Okay then, you can stay here. The leader couldn't force them to do anything.

After taking everyone out of the middle-aged man's house, the leader led the convoy from the warehouse to the shelter.

Watching everyone leave, the middle-aged man did not dare to underestimate the three people in front of him.

The three are tired, go and rest. The middle-aged man looked at the three people in front of him with a somewhat charming smile.

Two wind-type supernatural beings plus a space supernatural being, this is the first time he has seen supernatural beings appear since the end of the world.

If they flatter them well, they will be covered by someone in the future.

The middle-aged man thought beautifully.

Song Fengfu looked at the smile on his face and couldn't stand it.

Let's go to rest.

Not wanting to see the middle-aged man's face full of anticipation and envy and looking for shelter, Song Fengfu grabbed Lu Jingxuan's hand and walked upstairs.

After closing the door, Lu Jingxuan sat on the sofa, with a faint smile hidden in his deep eyes.

Hao Junnan made a lot of money this time, at least 10,000 zombie beads.

But the material consumption in his space is also high. Song Fengfu believes that he must have awakened the space power after the end of the world, but it is impossible for him to collect abundant materials like her after awakening the power after the end of the world.

In addition, according to what he said, there is only a space of more than 300 square meters, so there should be too much water and food resources, and he himself has to rest in the space.

In other words, he has a maximum of 250 square meters for supplies, and the remaining 50 square meters are for his own use.

So there are not many supplies in Hao Junnan's space.

Relatively speaking, the supplies she and Lu Jingxuan collected far exceeded Hao Junnan's.

Song Fengfu raised her small head and dialed her own abacus.

He should be the first among the few of us to collect the zombie beads. At that time, do you plan to let him go back first, or wait until everyone has collected all the zombie beads before going back?

It was one piece of teleportation talisman back and forth, Lu Jingxuan couldn't imagine how many teleportation talismans would be needed if these eight or nine people were teleported back one by one.

Let's wait for all of them to collect. Anyway, we can take the opportunity to collect some other supplies. Song Fengfu yawned, I'll go into the space to catch some crabs for cooking.

Okay, we didn't have a good rest last night, so we have a hearty meal today to reward ourselves. Lu Jingxuan raised a smile and watched Song Fengfu enter the space.

Wait, do you want another plate of shrimp besides the crab? Song Fengfu blinked and poked out from the space.

You can figure it out. Anyway, if you make too much, you can eat it next time.

Lu Jingxuan raised a faint smile, the things in this space can maintain a constant temperature, and they can also last for a long time.

If you make too much, you can take it out of the space to eat at any time next time.

Okay then, I'll make more and you can eat anytime. Song Fengfu blinked and entered the space.

Small hairy crabs were running rampant under the crystal-clear flowing water. Song Fengfu picked up a tool nearby and salvaged a dozen of them, cleaned them and put them in the steamer.

As the hairy crabs gradually turned red, Song Fengfu salvaged several catties of prawns and put them in the steamer.

Half an hour later, Song Fengfu cooked a table of sumptuous meals.

Outside the space, walking to the balcony, Lu Jingxuan looked at the outside world, and the only silence left was the sound of gunshots and roars from far away.

I don't know how long it took, but the sound of footsteps came from afar. Lu Jingxuan raised his head and looked into the distance. At first, he thought it was just some zombies or soldiers who came out of the shelter to look for food, but he didn't want to come. It was a wave of zombies, and a mass of dark ones ran over from all directions.

The speed is as fast as that of a bicycle.

Lu Jingxuan quickly entered the room and closed the door.

With a serious face, he used the radio waves in his mind to contact Song Fengfu, who seemed to be one with his life.

What happened, in such a hurry.

Song Fengfu walked out of the space quickly, looking at the tall and burly Lu Jingxuan in front of her, showing a hint of doubt in her eyes.

A large number of zombies are approaching. Lu Jingxuan grabbed her hand and walked to the balcony but did not leave the room.

The sound of footsteps 50 meters away made people feel jittery.

Song Fengfu glanced over the window and looked outside, only to see a large number of zombies appearing about 50 meters away from the building.

These zombies run extremely fast, and it can be seen that these zombies have entered a distance of 40 meters.

After a while, the zombies had arrived downstairs.

Hearing the sound from outside, several people sitting in the living room looked at each other.

Dad, could someone be here? The young girl named Han Chen looked towards the living room while eating noodles with a bowl in her hand.

Probably not, the soldiers have left. The middle-aged man put down the bowl and chopsticks, and was about to walk from the dining room to the living room, Song Fengfu quickly walked downstairs, took off his shoes completely, and went downstairs.

Watching Song Fengfu go downstairs, the middle-aged man showed a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Little girl, are you not resting?

There are zombies outside now, keep your voice down, and don't attract the attention of the zombies. Song Fengfu glanced at the few people who were completely unaware of being surrounded by zombies.

With such inattention to the surrounding situation, I really don't know what will happen if they walk out of here.

Zombie, why did the zombie come here? The young man looked at Song Fengfu with a hint of surprise.

It must have come with the soldiers. The middle-aged man said after pondering for a while.

Following the soldiers? Dad, you mean those zombies can look at people? Did they see the soldiers coming? The young man stared at his father, feeling a little unbelievable. Didn't the soldiers leave for a while? Why? At this time, zombies will come suddenly.

Even if it is followed, it is impossible to follow here.

It's popularity. They come here because they smell people. Song Fengfu recalled why so many zombies came to S County in S County at that time. It was not only because of the zombies going south, but more importantly, popularity. Attracted zombies.

When Song Fengfu said this, the people present looked at her, all with puzzled expressions on their faces.

Popularity? It sounds like a horror movie is being staged.

The middle-aged man let out a laugh.

Dad, isn't it a horror movie? There are so many zombies out there, it's scarier than ghosts to bite people.

The young man walked softly to the window sill, watching the zombies running towards the shelter outside one after another.

The speed of running is completely comparable to that of a horse.

The guards at the refuge shouted after discovering the movement of the zombies.

For a while, the people in the refuge were frantic.

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