Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 332 Returning to the Refuge

Then let's set off after a short rest. James looked at the time on his watch, wondering when Yuan Shaoming would come out.

no problem.

Listening to their conversation, Song Fengfu turned her head to look at Lu Jingxuan, Let's go back now, to the valley.

Go back to the valley? What do you want to do? Lu Jingxuan looked at her and frowned.

There are zombie beads, let's go back and get zombie beads. Song Fengfu blinked.

Go back to get zombie beads? You know that if you go back this time, you will have to face a lot of zombies. Lu Jingxuan somewhat disapproved of his idea.

I know, anyway, there is no one else now, and if we want to kill, we can kill at any time.

If there is no one in the valley, it happens that they can do whatever they want unscrupulously.

Song Fengfu stared at him, waiting for him to make a decision.

Okay, anyway, these people may not be able to leave if they want to. Lu Jingxuan sat on the driver's seat, turned the car around, and then accelerated the accelerator to drive towards the valley.

Passing by the place where Zhang Xiaoqin died, Lu Jingxuan saw that the car seemed to have been set on fire and turned into a pile of scrap metal.

It's hard to tell who's corpse is whose, there are too many zombies wandering here.

Come back later and deal with them. Lu Jingxuan glanced at the zombies outside beside the car. Each zombie had one bead. The zombies here can't tell how many are left. If they are all wiped out, they will probably gain a lot. Zombie beads.

Song Fengfu stared at the darkness outside, I hope there won't be too many zombies here.

It doesn't matter if there are too many, anyway, it's impossible for them to leave here so early. Lu Jingxuan looked at the fuel gauge, and at this speed, he could reach the parking lot of the shelter in two hours at the fastest.

The car ran wildly all the way, and drove into the parking lot in less than two hours.

In the parking lot without lights, Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu could only listen to the roar of the zombies around them.

You can't go this way, it's not easy to go down the mountain in the past. Song Fengfu turned on the flashlight to shine on the zombies around.

The battered zombies appeared in front of the two of them one after another.

Although it's not easy to go down the mountain, the supplies here are no less than those at the bottom of the mountain. Let's go inside first. Lu Jingxuan drove the car to the entrance of the cave and stopped.

We're going to stop here? Song Fengfu was slightly surprised when he saw him stop the car.

Well, we can only rely on ourselves in the future. Lu Jingxuan nodded lightly, and put the car into the space.

You mean to let us walk inside? Song Fengfu looked at him in surprise, just kidding, this is the rhythm of going to hell.

There are stairs below, it's impossible for a car to pass. Lu Jingxuan armed himself up.

Seeing his appearance, Song Fengfu took out the cotton coat from the space and put it on her body.

Wrap the scarf around everything to avoid the zombies biting you. And you still have leather gloves in your space.

Lu Jingxuan looked at her attire, she was easily scratched or even bitten by zombies if she wasn't fully armed.

Well, let's go out. Song Fengfu felt that she was almost turning into a winter melon rhythm, wearing layers of clothes on her body.

But it seems that it is not easy to be scratched by zombies.

Wait until I get the wood ready. Lu Jingxuan took out bad wooden sticks from the space, and these wooden sticks were covered with gasoline.

Song Fengfu watched as he lit one of the sticks soaked in gasoline and threw it outside.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light inside the cave, and Lu Jingxuan watched the zombies outside and used several wind knives.

Plop plop zombies fell down.

Let's go out. Lu Jingxuan pulled Song Fengfu out of the space.

However, the moment they left the space, the zombies behind them rushed towards them.

Be careful. Song Fengfu used the wind knife and took out the silencer pistol to aim at the zombies one after another.

Be careful not to be caught by the zombies. Lu Jingxuan stuck the wooden stick high on the wall.

Song Fengfu nodded slightly, and looked nervously at the zombies rushing towards them.

The wind knife used one after another, and Song Fengfu cleaned up the zombies behind, but the zombies kept running in from behind.

Seeing this, Lu Jingxuan's expression froze, his deep eyes turned to look behind.

Zombies came running from behind one after another, the speed was beyond Lu Jingxuan's imagination.

Seeing that the zombies kept coming, Lu Jingxuan took out incendiary bombs from the space and threw them towards the zombies.

Fengfu, deal with the zombies in front and leave them to me later. Lu Jingxuan took out gasoline from the space and poured it on the flames.

Okay. Song Fengfu ran to the front and took out the light from the space.

As soon as the lights were turned on, the zombies in front kept rushing towards the two of them.

There was a sea of ​​flames behind, and the continuous stream of zombies in front gradually piled up into a mountain of corpses after the heads of one after another were cut off by the wind knife.

Jingxuan, hurry up, the zombies in front are about to turn into mountains. Song Fengfu shouted.

Wait, the way back is not broken. Lu Jingxuan threw two more incendiary bombs, turned around and used the wind knife.

Damn it, why are there so many zombies here? Song Fengfu frowned, remembering that there should not be many people coming into this cave, why does it look like there are so many zombies.

Look at their clothes, most of them are civilian clothes, obviously from the valley below.

Lu Jingxuan looked at the corpses in front of him and saw that they were all civilian clothes.

Where else but from the valley.

They didn't escape? Song Fengfu looked at the zombies one after another in surprise.

Fortunately, the blood of these zombies has coagulated, otherwise it would not be a joke to splash the blood on them.

It's their fate if they can't escape. Lu Jingxuan took out the sword that he hadn't used for a long time, aimed at the zombie's head and sliced ​​it off.

Song Fengfu cooperated with him to divide the zombie in front of him into two sides.

Stepping over layers of corpses, Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan slowly pushed forward.

Finally entered the place connected to the lower passage.

Looking at the opposite door, it was locked from the inside.

Song Fengfu slashed at the door lock with a wind knife.

Come in. Lu Jingxuan hurriedly shouted when he heard the sound of the door lock clicking.

Pushing open the door, Song Fengfu walked in quickly.

After seeing Song Fengfu go in, Lu Jingxuan quickly followed.

After closing the door, Lu Jingxuan saw that the lock had been destroyed by Song Fengfu, and there was no way to lock it again.

Seeing such a scene, Lu Jingxuan remembered the ability of the earth element, metal is also a kind of earth element, I don't know if it is possible to connect the locks together.

Thinking of this, Lu Jingxuan raised his head, consciously pulled out the metal in the ground in the space.

Link the locks in front of you together.

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