Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 323 Leaving the Cave

If you want to get the equipment for making oxygen, you have to leave the cave and go outside to pull the equipment.

There are no more than 2,000 people left in the army in his hands. If he sends people out again, who knows if they can come back.

Hey, let someone fill this place with earth and seal it off. The marshal looked at the flames that were starting to get smaller and smaller, and his expression changed.

The temperature is getting lower and lower, the ground has been soaked by rain, and under the fire piles of charcoal smoke rise one after another.

The entire cave was quickly smoked into a dark cloud.

Without a vent, it is impossible for the smoke from the burning to get out here.

The marshal decided to seal the entire entrance.

Marshal, it may be too late to seal it now, the oxygen in the air is less than a quarter.

The soldier yelled, feeling that his breathing was becoming more and more difficult, and when he looked at the data on the instrument, he was instantly shocked.

Less than a quarter? Quickly, let everyone go to the military base. The marshal glanced at the cave, and ice water had begun to cover it, and diamond-shaped objects had appeared on many stones.

The soldier nodded, Yes.

Go, hurry up. Hearing the words of the marshal, all the soldiers moved their legs and feet that were about to become stiff, and ran towards the passage.

At the side door in the passage, Lu Jingxuan looked at the people who came in and sneered.

Lu Jingxuan, do you think it's possible for you to leave here secretly? As long as I yell, it's absolutely impossible for you to leave here.

Yuan Shaoming watched the two raise their hands, and a water polo instantly appeared in front of them.

Song Fengfu looked at the water polo in his hand and frowned.

Yuan Shaoming, do you want to be our enemy?

Song Fengfu, even if you don't look at the face of the Buddha, you should also look at the face of the monk. No matter how much I, Yuan Shaoming, am sorry for you, can't you give us a way to survive because of the... affection between the two of us?

Yuan Shaoming stared blankly at Song Fengfu in front of him, who made them like this?

The woman who was supposed to be his wife has become someone else's wife, and now they are turning against each other.

And now he is actually begging for a way to survive.

Give you a way to survive? You found your own way of life, not someone else's. If you want a way to survive, you can find it yourself. Song Fengfu glanced at him sideways and turned his head when he was about to leave. Xiao He's face changed slightly when he heard the sound from outside.

Come on, someone is coming from behind.

Knowing that it was impossible for Song Fengfu and the others to take her with them, Xiao He ran out towards their current passage in order to survive.

Seeing Xiao He running outside, Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan turned around and went outside not to be outdone.

The passage is very long, nearly more than 300 meters.

When Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan ran to the entrance of the passage, Xiao He had already got into a car and drove out.

This is a large parking lot. Xiao He didn't bring a flashlight, so he couldn't see that the second RV next to the RV he drove away was the RV driven by Song Fengfu and others.

Holding up the flashlight, Song Fengfu was thankful that there was a parking lot tent outside the cave, which prevented the wind and snow from eroding in.

The two ran towards the surrounding cars, and after finally finding their original RV, Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu got into the car.

There was not much gasoline left in the car, and Lu Jingxuan could run for an hour at most after taking a look.

After an hour the RV would be parked halfway without a tank of gas.

But fortunately, there is a lot of gasoline in their space, which can ensure that they can go wherever they want.

Lu Jingxuan started the car, and when he was about to drive out, a group of people ran out of the cave.

Not knowing what happened, the people in the cave rushed out.

Song Fengfu looked at those people with very strange expressions, as if something was chasing them.

Let's go.

Song Fengfu covered the space vehicle on the RV and urged Lu Jingxuan to leave quickly.

Sit down, I'll drive out. Lu Jingxuan heard the screams of many people in the voice from outside.

En. Just as Song Fengfu nodded, the car sped out. Yuan Shaoming watched their car drive out. Just as he was about to start the car, he felt two people suddenly entered the car. It was Zhang Xiaoqin and Zhang Xiaotao. personal.

As soon as the two people who were out of breath got into the car, they found out that the driver was Yuan Shaoming.

Go, go, there are zombies behind.

Zhang Xiaotao screamed.


When Yuan Shaoming heard these two words, he stepped on the gas pedal and drove the car out.

Cold air came from outside the gate, and in an instant everything around began to be mercilessly frozen.

One car after another drove out.

From time to time there were gunfire and shouts in the cave.

When James and the others first entered the military base, they thought that at least it wouldn't be as cold as the cave above, but they didn't expect that when they just sat down to rest, they heard a buzzing sound from nowhere.

What's the sound? It's like the sound of flies and mosquitoes.

After listening to the sound, James found that the sound was a bit loud, and it didn't sound like it was coming from his ears at all.

Prince, it's... a mosquito. When Louis yelled, a mosquito the size of a ping pong ball came in from nowhere, and the straw the size of an injection needle aimed at some unsuspecting people and poked it down. .

suck the blood from their bodies.

Mosquitoes one after another were nailed to the person's body, and screams burst out one after another in an instant.

Help, help. Help someone.

James watched a person's neck being sucked by a big black mosquito, and quickly took out his gun and aimed at the big mosquito.

Like a watermelon that exploded, the mosquito exploded with blood splattering everywhere.

After the mosquito died, the face of the person who was bitten turned from pale to a bluish-gray color, which is the color of zombies.

Facing the scene before him, James roared, Louis, Louis, take Ginny and Diana away.

Your Highness the Prince. Louis was on guard at first, but after hearing his words, he glanced in his direction, but he didn't want this look to cause him to frown.

Quick, Ginny, Diana. James saw that Annie and Lily were on alert, and hurriedly pulled his wife and sister and ran towards the cave above with the large army.

Crazy mosquitoes bit one person after another.

James noticed that people who were bitten by mosquitoes either turned into mummies, or the rest turned into zombies.

And no one knows where these mosquitoes come from.

James ran out of the cave with everyone, followed the passage to the parking lot, but saw Lu Jingxuan and others driving away in a car.

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