Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 280 Fire Attacking Zombie Birds

Before he could explain anything to Song Fengfu, Lu Jingxuan got into the car and drove out quickly.

Seeing Lu Jingxuan driving the car out, Hao Junnan followed without thinking.

The most important thing at this time is your own life, other things are not important.

Surprised to see the two cars leaving quickly, the young man hurried to the RV.

After Yuan Shaoming and others saw the appearance of the zombie bird, they hurriedly rushed to the RV without caring about coffee or not.

The zombie birds flew very fast, and a group of black vultures shot at the humans on the ground like arrows off the string.

The soldiers took out their muskets and sprayed flames into the sky one after another, but the number of zombie birds was too many to be controlled.

Hurry up, you fire-type supernatural powers, hurry up and help disperse the zombie birds in the sky. Jack shouted towards Zhang Xiaoqin and others.

Seeing Jack rushing towards him, Zhang Xiaoqin sneered, Mr. Jack, I don't think there should be any cooperative relationship between us.

What do you mean? Jack frowned, watching a group of them get into the RV and drive away.

Jack, Jack, get out of here quickly, hurry up. The young man yelled at Jack and ran into the car.

The glass on the windows of the RV would be stronger than ordinary glass, but when the zombie birds kept hitting the glass, the young man showed a frightened look on his face.

His Royal Highness, Louis, hurry up and escort His Royal Highness away. Jack yelled at Louis who was struggling at the moment, but at this moment several zombie birds flew towards him.

The black feather symbolizes the devil from hell, and the blood-red eyes are like Pandora's box. Whoever looks at it will be unlucky.

Jack hurried into the car and clamped a zombie bird to death directly in the crack of the door.

Jack, drive quickly, let's get out of here. The young man took a gun and fired several shots at the zombie bird outside the crack of the door.

Seeing this, Jack hurriedly started the vehicle and rushed towards the front.

Get in the car, get in the car. Louis kept shooting at the zombie birds in the sky, but after all, there were too many of them, and after they aimed at people's eyes, they began to peck hard at the eyes.

The bright red blood was accompanied by screams, and the bright red slid down the soldier's white face one after another.

Arms, thighs, and even stomachs were all pecked horribly by zombie birds.

Louis, hurry up. Mark started the car, and turned his eager eyes to Louis who was still firing a gun outside the window.

Damn it, those supernatural beings actually ran away. Louis spat, and hurried into the car.

The soldiers on the heavy truck behind him had already climbed into the car, except for the soldiers who were bitten, everyone got on the car and aimed at the zombie birds and fired one shot after another.

Quick, use a bomb. The leader hurriedly took out the grenade from the car, opened the fuse and threw it towards the sky.

With a bang, several zombie birds fell from the sky.

At this time, outside the car where Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu were, zombie birds followed them in groups.

Lu Jingxuan knew that it was impossible for them to escape.

With a serious face, he hurriedly said, Hurry up and find a way to nail the windows around you.

Let me see. Song Fengfu really wanted to say to enter the space, but there was a group of cars behind him, obviously they couldn't do whatever they wanted.

Song Fengfu took out super glue and barbed wire from the space.

Just when I was about to nail the window to death, I didn't know that a zombie bird flew over outside the window. Song Fengfu was startled, and the glass in front of her eyes showed signs of shattering.

The zombie bird hit the glass in front of it without fear of death.

Song Fengfu was impatient, and with a wind knife, the zombie bird was cut in half in an instant.

The blood of the zombie birds outside the window attracted a large wave of zombie birds to stop on their car.

In the blink of an eye, groups of zombie birds covered almost every corner of the white car.

After overtaking Lu Jingxuan's car, Zhang Xiaotao looked at the car behind Zhang Xiaoqin and others and shouted, Sister, they can't even see the road clearly.

Leave them alone, the most important thing is for us to leave here quickly. Zhang Xiaoqin looked at the front with a cold face, wondering if they could get rid of these zombie birds.

The road in front of him was completely covered by zombie birds, Song Fengfu had no choice but to cover the space car on the RV.

Feng Fu, these birds should be afraid of smoke, see if you can get some choking smoke from the space to smoke them away.

I'll give it a try. Song Fengfu took out a lot of well-packaged wormwood sticks from the space, lit them all up and used the wind energy to disperse the smell of the smoke.

For a while, white smoke floated from the inside of the car to the outside one after another.

But this smell doesn't seem to have any effect on the zombie bird.

Song Fengfu frowned, The zombie bird doesn't seem to be able to smell the wormwood.

It seems that they are only used to the taste of human flesh. Lu Jingxuan sneered, Use fire to attack, fire attack can make them leave.

It's not good, after all, we are only wind-type power users now. Song Fengfu closed the window with only a small gap and walked to his side.

Use the wind energy to kill the zombie birds outside one after another.

Apart from fire attack, this is the only way to deal with the zombie birds outside.

Sitting on the chair, Lu Jingxuan glanced outside with his handsome face, where the zombie bird's head was cut off mercilessly.

Suddenly, a zombie bird the size of a goose flew to the car window in front of them. Its eyes were like human emotions, and there was a mocking expression at this moment.

Lu Jingxuan looked at the zombie bird and just raised his hand, the zombie bird gave a loud shout, and a sharp voice escaped from its mouth.

The ear-piercing sound made Lu Jingxuan wish he could give it away for a second.

But the zombie bird was obviously on guard, and it jumped up at the moment Lu Jingxuan used the wind knife, avoiding the attack of the wind knife.

The people in the car behind Lu Jingxuan were speechless, Hades, you don't have a musket to turn all the zombie birds in the car in front into roasted birds.

No problem. The man named Hades raised his musket and looked at a man beside him. After the man drew a circle on the glass, the round glass was punched, and the glass flew away in an instant. car surface.

A huge musket was pulled out from Hao Junnan's space, and the palm-sized muzzle was aimed at the car in front, and a burst of flame burst out instantly.

After the high-temperature flames spouted from the car, the zombie birds who felt the high temperature wailed and fell from the car one after another.

In a blink of an eye, the back of the RV was revealed.

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