Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 335 Roasting Zombies

Unable to find Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu, Robert had to return without success.

After the others left, Lu Jingxuan looked at the iron gate and frowned, he didn't want to waste time cutting the iron gate here.

Try to see if the soil ability can dig under the management center. Lu Jingxuan suddenly had a bold idea.

Listening to what he said, Song Fengfu laughed dryly.

There is at least 50 meters away from here to the bottom of the management center. Their abilities don't know if they can dig so far in a short time.

I think we can give this a try. If we get to the management center, we only need to deal with the zombies inside, and we don't need to deal with the zombies outside.

Song Fengfu blinked after she finished speaking, and after leaving the space, she pressed one hand on the ground. Immediately, the ground under her feet seemed to be moving, and within a diameter of one meter, a huge pit quickly formed.

And the extra land rolled all the land to the ground inside the cave like a tornado passing through.

As the soil from the holes on the ground was dug out bit by bit, Lu Jingxuan took a look at the slope and depth.

It's easy to go down like this, but it's still difficult to go up.

Wait, you mean to make something like a staircase? Song Fengfu looked at the deep hole she had dug. Indeed, it would be difficult to go down like this. Without stairs, they would have to slide down or hang themselves down. .

However, it is not suitable to hang yourself or slide down.

Song Fengfu looked at the hole in front of her, and after quickly forming an idea in her mind, she pressed the hand on the ground and quickly moved the soil layer on the ground into the cave.

As the deep pit seemed to have been carved by a knife, step after step appeared in front of the two of them.

In less than thirty minutes, the cave leading from the entrance of the cave to the management center was completely opened.

Entering the tunnel, Song Fengfu and the two quickly passed through the cave and entered the interior of the management center.

Fortunately, Song Fengfu didn't dig too far, the place the two of them went to was the place where the management center used to store the zombie beads.

In the dark world, Lu Jingxuan heard that there was no sound outside, and then secretly got up from the ground.

Walking softly to the door, Lu Jingxuan pulled Song Fengfu out from the tunnel after confirming that the door was indeed secure.

Looking around, Song Fengfu looked at many neatly placed cabinets, all of which were marked with numbers in German.

There is no sound outside, I wonder if those zombies have gone to other places. Lu Jingxuan looked at the mouth lightly.

Although the door was closed, he still couldn't relax his vigilance to the outside.

Song Fengfu pricked up her ears to listen to the sound outside, but she didn't hear any sound, and she didn't know if the zombie really went to another place.

Walking to the side of the cabinet and opening it, the cabinet was full of zombie beads, Song Fengfu couldn't look away immediately.

Wow, a lot of zombie beads.

I didn't expect there to be so many zombie beads here. Lu Jingxuan was extremely surprised when he saw that the cabinet was full of zombie beads.

Why are there so many zombie beads here?

It's really strange, where do you think they got so many zombie beads? Song Fengfu quickly put the zombie beads into her space.

Even if the army collects so many zombie beads, it is impossible to collect so many zombie beads. Someone should have brought them here. But no matter what, let's quickly put these zombie beads into the space and look back to see where those guys went. place. After opening a cabinet, Lu Jingxuan put all the zombie beads in the cabinet into the space.

Song Fengfu nodded, looking at the zombie beads in the space with a bit of joy on her face.

According to her estimation, there are at least hundreds of thousands of zombie beads here.

Enough for her to replenish the energy in this crystal base.

The two released their consciousness while collecting.

Outside the cabin, the zombies wandered back and forth like wandering spirits.

Suddenly a voice came from the road outside the cabin.

The sudden collapse of the land made the zombies scream in shock, and their rotten hands continued to dig into the ground.

I don't know what to dig out of the ground.

The sound of collapse came from inside the cave, Song Fengfu did not expect the tunnel to be so weak.

What's going on, the tunnel... Lu Jingxuan frowned as he watched the dust flying from the tunnel.

The tunnel has collapsed. Song Fengfu put on a mask and goggles to check the condition of the cave.

When she dug, it was at least three meters away from the ground, which doesn't mean that it can collapse if it collapses.

Song Fengfu rolled her eyes, and when she was about to say that her skills were actually very good, the zombies outside the wooden house roared wildly.

The huge collapse sound attracted all the zombies in the valley.

After putting all the beads into the space, Song Fengfu walked to the edge of the hole, and said to Lu Jingxuan in a somewhat hoarse voice, Should we dig the hole again or rush out.

Dig the hole again and rush out. It's a waste of time. On the other hand, you have a way to deal with so many zombies outside? Lu Jingxuan walked to the window and looked at the zombies outside. Zombies running much faster are everywhere.

Song Fengfu nodded, her face under the mask was serious. Jingxuan, I'm afraid we won't be able to dig holes. The earth and rocks below have begun to loosen. Unless we dig to a distance of less than ten meters, the hole will not be solid. And we can't transport the earth and rocks out here.

That's the only way to deal with the zombies. Lu Jingxuan's face was frozen, and he walked to the window of the house, and saw that the iron fence installed on the window was very strong.

Moreover, the window is at a height of nearly two meters, so that people can't reach it at all, and even if they climb up, it may arouse the suspicion of zombies outside.

What good idea do you have? Song Fengfu turned to look at him.

Roast the zombies. Lu Jingxuan said lightly.

Fire-roasted zombies? Song Fengfu tilted her head and thought for a while, How do you plan to roast this fire-roasted zombies?

Do you still remember what happened here when we came in? Most of the three sides of the valley are cliffs, and only the side leading to the road outside has a mountain road. Lu Jingxuan took out a pen and paper from the space, and A topographical map was drawn on it.

I remember, but you said that the inner canyon is so big that we can burn all the zombies? Song Fengfu looked at the terrain he drew and analyzed.

Yes, as long as we have enough food and grass, we can use the wind to create momentum. Lu Jingxuan pointed to the entrance of the cave where they came in. We're standing here and just destroying the road.

Well, how can we get out of here? Song Fengfu stared at him. There is at least a hundred meters away from the entrance of the cave. Even if they dig this cave, they may not be able to dig it in a short time.

Kill it. Lu Jingxuan looked at the map.

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