The materials Song Fengfu took out from his backpack included some instant noodles except water. These things were extremely convenient to carry, but these instant noodles had already been unpacked, and only noodles could be seen, but nothing seasoning.

The middle-aged man looked at the instant noodles in front of him without any doubts.

After all, it's just noodles, without any Chinese packaging.

If the instant noodles that Song Fengfu brought out were in good packaging, it would definitely arouse the suspicion of others.

After all, due to local protection policies, it is impossible for food from other countries to appear. Even if food from other countries appears, the packaging will inevitably have the language of the country printed on it.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Song Fengfu did not pack the things in everyone's backpacks.

The purpose is to avoid unnecessary trouble.

This is the supplies you collected. It's great. We can finally have a meal of white noodles tonight. The middle-aged man beckoned to his son and hurriedly put away all the supplies in front of him.

Song Fengfu didn't produce many substances, except water, instant noodles, and some loose biscuits.

Seeing her take out these materials, the middle-aged man felt that they should have gone through a lot of dangers to get these materials.

You must know that it is even more difficult to obtain these materials now.

According to the information revealed in the shelter, these materials have been sold at a price like gold.

And according to all the gold they have on hand, they can't buy this piece of bread at all.

Now they have so much bread and loose biscuits, enough to feed their family for a long time.

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man felt deeply grateful to the person in front of him.

Thank you, we will enter the shelter tomorrow.

Don't worry, we want to collect more supplies outside before going in. Lu Jingxuan shook his head, now that they knew where the refuge was, there was no need for them to rush in.

After all, they don't know what's going on inside, not to mention that if they want to go out to collect supplies, it may be difficult.

So to avoid unnecessary trouble, it is better for them to collect some supplies first.

Collect supplies, there are no supplies to collect around here. The middle-aged man looked at him with a hint of surprise.

It has been so long since the end of the world, and the supplies have already been collected by hand, so there will be no supplies.

Drugstore, there are still a lot of supplies in the pharmacy. Our goal is the pharmacy. When Lu Jingxuan said these two words, the middle-aged man shook his head.

Young man, it's not that I don't believe you, but the pharmacies near here have already been collected by people. If you want to collect medicines, it is already impossible.

How is it possible? Isn't there a lot of medicines in the pharmacy? How could they be collected all at once? Lu Jingxuan frowned. He originally thought that everyone would not think about collecting medicines if they didn't take them. What's more, the medicines in this place should be considered relatively complete.

You don't know about this. A month ago, we had several fierce battles with animals. Those animals at that time were no different from zombies. The people in the castle frantically dealt with those animals. Collected all kinds of medicines. Created a biochemical weapon that can poison those animal zombies.

The middle-aged man looked at how they were doing, and knew that they didn't know about it at all.

It can be seen that these few people must have come from outside. As for where they came from, I'm afraid only they are willing to tell, otherwise, he can't ask anything.

It was difficult to digest what the middle-aged man said, and it took Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu a long time to react.

Create a biochemical weapon that can deal with animal zombies, that is to say, as long as they have this weapon, they can also deal with zombies?

Uncle, do you know how the biochemical weapon you mentioned was made? And can it really poison those animal zombies? Lu Jingxuan looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, expecting him to give him an accurate answer. s answer.

That's right, the biochemical weapon can indeed poison those animal zombies, but the things needed to make this biochemical weapon are no longer available. The middle-aged man sighed softly.

If they had such a biochemical weapon, they would be able to deal with zombies, but unfortunately, this biochemical weapon is no longer available.

It's a pity, it's a pity, without this biochemical weapon, it will be very difficult for them to deal with zombies.

It doesn't matter, I believe that the emperor will live up to those who have painstakingly worked hard, and one day we will be able to drive away the zombies and regain the light.

Song Fengfu said swearingly.

Yes, there will always be such a day. The middle-aged man nodded.

There was a rattling sound from upstairs, and a middle-aged woman and her daughter came down from above.

My husband's guest room has been tidied up, but I'm afraid this bathroom can't be used, so I can only wrong the three of them. If I want to use it, I can only go to the back... The middle-aged woman was embarrassed to continue.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man said, For this matter, let me slowly tell the young man, you go and cook some noodles first. The young man gave me a lot of bread and water just now, and you can cook some noodles tonight. gone.

Noodles? Well, I'll cook it now. The middle-aged woman looked at the noodles in front of her with a bit of astonishment.

After all, she hadn't seen such a thing for several months.

It can be seen that Auntie is very surprised, don't you usually eat these things? Lu Jingxuan chose the end of the world for nearly five months, and now the food that can be eaten and the thing that can last the longest is noodles besides rice.

In places like the UK, the main food is pasta, and every household should also prepare some flour.

But looking at their appearance, it is obvious that they have not eaten pasta for a long time.

It's really unfortunate that our interviews were all eaten two months ago, and now we only eat some potatoes and sweet potatoes that were previously stored.

The middle-aged man seemed a little embarrassed. After all, being able to produce such things in the last days is already their best entertainment.

That's okay, at least there are still some to eat, unlike some places that have already started eating people. Song Fengfu watched the middle-aged woman go to the cellar to get some potatoes.

Cannibalism? It's only been less than half a year since the end of the world? Why did you start eating people?

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