Because I'm a friend of the city lord, as long as I say a word the city lord wants to drive you away, I can drive you away. After Song Fengfu finished speaking, all the waiters immediately stood behind her.

Seeing all the service staff standing behind Song Fengfu, the few who found fault could not help but frown.

Okay, let you be ruthless.

Several people saw the waiter's appearance of protecting Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu, then turned around and walked towards their table.

Miss, sir, what do you want to eat? The waiter received Song Fengfu's order and resumed the previous work order.

Just order a hot pot. Song Fengfu's words made the people around suddenly have the urge to vomit blood.

hot pot?

Does she know how much hot pot is?

It would take thousands of zombie pearls to get this hot pot meal.

People around looked at Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan's table, and were soon shocked by a hot pot, green vegetables and some meat rolls.

Damn it, that table costs a lot of money. Everyone looked at the steaming hot pot with envy and hatred.

Waiter, bring me a hot pot. Haru looked at the hot pot on Song Fengfu's table and shouted.

Sir, three thousand zombie beads for a hot pot. The waiter glanced at him, and Haru almost choked on his own saliva when he spoke.

Three thousand zombie beads?

You have to kill 3,000 zombies to eat such a sumptuous table of food.

That is to say, they don't know how long it will take to kill those three thousand zombies after eating a meal.

Haru instantly felt pain in his flesh.

Sir, do you want hot pot? The waiter gave Haru a contemptuous look.

Come here, I have enough food. Haru gritted his teeth, and winked at a person next to him, and then the person took out a bag from the backpack behind him.

The bag is full of zombie beads.

Song Fengfu frowned, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

Immediately, another three thousand zombie beads came into the account.

Sir, three thousand zombie beads can only be exchanged for five catties of vegetables, two catties of seafood, and one and a half catties of beef or mutton. The waiter looked at Haru, and the menu was ordered by Song Fengfu.

The price is high and there are few things.

But now is the end of the world after all, and rare things are precious.

So many zombie beads are exchanged for such a little thing. It's not worth it. The people around Haru listened to the waiter's words, thinking of how many zombies he had worked so hard to get in exchange for a few zombie beads. Can't get a good meal.

Want to eat but don't want to spend money, you're really stingy. Song Fengfu snorted coldly when he heard the man's words.

You, who do you think doesn't want to spend money? Let me tell you, if I don't spend money today, I won't be a master today. Haru glanced at everyone in the restaurant. If he wants to gain a foothold in this base today, he must Find a way to convince everyone.

I'll wait. Song Fengfu looked at him.

Watching him instruct the people around him to hand over three thousand zombie beads to the waiter in front of him.

Three thousand zombie beads for a little something is definitely not enough for their group.

Plus the food ordered before was all cheap food, so it seemed like enough.

The hot pot was brought to the table, and Yuan Shaoming looked at the fresh ingredients in front of him, thinking of his parents, wondering where they were.

Halu, eat first, I'll go find my parents. Yuan Shaoming stood up from his chair, ready to walk outside.

Wait, Mr. Yuan, your parents are also our parents. You can bring your parents over to have dinner with us.

Seeing that Yuan Shaoming was about to leave, Haru immediately shouted.

Looking back at Haru, Yuan Shaoming nodded slightly.

His parents haven't had a good meal after the apocalypse, and now he has tens of thousands of zombie beads in his hands, and he can exchange these zombie beads for many things.

I see. I'll bring my parents here now. Yuan Shaoming walked out of the restaurant after speaking.

Looking at his back, Song Fengfu remembered that during this period of time, Zhou Dongmei and Yuan Mingkun had often scolded the base, especially now that Zhou Dongmei was outside, the scolding was even louder.

Yuan Shaoming wanted to take her into the crystal base, and she would not let him enter the crystal base unless he was willing to spend a lot of money.

Song Fengfu snorted coldly.

Just let her see how Yuan Shaoming let his parents in.

Since there is a good show to watch, Song Fengfu can't eat this hot pot.

Let's go to a good show. Looking at the man beside him, Song Fengfu murmured softly, then Lu Jingxuan shook his head.

What's interesting, just wait for them to come. After Lu Jingxuan finished speaking, he picked up the mutton roll and rinsed it.

This scene made many people swallow their saliva.

Song Fengfu nodded slightly. Lu Jingxuan didn't like her paying too much attention to Yuan Shaoming, so she just didn't pay attention.

This is the rumored Crystal Base restaurant. It's the same as before the end of the world. A cold snort came from outside the restaurant, and Song Fengfu turned his head, only to see a few people enter the restaurant.

There are five people in a group, men and women are busy in the world.

And the leading woman looks very beautiful, looks like a celebrity.

Song Fengfu frowned, staring at the group of people who came in. They looked good and were very stylishly dressed.

Obviously this is the end of the world, but a group of them seem to be on a sightseeing trip.

They are too clean, and their clothes are very bright, as if they have never been worn.

It's the same as the end of the world, that's two differences. One of the men sneered, his deep black eyes swept across the tables of food in the restaurant.

Xiaohan, the food here is very fresh, the same as the food before the end of the world. It seems that this is the last paradise on earth. The man who was a few years older than the cold-faced man stared at the food on the table of Song Fengfu and others, Such fresh food is so rare.

After the end of the world, no matter whether it is a city or a country, no piece of land can grow food, and even the food grown cannot be eaten, otherwise it will only become a zombie.

Brother Lin, what kind of paradise on earth is it that the smell of copper is all over your body? Jin Leng snorted, found a table and sat down.

Song Fengfu frowned.

Fengfu, the mutton roll is ready, if you don't eat it, it will be cold. The corners of Lu Jingxuan's mouth slightly raised, and his handsome face leaned towards her ear, Let's watch a good show.

Yeah, you can eat too. Song Fengfu looked at the hot pot in front of her. How can I have food but no drinks?

Waiter, here's a jug of watermelon juice and two ice creams.

Song Fengfu snapped her fingers at the waiter next to her, and what she yelled made everyone around her look a little uncertain.

Watermelon juice, ice cream, where else can I get ice cream at this time.

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