Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 327 She Turned into a Zombie

Wait for the opportunity. Louis stared at the car in front of him.

Come and help, the window here is going to be broken. A group of zombies climbed up outside the bus at some point, and beat the window violently.

Originally, the glass on the bus was not very strong, and the temperature inside and outside was very uneven, so the glass cracked brittlely under the fists of the zombies.

A woman stares at shattering glass, trying unsuccessfully to find a defensive weapon from a bus.

Hearing the woman's scream, Lily quickly came to the window and blasted at the zombies outside the window.

The crackling sound continued. From the rearview mirror of Lu Jingxuan's car, sparks could see dots of light flickering again and again.

Suddenly, there was a violent crash on the roof of the RV, as if something had hit it.

Song Fengfu's complexion changed slightly, her clear eyes stared at the roof of the car.

Will it be zombies?

There's something on the roof. Lu Jingxuan felt the thing on the roof start to move after the violent moment.

He's next to you.

Sensing that thing running towards the top of the driver's seat where Lu Jingxuan was, Song Fengfu yelled.

A head suddenly protruded from the front-view mirror from top to bottom.

The frozen purple flesh and blood under the rolled up gray skin had already dried up, and the eyes with gray pupils slowly shrunk.

As if looking at them but also as if not seeing them.

Hush, keep your voice down, he seems to be able to hear the voice but not see anyone. Lu Jingxuan pulled her down and squatted down.

The zombie looked and looked in from the outside, but saw nothing.

Suddenly he opened his mouth wide, and a tongue shot out from his mouth.

The curled tongue hit the glass with a bouncing sound.

The zombie didn't expect the glass that it thought could be pierced to bounce back, and immediately roared.

The roar made the surrounding zombies turn towards him involuntarily.

I'll go, he looks like he's calling his partner. Listening to the voice from outside, Song Fengfu slightly raised her head to look outside, suddenly lost her mind.

The RV was surrounded by zombies, and layers of zombies covered their car layer by layer, obviously trying to crush them to death.

Song Fengfu had never seen such a scene in front of her. The zombies covered outside the railing were already squeezed to the point of sinking into the railing, but they didn't seem to feel it at all.

He felt that this place was solid and couldn't be opened. He must have thought that there was something good to eat here, so he called his partners to open it. Lu Jingxuan understood the psychology of this zombie very well.

The things you can't get are always the best things.

Lu Jingxuan looked at the zombies that started to hit the glass outside, did he think the glass was so easy to hit?

If it was just a RV, it would definitely not be able to withstand such a crash, but with a space car, he thought he could be stronger than a space car?

Song Fengfu looked at the zombie with a bit of confusion.

Looking from the inside, the tongue is no different from the frog's tongue, except that this tongue is dozens of times larger than the frog's tongue.

Then we are really honored. Song Fengfu sighed, and his consciousness turned into a wind blade to cut the heads of the zombies outside.

It's really an honor to be the food in the mouth of the zombies. Lu Jingxuan looked at the zombies outside, covering them layer by layer like this, they don't know how long it will take to kill them all.

Song Fengfu rolled her eyes when she heard his words.

Suddenly a voice came from a distance, the roar of female zombies, like a dominatrix pouring out of hell.

Song Fengfu was very familiar with this voice, it was Xiaotao's voice.

Song Fengfu was taken aback, Zhang Xiaotao turned into a zombie?

I'm going, Zhang Xiaotao has turned into a zombie. After hearing another roar, Song Fengfu could completely tell that Zhang Xiaotao had really turned into a zombie.

Lu Jingxuan's ears moved slightly. Zhang Xiaoqin should be dead.

If she dies, I will die. If she doesn't spy on you, I will save her for the sake of my classmates. Song Fengfu snorted coldly, sitting in the co-pilot seat and watching the zombies punching and punching outside. Hit the glass.

However, at the next moment, there was a violent sound from the roof.

Then a figure climbed down from above.

Looking at Zhang Xiaotao who looked like a Spiderman, before Song Fengfu could finish speaking, a pair of icy pupils on that face that seemed to come from hell looked straight into the car.

It's just that all she can see outside the car is the dark interior of the car.

Song Fengfu, Lu Jingxuan takes his life.

Zhang Xiaotao's fingers turned into sharp swords and pierced through the glass.

Song Fengfu watched as her hand inserted into the glass, but was stopped by the space car.

Hearing her cry, Lu Jingxuan frowned slightly.

She regarded the two of us as enemies.

We didn't regard us as friends, so we were naturally enemies. Song Fengfu sent out a wind knife, which cut Zhang Xiaotao's body, but did not kill her.

Zhang Xiaotao couldn't feel any pain on her body, and all the functions of her body were condensed, and she saw bloodstains on her skin. Although it didn't hurt, the flying flesh made people feel extremely disgusting.

Zhang Xiaotao looked at the skin on her body in disgust, and roared angrily.

I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you.

Hearing Zhang Xiaotao's words, Song Fengfu sneered.

Kill us, she thought she was the king of heaven.

Anyway, everyone else has left, so it's time to start killing. Lu Jingxuan looked at Zhang Xiaotao, with a trace of coldness in his eyes.

How do you want to kill? The temperature outside is too low.

Song Fengfu looked outside, burning the corpse would produce harmful gas.

Otherwise, she really wanted to burn a slice.

I know, so I want you to enjoy the most beautiful scenery. Lu Jingxuan raised a smile, took out gasoline from the space and poured it out.

Song Fengfu frowned watching his actions.

You want to burn them?

More than that, don't we still have fireworks? We didn't enjoy the fireworks well during Chinese New Year, so we just took this opportunity to enjoy them.

Lu Jingxuan raised a faint smile, and sent a steady stream of gasoline from the space.

Lu Jingxuan, Lu Jingxuan. Zhang Xiaotao couldn't hear the sound inside, but heard the sound of running water from the side door next to him.

Looking to the side, gasoline, a steady stream of gasoline flowed out of the car.

He will burn them.

Zhang Xiaotao's thinking wasn't chaotic. Looking at the gasoline flowing out of the car window, she knew what Lu Jingxuan was up to.

Quickly using the water ability, Zhang Xiaotao wanted to wash away the purity of the gasoline.

Seeing this, Lu Jingxuan frowned.

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