It's impossible for them to eat to death. Don't forget, our family members are still serving as soldiers under their command. The miserable man was a bit older, and looked like he was in his early fifties.

Lu Jingxuan looked at him and frowned.

You are family members of soldiers and they should treat you preferentially, but why do you still eat so badly? Lu Jingxuan looked at him as if he was really in pain.

Food is polluted everywhere. We can find so little food now that the army has cut our food in half to keep food for soldiers. Now they will save us, but they I wish we could all starve to death. After the man in his fifties said this, Lu Jingxuan had an idea in his mind.

It is estimated that people in the military actually know that rain can turn people into zombies, so they gathered some people into the cave in advance.

As for the number of outsiders who can escape.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if someone from the military died.

As long as the soldiers are there.

Soldiers can live better with them.

As the main force, soldiers cannot make mistakes, Lu Jingxuan understands this better than anyone else.

Do they think so? Lu Jingxuan looked at the person in front of him.

If the other party thinks so, then they may be killed by someone.

In order to get more food.

Who knows, I just hope that this rain will end soon. The man said here, looking at the entrance of the cave.

I don't know how the rain outside the cave entrance is doing now.

Lu Jingxuan nodded.

After saying goodbye to the three of them with Hao Junnan, the two walked towards the entrance of the cave.

However, just as they reached the entrance of the cave, two soldiers suddenly raised their guns at them, Go back, you can't go outside.

Can't go out? Why? We just want to see if it's still raining outside. Lu Jingxuan frowned slightly.

This doesn't let them go out, could it be that something happened outside?

It's still raining outside, but it's still dark outside. I advise you not to try to go out.

After the soldier finished speaking, he returned to his post with a gun.

Hearing what the soldiers said, Lu Jingxuan and Hao Junnan looked at each other, then turned and walked towards their tent.

Did you hear what the soldiers said just now, this situation is the same as ours, that is to say... Lu Jingxuan looked ahead, which means that the outside will become dark, even for a long time. in the dark.

No, if the situation here is the same as ours, then... Hao Junnan didn't dare to think about the future.

It's nothing, let's wait and see. Lu Jingxuan patted him on the shoulder.

Back inside the tent, Lu Jingxuan looked at the iron bowl outside and emptied it at some point.

Song Fengfu sat in front of the tent and stared straight ahead.

Fengfu, what's wrong with you? Why are you in a daze? Lu Jingxuan waved his hand in front of her, watching her eyes gradually become focused.

Are you back? How is it? Is the surrounding situation okay? Song Fengfu withdrew her mind and looked at the two.

It's still raining outside, the soldiers won't let you go out, they just say it's still dark outside. Lu Jingxuan patted her head.

It's still dark outside? Didn't it turn into daytime? Song Fengfu asked in surprise.

It's probably the same as our situation. Lu Jingxuan sat beside her, looking at the tent in front of him.

Thinking of the home, Song Fengfu couldn't help but worry.

Then will it cool down here too?

I don't know. If we can't get out now, we won't be able to get the zombie beads we want. Unless we either give up here, or continue to stay here and wait for the opportunity. Lu Jingxuan took out a chocolate bar from the space and gave it in half. she.

Waiting for the moment?

Song Fengfu suddenly became interested.

Keep waiting, don't we still have sisters Zhang Xiaoqin, Yuan Shaoming and Hao Junnan among the people living here, Xiao He?

Counting the people who came before, there are only seven of them who have survived.

Well, yes. Do you have any plans? Lu Jingxuan looked at her.

Waiting for an opportunity. After Song Fengfu said these four words, Lu Jingxuan looked at the opposite tent and shook slightly.

It seemed that the other party heard his words.

Then let's wait for the opportunity to get the zombie beads. Lu Jingxuan stood up and walked into the tent.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Zhang Xiaotao, who was hiding in the tent, turned her gaze, Sister, we want to get zombie beads, we must get zombie beads.

Xiao Tao, don't think about such long-term things, let's deal with our immediate things first. With a rumbling stomach, Zhang Xiaoqin felt that her stomach was still hungry.

That's right, what we need to solve most right now is food. Zhang Xiaotao looked at Zhang Xiaoqin in front of him.

Food, food, is what they need most now.

But where to find food now, and where is someone willing to give them food.

And the most important thing now is that they just felt a smell of urine in the corn soup.

After she had just taken two sips, she didn't want to continue drinking.

I don't know how those people did it.

Okay, let's go to sleep and try to conserve our energy. Zhang Xiaoqin lay on the bed and closed her eyes.

Yeah. Zhang Xiaotao nodded, closed her eyes and endured the hunger.

Time passed little by little in sleeping and eating.

In three days, except for Song Fengfu, Lu Jingxuan, Yuan Shaoming and Hao Junnan, the others obviously lost a lot of weight.

Half a bowl of corn soup quickly turned into a thin slice of bottom.

Facing the soup that was not enough for a mouthful, some people started to resist.

Kill, kill them, everyone go grab food.

I don't want to be starved to death, I don't want to die like this.

Everyone came out of the tent to face the soldiers.

One hundred and fifty tents and nearly five hundred people rushed out of the cave.

Along the passage of the cave, he rushed to a place more than 100 meters below.

Following the large army to the bottom of the cave, Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan looked at the more spacious cave with more food and water sources.

And many soldiers found their families among the people who rushed down.

Marshal, the supreme commander of the base looked at everything in front of him, but he didn't expect it to be a mess.

Quick, separate them all for me, separate.

Roaring and berserk.

No one listened to the words of the Marshal.

Everyone looked at their relatives looking skinny, and immediately ran into the material warehouse to snatch the materials inside.

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