Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 321 Zhang Xiaotao Becomes a Supernatural Being

I also want to become a supernatural person, and I want to be like you. Zhang Xiaotao looked at the people in front of him, who were stunned when he said this.

She turned into a supernatural being?

Is it possible for her to become a supernatural being?

Many things appeared in Zhang Xiaotao's mind, and finally she turned herself into the most powerful supernatural being.

Lu Jingxuan watched the bloodshot on her fair face gradually stand out.

This is not a harbinger of becoming a supernatural being at all, but a precedent of becoming a zombie.

No, she's going to turn into a zombie. Lu Jingxuan yelled, which made Louis and the others run out of the tent immediately.


The last two words that people don't want to hear after the end of the world.

After hearing Lu Jingxuan's shout, many people in the cave came out of the tents.

Who turned into a zombie.

A cry came from inside the Louis tent.

Then a group of people rushed out of the tent.

Looking at Zhang Xiaotao in front of them, everyone screamed.

Bloodshot pale face covered Zhang Xiaoqin's face like a spider's web.

Seeing Zhang Xiaoqin's face, everyone screamed.

Kill her quickly, kill her quickly.

A man stood among the crowd and shouted.

Zhang Xiaoqin didn't expect that Zhang Xiaotao would actually eat that zombie bead. The current appearance doesn't look like a supernatural being, but a zombie at all.

Hearing everyone yelling at her, Zhang Xiaotao turned her head, her bloodshot eyes opened incomparably huge like the eyes of a cow.

People can't help but think of the kid in The Grudge, and his terrifying eyes.

Don' want to kill me, don' want to...kill me. Zhang Xiaoqin felt that she couldn't even speak.

Could this be the prelude to becoming a zombie?

Zhang Xiaotao looked at her hand and shouted instantly.

This yell made everyone cover their ears involuntarily.

Zhang Xiaotao's voice was too piercing, even her voice made people feel like their eardrums were being pierced.

Hurry up and grab it. Hearing the voice, the soldiers guarding nearby quickly ran forward and chained Zhang Xiaotao before she completely turned into a zombie.

Don't catch me, don't catch me. Zhang Xiaotao felt that her words became very fluent, and when she was glad that she might become a supernatural person, her eyeballs changed dramatically in an instant.

The originally clear eyeballs turned red in a blink of an eye.

It was as scary as the color of blood.

Ho, ho. Zhang Xiaotao let out a zombie-like roar.

Zhang Xiaotao, who was stunned that she couldn't speak human words at all, was gagged with a rag by the soldier.

No, don't take her away. Zhang Xiaoqin watched Zhang Xiaotao being taken away, and hurriedly followed.

This is her last relative, what if she is taken away again?

Let go, she has turned into a zombie. The soldier frowned as he looked at her.

No, she didn't turn into a zombie, she didn't turn into a zombie. Zhang Xiaoqin felt that Xiaotao was still thinking.

It's just that she hasn't changed too much now...

Stop talking nonsense and kill her directly. James watched as Zhang Xiaotao's skin began to turn black, and he no longer looked like a living person at all.

She has been completely zombie.

No, she is my sister, and I will never allow you to treat her like this.

Looking at Zhang Xiaotao, Zhang Xiaoqin's eyes turned from red to normal.

Not wanting to be taken away, let alone being treated as a zombie, Zhang Xiaotao struggled, and suddenly a water knife shot out from her hand, quickly cutting off the iron chains that bound her.

This cut off, before the soldiers had time to react, Zhang Xiaotao rushed to Zhang Xiaoqin.

Sister, I have become a supernatural being.

It's a water-type supernatural being. Lu Jingxuan frowned, really turning Zhang Xiaotao into a supernatural being, but this is not a good thing.

You have become a supernatural person, have you really become a supernatural person? Zhang Xiaoqin watched Zhang Xiaotao send out a stream of water, which meant that they would not need to reach out to others for food in the future.

Even if someone wants water, they have to trade it for food.

Yes, I have become a supernatural being, sister, we don't have to be afraid of others in the future. Zhang Xiaotao raised a smile.

Seeing her triumphant look, Song Fengfu frowned, and took Lu Jingxuan's hand, which she felt was unusually cold.

The outside temperature began to drop continuously.

There seemed to be a little less clothing on them.

It's really lucky that I didn't become a zombie. Lu Jingxuan pursed his lips and glanced at the two sisters, then turned his head and pulled Song Fengfu into the tent.

What she ate was a zombie bead, or a zombie bead that hasn't been purified. I don't believe she won't become a zombie. Song Fengfu didn't expect Zhang Xiaotao to be so bold as to eat this completely unpurified bead. Zombie beads.

She is really not afraid of becoming a zombie.

The slightly raised smile contained a bit of malice.

Song Fengfu is looking forward to the day when Zhang Xiaotao becomes a zombie.

After confirming that Zhang Xiaotao would not become a zombie but a supernatural being, the soldier reported the news.

It was not long before the marshal came to their tent.

Are you a water-type supernatural being? The marshal in his fifties looked at Zhang Xiaotao in front of him with some dignity.

Before that, he had heard that there were quite a few supernatural beings here, but he had never seen how the supernatural beings were formed.

Unexpectedly, it would be because of the zombie beads.

That is to say, if you want to become a supernatural being, you only need to eat the zombie beads.

The marshal thought of this and had a small plan in his heart.

Yes, I am a water-type power user. Zhang Xiaotao looked at the marshal in front of him, and did not expect that after becoming a water-type power user, he would attract the marshal's attention so much.

Very well, I hope you can benefit us. The marshal nodded.

Okay. Zhang Xiaotao raised a smile and glanced at Song Fengfu and the others triumphantly.

Water, is it a water-type supernatural being? Can you give me some water? Hearing what the marshal said, people around hurried over.

You must know that all they got from the military base was food, but no water.

It is very difficult to get water.

Now that there is a water-type supernatural being, who wouldn't want to get some water from her?

Okay, one catty of food can be exchanged for half a catty of water. After Zhang Xiaotao finished speaking, the person begging for water was stunned.

If a catty of food is exchanged for half a catty of water, they will run out of food sooner or later.

Some people are unwilling and others are willing. Changing the water has become a lively event in the entire cave.

There were too many people coming and going every day, Lu Jingxuan watched Zhang Xiaotao's complexion become more and more ugly.

The ability of the zombie beads must be used up.

Not to mention the lack of ability of unpurified zombie beads, they are even mixed with impurities.

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