No, my ability can't kill them. Zhang Xiaotao fired a water gun and hit the zombie's face, as if washing the zombie's face.

Unexpectedly, her ability was so weak, Zhang Xiaotao suddenly burst into tears.

Sister, what should I do, what should I do?

Splash out as much water as you want. It's so cold outside that it can freeze them to death. Zhang Xiaoqin looked outside.

Xiao He died, and the zombies around the car seemed to be far away from the flame because they were afraid of the flame.

Quick, rush over. Zhang Xiaoqin yelled at Yuan Shaoming, then sat in the passenger seat and opened the window.

Flames shot out one after another and hit the zombie's body. A single spark wanted to ignite the soaked clothes on the zombie's body, but it could only turn the zombie's clothes from wet to dry.

No, we can't rush over. Unless there is a way to clear the zombies in front of us, we can only stay here. Yuan Shaoming stepped up the accelerator and wanted to drive over, but found that the zombies in front of him seemed to be more violent, and they wanted to stop the car. Pushed down situation.

Zhang Xiaoqin's expression changed, Do you have any weapons?

No. Yuan Shaoming shook his head, it would be fine if he was still the same.

At least he used to have four abilities, but now he doesn't mention four abilities, even the only ability left is too weak.

Then we are going to die here? Zhang Xiaoqin looked at Yuan Shaoming, he was the only man in this car.

They can only rely on him now.

No, we can't die here, find a way to get out of the car, let's go to Song Fengfu's car. Yuan Shaoming looked at Song Fengfu's car in front, although it was surrounded by zombies, the zombies couldn't get close to them car.

Coupled with the anti-theft bars installed on the car windows, their car should be regarded as the strongest car available.

To Song Fengfu's car? They can't possibly open the door, and there are such a large group of zombies outside, do you think we'll survive after we get out? Zhang Xiaotao yelled after hearing his words.

Doesn't she know the personalities of Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan?

It is impossible to get in their car.

It's up to you if you don't go. Glancing at the two of them, Yuan Shaoming turned his head and looked in front of him. There seemed to be more and more signs of zombies.

If he doesn't leave here, he won't even think about leaving here.

After glancing at the zombies outside the car window, Yuan Shaoming opened the door cruelly.

When the zombie saw him open the door, it immediately roared.

Kicking away the zombies in front of him, Yuan Shaoming used water abilities to form a protective shield around him.

This is a special shield for water-type abilities.

After the water completely covers the distance of about one meter around the body, it will have an invisible state.

But the oxygen within the distance of one meter is very limited. If he didn't reach Lu Jingxuan's car before the oxygen was exhausted, he would either suffocate to death or be bitten to death by zombies.

After Yuan Shaoming got off the car, Zhang Xiaotao and Zhang Xiaoqin were stunned.

How could he say get off the car and get off the car.

Yuan Shaoming, Yuan Shaoming. Zhang Xiaotao shouted.

He looked outside, but there was no sign of Yuan Shaoming outside.

There were zombies everywhere, Yuan Shaoming quickly squeezed in and out among the zombies.

The protective cover also squeezed in and out.

Finally Yuan Shaoming arrived at Lu Jingxuan's car.

Song Fengfu, open the door. Yuan Shaoming stared at the door in front of him and shouted.

Yuan Shaoming? Song Fengfu looked out from the inside of the car, but didn't see anyone.

Song Fengfu, open the door. After hearing Song Fengfu's cry, Yuan Shaoming shouted again.

After making sure it wasn't an auditory hallucination, Song Fengfu hurried to Lu Jingxuan's side, Yuan Shaoming is outside? Shall we let him in?

Don't let him in, or he will find out the secret between the two of us.

Lu Jingxuan frowned when he heard the voice from outside.

It was enough for Yuan Shaoming to keep him alive for so long, so he might as well take this opportunity to accept him.

Okay. Song Fengfu glanced at the car door.

She had planned to sever ties with him when she chose to jump off the building, and now...

If you don't want to see him, go to the back, hide in the space, and come out of sight. Lu Jingxuan looked at the person in front of him, brushing her hair with his slender hands.

Song Fengfu nodded and walked towards the back of the RV.

Yuan Shaoming heard that there were no more voices coming from inside, and then he slammed on the car door.

However, there was no sound of loosening the locked door.

Yuan Shaoming felt desperate in an instant.

Does Song Fengfu really want him to die?

Roar. Yuan Shaoming heard a roar from the surroundings, and it was the zombie who smelled him and flew towards him.

Seeing the zombies coming towards him, Yuan Shaoming grabbed the railing of the car without thinking, and quickly climbed onto the roof.

The temperature outside became lower and lower. Yuan Shaoming looked around desperately, thinking of his own space, and entered the space in a flash.

At this time, the space has already changed, and the space restored to 200 square meters immediately shocked him.

Staring at the space in front of him, Yuan Shaoming laughed out loud.

He can build his own little home again.

Materials, collect materials. Yuan Shaoming remembered that since his space was restored, collecting materials was the first priority.

Thinking of the materials he had collected in his own space, Yuan Shaoming looked around.

Finally, I found my original supplies in a small corner.

Great, finally...finally...

Yuan Shaoming was overjoyed.

Hiding in the space, Song Fengfu felt a slight change in the space.

Two hundred square meters less space.

Could it be...

Song Fengfu quickly walked out of the space.

Coming to Lu Jingxuan's side, Yuan Shaoming's space has recovered to 200 square meters.

His space has recovered? Lu Jingxuan frowned, this is not a good thing.

It should be. Nodding her head, Song Fengfu told about the loss of 200 square meters in her own space.

He took two hundred square meters from you? No wonder he didn't cry. He must have climbed to the roof of the car and hid in the space.

Lu Jingxuan remembered that there seemed to be a sound of climbing into the car just now, obviously it was the sound of Yuan Shaoming climbing into the car.

Climb on the roof?

Hiding in the space, Song Fengfu had no idea that Yuan Shaoming climbed onto the roof of the car.

Yes. Lu Jingxuan was sure that Yuan Shaoming must have climbed onto the roof of the car.

So we're going to get him down?

Song Fengfu did not expect Yuan Shaoming to be so capable that he could still take her space.

Let him go. He is now hiding in the space, and we have nothing to do with him. Now we should first think about how to get out of here. Lu Jingxuan looked at the zombies surrounded outside, and now they were unable to move an inch.

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