Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 356 Selling Toothpaste

After a period of dark night and frost, Song Fengfu found that the place where she used to live was dilapidated.

In addition, the invasion of zombies made the house even more terrifying.

It was the first time that she used the word horror to describe her home, and Song Fengfu found that she felt more and more strange about this home.

Isn't this your home? I didn't expect it to become like this. Lu Jingxuan knew everything that happened here, but he didn't know that Song Fengfu's home had become... a haunted house.

Come on, there is no way around this. Fortunately, since we have settled down in the crystal base, it doesn't matter here.

Song Fengfu watched as a few people came from nowhere and entered her original home, moved out a lot of mummified corpses and threw them on the wooden cart outside.

Damn it, why are there so many mummies in such a good location? It's not looking for bad luck.

There have been traces of zombies invading here before, so naturally there are more mummies. Another person grabbed a mummified corpse and dragged it to the car with the most violent means.

But you didn't find that there were a lot of mummies in these two houses and the other two houses, and most of these mummies were charred in zombie form.

Why do you care so much? Get rid of all the mummy here, clean it up, and rent some zombie beads according to the location here.

The word-for-word conversation between the two entered Song Fengfu's ears.

Unexpectedly, Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan were taken aback for a moment because of the Zombie Pearl.

Dare they take my family for what?

Song Fengfu looked at the home in front of her, and it was not as good as the one that was completely destroyed.

It's understandable for them to want to make a fortune. After all, there are probably no living locals in the entire S county, so these houses are empty when they are empty.

It is not difficult for Lu Jingxuan to think that some people want to take this opportunity to make some money.

It is estimated that many people in this S County are thinking about this idea.

Hmph, if you want to make a fortune, you have to see if there is an owner in this house. Song Fengfu snorted coldly, and Lu Jingxuan shook his head with a smile.

Do you want to come back to live in this house?

It's my home after all, why don't you think about it? It's just that the current situation is really inappropriate. Song Fengfu took another look at her home and said goodbye seriously.

Lu Jingxuan quietly stood aside and watched until Song Fengfu withdrew all eyes.

Let's go and look elsewhere.

The extension of this road should lead to the original slum. Lu Jingxuan looked towards the end of the road.

There are still people in the past, but they seem to be cleaning up all the zombie corpses.

Yes, but I don't think it's necessary to look at it later, and it still looks the same. Song Fengfu glanced at the distance, as long as there are people, they are cleaning up the road or houses, and it seems that they are planning to settle here. look.

Okay, let's go back. Lu Jingxuan put his arms around her shoulders and looked around, Do you think the zombies will come again?

It's hard to say, if the zombie virus doesn't die out, humans will still turn into zombies. Maybe our place is temporarily peaceful, but who knows how many zombies there are in other places. Song Fengfu thought about the records in Feng Qu'er's book, the virus It will take at least a hundred years to disappear.

To be precise, it is not disappearing, but lurking deep underground.

Therefore, in places where viruses are pervasive, it is impossible to eliminate all viruses.

Come and see, come and see, I have toothpaste and anti-inflammatory drugs here, does anyone want it, does anyone want it?

Shouts came from the bustling bazaar.

The eyes of everyone who heard the word toothpaste burst into light.

In the last days, most people only think about how to fill their stomachs, who would think about brushing their teeth and so on.

So much so that many people are so painful that they cannot sleep because of this tooth decay problem.

The daily necessities sold in the supermarket are expensive, and almost no one can buy them except for those who have zombie beads.

It's no wonder that Song Fengfu is expensive, after all, one is missing now.

How do you sell toothpaste? People who heard that there was toothpaste for sale gathered around the stall and stared at the toothpaste on the stall.

And the toothpaste boxes on this stall are seven or eight stories new, and the toothpaste inside looks like it hasn't been used yet.

Lu Jingxuan noticed that the shouting person was Zhao Chen whom he had met in the restaurant before.

Doesn't she have space?

There should be a lot of supplies in the space, why come here to buy toothpaste?

Five hundred zombie beads. The people behind the booth shouted.

Five hundred zombie beads, you are robbing. Zhao Chen shouted when he heard the boss's words.

The boss frowned when he heard her words, Miss, the sale is voluntary, if you don't want to buy, please get out of the way.

Boss, how about this little toothpaste with 300 zombie pearls? Can you sell it? Zhao Chen thought that he hadn't brushed his teeth for a long time, and how many calculus had grown in his teeth.

In the past, when she was a young lady, she would go to have her teeth cleaned or have a beauty treatment every once in a while.

But let alone beauty, it is difficult to do a simple teeth cleaning.

But in her space, there is only food that was finally collected after the end of the world.

Miss, are you kidding me, three hundred zombie beads, I might as well use them myself. The boss glanced at her, she was beautiful, but the yellow teeth made people dare not look at her.

Boss, the price is negotiable. Five hundred zombie beads are indeed too expensive. Zhao Chen thought that there were at most three thousand zombie beads left in his space. If she changed to a toothpaste, the remaining amount would not be enough for her to change to other necessities.

The boss looked around, only Zhao Chen asked about the toothpaste, could she be the only one who would buy it?

Miss, I have worked so hard to get this toothpaste. Five hundred zombie pearls is not too expensive. You must know that this toothpaste can be used for at least two months without using it alone.

The boss sighed softly, it was too difficult to earn some zombie beads.

Five hundred zombie beads in two months, Zhao Chen finally gritted his teeth after struggling for a while, I bought it, five hundred zombie beads are five hundred zombie beads.

Deal. The boss readily took five hundred zombie beads from Zhao Chen's hand, weighed them, and then put them on the scale beside him to weigh them.

Seeing that the weight was about the same, after checking again to make sure it was a zombie bead, he handed the toothpaste to the person in front of him.

Zhao Chen checked the toothpaste, made sure it was unopened, and put it in the space with satisfaction.

A toothpaste can be sold for five hundred zombie pearls, which is really an unexpected price.

Thinking of the toothpaste that I advertised as 800 zombie pearls in the supermarket, it's no wonder that I only sold a few.

This is because of the existence of these people, it is difficult to increase the price.

Thinking of this, Song Fengfu stroked her forehead sadly.

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