You live upstairs, I'll live downstairs. By the way, are you going out to familiarize yourself with the environment now? Hao Junnan looked at a man and a woman in front of him.

Familiar with the environment? Let's go after we put down our backpacks. Lu Jingxuan squinted at the sky outside, it was so dark that it couldn't be darker, just like the sky above the crystal base.

This black has no moon and no stars.

Lu Jingxuan suddenly had a very bad premonition, could it be that the night floated here from the sky above the crystal base?

Then I'll take care of the house here. If you have any valuables, take them with you, lest someone break into the empty door here, which would be bad.

Hao Junnan had a faint smile on his face.

After all, people here are unfamiliar, and they are foreigners, it is inevitable that someone will stare at them and rob them.

It's okay, we don't have anything important, it's just some food, if they want to grab it, let them grab it. Lu Jingxuan raised a smile.

Good things are in their space, and it is not so easy to be robbed.

Slightly nodding his head, Hao Junnan watched the two go upstairs.

Soon they came down from upstairs.

Watching the two leave, Hao Junnan sat on the wooden sofa and began to make himself a cup of coffee.

A person's life is really good.

After coming out of the wooden house, Song Fengfu and the two walked along the road.

There are not many lights in the dark world.

The two walked to the right from the end of the road in the wooden house. This is a small market and a refugee camp.

There are a lot of things placed on both sides of the road, and every five or six meters there will be a small fire that illuminates the surroundings.

The fire is not big, and there are not many places that can be illuminated.

After Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu walked into the refugee camp, they found that the smell in the refugee camp was very strong.

It was a smell of fermented wine.

Lu Jingxuan took out two masks from his small bag.

Here, bring them here. The smell here is too strong. It should be because they haven't bathed for a long time, so they have such a strong smell.

It's not just that I didn't take a shower. The smell should be the smell from the clothes after soaking in water for a long time without washing.

Song Fengfu put on a mask, not wanting to go deep into the refugee area.

Let's go, let's see if we can exchange some zombie beads. Lu Jingxuan originally thought about exchanging some zombie beads at the management center, but the two of them's goals were too big, and if they exchanged for hundreds of zombie beads, it might attract the attention of others.

Instead of changing some zombie beads in the management center, it is better to come to the refugee camp to see if you can get some zombie beads.

Song Fengfu nodded, and looked around with clear eyes.

Come and see my friend, I have a flashlight and clothes here. Hearing someone approaching the refugee area, the surrounding people shouted.

Friend, friend, come and see what other good things I have here.

Lu Jingxuan glanced at the things on display.

Broken clothes, broken shoes, some daily necessities, and even pots and pans.

Let's ask. Song Fengfu glanced at the things on the ground, but no one was selling food.

Don't ask, we'll just set up a stall here to sell food. Lu Jingxuan found an open space and took out the cloth from the small backpack.

Song Fengfu watched him take out a small bag of salt from the backpack, which was packed when they had time in the space.

Are you going to sell table salt?

Song Fengfu squatted at his feet and asked.

Well, no matter who is short of salt, I believe this bag can be sold for two or three hundred zombie beads. Lu Jingxuan blinked his eyes. A person will lose strength every day without salt, let alone in this apocalyptic world. After half a year, I don't believe that these people are not short of salt.

Two or three hundred zombie beads, doesn't that mean that we have twenty to thirty thousand zombie beads in one hundred packs? Song Fengfu did the math, then only two hundred packs of salt can get more than 50,000 zombie beads.

In this way, wouldn't they be able to get more zombie beads?

Helping Lu Jingxuan take out the salt from the backpack, Song Fengfu placed them one by one on the cloth in front of him.

What are you selling? The people around looked at Lu Jingxuan and put out packs of white objects.

If you don't look closely, you can't tell that this is salt, but it looks like drugs or flour.

Salt. Lu Jingxuan said.

Salt? It's salt, how much does it cost? Hearing the sound of salt, the people who originally set up the stall gathered around.

A pack of five hundred zombie beads. Lu Jingxuan looked at the crowd in front of him, and many people immediately shouted after saying this.

Five hundred zombie beads, you are trying to rob them.

One person was squatting in front of Lu Jingxuan's stall, and when he was about to pick up a bag of salt, Lu Jingxuan quickly grabbed a corner of the cloth, and put all the salt in front of him.

Buying and selling is voluntary. If you think it's expensive, you can go to another place to buy it. Lu Jingxuan looked at the person, and if you think it's expensive, don't buy it.

You... The man watched Lu Jingxuan put away the cloth on the ground.

When the people around saw it, He doesn't want it, I want it, five hundred zombie beads, right? I'll buy two packs.

I want it too, I want it too, give me three packs.

I want it too. I haven't tasted salt for a long time. A person looked at Lu Jingxuan greedily. The price of salt can definitely be sold for a thousand zombie beads.

What is a mere five hundred zombie beads?

Those who want to line up and prepare five hundred zombie beads. Lu Jingxuan took out an electronic scale from the small backpack and handed it to Song Fengfu.

Five hundred zombie beads are equivalent to three catties, as long as you make sure that there are zombie beads in them, and then weigh the number, you will know.

Song Fengfu took the electronic scale, and a person quickly brought a bag to her.

There are five hundred zombie beads in here.

Wait, let me confirm. Song Fengfu took the bag in his hand, weighed it, and nodded towards Lu Jingxuan after confirming that it was three catties.

It's full of zombie beads. Song Fengfu opened her small backpack and put it in.

Okay, I'll give you this bag of salt. Lu Jingxuan watched her confirm the Zombie Bead and handed over a bag of salt to the other party.

One after another, when Song Fengfu's backpack was full, Lu Jingxuan put away the backpack.

Today's salt will be supplied here, and we will continue tomorrow. When Lu Jingxuan was about to put away the stall, the people around him were obviously unwilling to leave.

No, no, we want it now. A group of people surrounded the two of them, and Song Fengfu took the opportunity to put the backpack into the space without a trace.

Wait, wait, can't we sell it? Song Fengfu said to everyone in English.

Lu Jingxuan gave Song Fengfu a sideways glance, But our backpacks are full.

If the backpack is full, then we are... Song Fengfu suddenly yelled before she finished speaking. Backpack, where's my backpack?

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