In addition, there are real people outside, they can't kill people.

Louis, come up quickly. Opening the back door, Annie stretched out her hand and roared.

Lily raised her gun and suddenly fired one shot after another at the person in front of her.

Louis shook his head. It was impossible for him to follow them. In this case, he couldn't go at all.

Everyone threw him down, leaving only one pair of eyes to look at the people in front of him.

Hurry up. Lily shot at the people on him, and the figures fell down one by one.

Louis got up from the ground and ran towards the driving car.

Seeing this, the people on the bus behind shouted, Follow them, we want to eat meat, we want to eat meat.

Louis jumped into the car, and Mark stepped up his horsepower and chased in the direction of Lu Jingxuan and others.

It's dangerous, it's really dangerous, and I almost couldn't come back. Louis patted his chest. At the moment when he was thrown down by everyone, he thought that he was really going to become the flesh of these people.

Follow up with the prince and the others, they won't let us go. Annie looked at the bus that was chasing after her. According to this itinerary, if they didn't have as much fuel as the bus behind, they would be caught up sooner or later.

Mark stepped on the accelerator desperately, staring at the car in front of him, We must let the people in front hurry up.

Shout, tell them to hurry up. Louis watched Mark drive the car to their side.

Louis, you're fine. Jack looked at Mark and the others who were driving from the opposite side, and noticed that Louis in their car was fine.

Drive fast, those people on the bus behind are ogres, if you don't drive, they will catch up.

Louis yelled, seeing that the driver was obviously unskilled in driving.

Ogre? My God, Cary, drive quickly. Jack turned pale and urged the driver.

My lord, the car is almost out of gas. Cary stared at the gas gauge on the car, the RV itself didn't have much gasoline.

Seeing that it will run out of oil soon.

Stop the car quickly, come here quickly. Louis yelled after hearing his words.

Quick, quick. When Jack saw the car stop, he opened the door and let James and others get out of the car quickly.

The bus followed closely behind them, getting closer.

Just when Jack and Cary were about to enter the RV, a gun was aimed at their heads, and one after another fell into their heads.

Plop, two plops in succession.

It was too late for people to react, Jack and Cary fell to the ground one after the other, and died on the spot.

Let's go, let's go. Louis shouted angrily.

Seeing this, Mark slammed on the accelerator.

Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up if you want to eat meat. The man on the bus whistled and pointed his gun at the car in front of him.

However, the people in the car also pointed their guns at him.

The car behind is chasing.

Looking at the map ahead, Lu Jingxuan was still at least 30 kilometers away from the undersea tunnel. According to this speed, if there were no accidents, he would be able to reach it in more than an hour.

But if there are zombies, it will be much more troublesome.

Jingxuan, the bus behind is still following. Song Fengfu is now at a seat at a big bend.

Just in time to see the scene behind.

Sure enough, there was a bus following behind the car.

The people on the bus leaned out the windows, waving knives and whistling, looking very excited.

The zombies should eat them perverts. Looking at those people, Song Fengfu couldn't help but think of some American horror movies.

To be precise, it can't be regarded as a horror movie, but it should be regarded as a disgusting movie.

A good idea, but it's not easy to implement. Lu Jingxuan stared at the car behind which only Hao Junnan, Yuan Shaoming, and Louis were left.

I don't know how much gasoline they have in their car. If there is not enough gasoline, they will only be caught up by the people behind.

Sure enough, only ten kilometers away from the undersea tunnel, Yuan Shaoming's car had to stop.

Louis overtook their car and came forward.

Damn it, there is no more gasoline. Yuan Shaoming had to stop the car and watched Louis' car pass them.

Why is there no gasoline? Then what should we do, what should we do? Zhang Xiaotao was the only person in their car who didn't have supernatural powers.

Seeing that other people were about to get out of the car, Zhang Xiaotao quickly grabbed Yuan Shaoming's hand and looked at him tearfully, Help me, help me.

Go away, you are useless at all, why save you. The fat woman pushed her and pulled Yuan Shaoming, Xiao He and others into the space.

Men are more useful to her than women.

As for Zhang Xiaotao, let her fend for herself.

No, no, you can't leave me like this, you can't, you can't. Zhang Xiaotao shouted.

In Hao Junnan's car, Zhang Xiaoqin saw the situation behind and shouted, Let me get out of the car, let me get out of the car, my sister is in the car.

No, you can't get off the bus. You will kill us if you get off the bus, drive quickly. Hades looked at the scene behind, the bus had stopped beside the last car, and when a few people got off and headed for the car , the bus started again.

Obviously to catch them all.

There were only three remaining cars, and Lu Jingxuan ran in front.

Hao Junnan is second, and Hades is last.

Yuan Shaoming and the others should enter the space. The fat woman's space is similar to ours. I believe the fat woman will take them all into the space.

Lu Jingxuan pulled out a sneer, such a good opportunity, how could the fat woman give up those three men who were regarded as high-quality?

Song Fengfu shook her head, Where's Zhang Xiaotao? Will the fat lady let her in?

I don't know. Lu Jingxuan looked at the rearview mirror, and the bus rushed towards them as if not afraid of death.

u Zhang Xiaotao had nowhere to escape, she didn't even have space or supernatural powers, and after being caught by the few people left behind, she kept screaming.

Let me go, let me go.

Xiaotao didn't know how to speak English, and the words she shouted made several people frown.

Why is there only one person in this car?

A person grabbed Zhang Xiaoqin and turned his head to look around.

Ask this woman, where did the others go? The other person looked at Zhang Xiaotao, listening to her speak incomprehensible words.

Damn, we don't understand what this woman is saying, how can I ask? The person who grabbed Zhang Xiaotao just said here.

A ball of fire came out of nowhere, and instantly burned his whole body with red blisters.

Ah... There was a scream.

When the other person saw this, before he could react, a flame also appeared in front of his eyes, which instantly ignited him.

Seeing such a scene, Zhang Xiaotao knew that someone in the space had helped her.

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