthony had a lot to say to the people in front of him, but Yuan Shaoming's eyes were fixed on them like eagles.

I'll be waiting for you. Lily felt a little uneasy in her heart. She didn't know why she always felt that there was danger outside.

Nodding, Anthony took the flashlight and stepped out of the space.

Mark followed closely behind him out of space.

As soon as they got out of the space, the two of them immediately felt a bit of cold. The temperature outside still didn't change, and it was so cold that their hands and feet were about to freeze at any time.

Anthony, be careful. Mark followed behind him, and after glancing around with the flashlight, he found that they were in the original position of the bus.

And the entire bus has been completely scrapped,

The same to you.

Anthony stared at his surroundings, not daring to move around in an unfamiliar environment.

After making sure that there were no vines around, Anthony gave Mark a wink.

Mr. Yuan, there is no problem outside, you can come out now. Mark said towards the inside of the scrapped bus.

Yuan Shaoming was always paying attention to the situation outside, and after confirming that there was no problem, he took all the people out of the space.

Unexpectedly, James, who was pushed out of the space, felt the cold wind blowing towards his face, and sneezed instantly.

It's so cold, Mr. Yuan, can you let us go back into the space? It's too cold outside. James is used to living in the space, it's so comfortable, quiet and safe, and the most important thing is that there are no cold and zombies.

I have to endure the cold. We must find a way to return to China quickly, otherwise all of us will die here. Yuan Shaoming held a flashlight and continuously shone on the road.

Now all they have to do is find a means of transportation.

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