Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 311 The Death of Hades

I didn't expect that we would meet in such a situation. Louis, weren't you arranged to leave? Why are you here again? Lu Jingxuan glanced at the cave, and found that the cave was abnormally large, almost covering the entire cave. The mountain was hollowed out.

Louis nodded with a smile, This is the place that was originally arranged for us. Compared with the wooden house outside, this place is much safer. In addition, there is food supply here, so it is better than the outside.

Lu Jingxuan smiled slightly, and saw that there were some other people in the cave besides them, and these people looked very rich.

Could it be that they came in and stayed here early?

Lu Jingxuan felt extremely surprised, it seemed that the people here were already prepared.

That's true, after all, it's ventilated and very safe inside. Lu Jingxuan glanced around and felt the sound of wind in the air.

Song Fengfu stood beside him, also looking around.

Jingxuan, there is a lot of space here, and it looks like there is still an exit.

Song Fengfu felt that there were other people in this cave besides these people in front of her.

It's good to have an exit. In case the zombies from outside run in, at least there is an escape route.

Lu Jingxuan wondered where this intersection would be.

Zombies? Are there any zombies outside? Louis couldn't help being curious when he heard the conversation between the two.

Didn't you hear the sound of rain outside? As long as people are contaminated by this rain, they will become zombies. Lu Jingxuan looked at the people in front of him. The noise outside was so loud, didn't they hear the slightest sound?

Hissing, roaring and roaring of zombies.

If you get contaminated with rain, you will become a zombie? How is this possible? Louis was slightly taken aback.

Have you been in England for so long, don't you know that rainwater is poisonous?

Listening to what he said, Lu Jingxuan seemed to really not know about it.

You said there is zombie virus in this rainwater? Hearing Lu Jingxuan's words, other people in the cave quickly surrounded him.

Do you think the heavily guarded door allows zombies to come in? Don't you know what is shouting outside?

Lu Jingxuan heard the voices outside getting louder and louder, and even the gunshots became more and more intense.

I'll go take a look. Louis received James' eyes and walked outside.

Just when he walked to the entrance of the cave, he saw Zhang Xiaoqin walking in, and he couldn't help being extremely surprised.

Soldier, what happened outside, why is it so noisy? Louis frowned, ignoring Zhang Xiaoqin and Zhang Xiaotao who came in.

Sir, there are zombies outside. The soldier pointed his gun and looked outside.

As soon as the word zombie came out, Louis looked outside the door, but he didn't dare to go out, for fear that he would be stained by the rain.

In front of his eyes, the high lights illuminated many places, but in these places he could only see the appearance of people running, but he didn't know how many of them were people.

At this moment, a broadcast sounded over the entire base, Survivors, please do not touch the rain, try to stay in the room and do not go out...

Sir, do you want to go out? The soldier looked at him as if he was about to step here.

I'm not going out, I just want to see what's going on here. Louis heard the radio saying that when homeless survivors were asked to run to them, they had to wrap themselves up completely to avoid rainwater from getting on their bodies.

Sir, go in quickly, maybe someone else will come later?

The soldiers who also heard the broadcast looked towards Louis.

The two women who just entered looked very normal, but there was no possibility of turning into zombies.

But no one knows if the people waiting to come over will be contaminated by the rain, or even become zombies.

When Xiao He entered the cave, there was a pile of clothes outside, which were the raincoats that Song Fengfu and others took off before.

Quickly taking off his clothes, Xiao He looked at the soldier pointing his gun at himself, Did you get wet by the rain?

No, no, I was very careful not to let the rain get on it. Xiao He shook his head.

He has taken protective measures, and it is impossible for him to be stained by rain.

Okay, you go in first. The soldier saw that his face was clearly the face of this Asian, and then he thought that several of these Asians had just entered the cave?

After getting permission, Xiao He nodded and quickly entered the cave.

Sister, you see that they are indeed here, and there is nothing wrong with them.

Zhang Xiaotao, who entered the cave, looked at the people in front of him through the light, but unexpectedly saw a group of familiar people.

Zhang Xiaoqin? Zhang Xiaotao? I didn't expect that you two sisters are still alive. Song Fengfu looked at the two people who came in, thinking that they would die in that wooden house, but they still survived here.

What do you mean by that? Are you cursing the two of us? Zhang Xiaotao looked at her very unhappy.

I don't need to curse you, even if you are cursed by me, you may not die, right? Song Fengfu snorted coldly.

You... Zhang Xiaotao stared at Song Fengfu and was about to reply when Zhang Xiaoqin grabbed her.

Shaking his head at his younger sister, Zhang Xiaoqin dragged her to the other side.

Sister, why did you hold me back? Zhang Xiaotao called out.

Don't pull you, will you let you charge up? Can you beat her? Zhang Xiaoqin rolled her eyes. If she could beat this, it's okay to say, the key point is that she is not a supernatural person, and she can't beat Song Fengfu at all. .

After squinting at the two sisters, Song Fengfu began to look for a place to live.

There are rooms all around the cave, Song Fengfu glanced around and found that very few rooms had slogans written on them.

She couldn't read German and had no idea what was going on in these locked rooms.

Mr. Lu, Mrs. Lu, are you here too?

Xiao He looked at Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan in surprise. When did they come here?

It's Xiao He, you're here too. Lu Jingxuan showed a look of surprise on his face, this Xiao He lived next door to Hades and others, they reacted very quickly, they came here in no time.

Mr. Lu, you also came here because you heard that there were zombies? Xiao He looked at Lu Jingxuan and the others as if they didn't have anything on them.

They also came here in a hurry, right?

Nodding slightly, Lu Jingxuan looked at Xiao He, Just the three of you coming? Where's Hades?

He remembered that Hades was a powerful man, and it would be a pity if he died.

Speaking of Hades, Xiao He sighed softly, Mr. Lu, Hades is dead.

Dead? How is this possible?

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