Song Fengfu realized that it was the right place to bring her here.

If she hadn't come here, she really didn't know how to kill Zhang Xiaotao.

Miss Song, the other party is a woman. I am a good man and don't fight with women. I will give this room to this shameless woman. Anyway, I have enough space to rest in it. Hao Junnan glanced at Zhang Xiaotao. Would he still dare to sleep where a woman stayed?

What if you get sick?

Thinking of this, Hao Junnan couldn't help rubbing his hands, feeling goosebumps all over his body.

There is space? That's really a great ability. In this way, you don't have to worry about zombies appearing suddenly. Song Fengfu smiled. In this comparison, Zhang Xiaotao snatching the room is nothing at all .

Hao Junnan laughed out loud.

Okay, let's stop talking nonsense. Everyone was brought here in the middle of the night when they were sleeping. They must have not had a good rest. Let's find a place to rest first, and then we will see what we are going to do next.

Lu Jingxuan glanced sideways at the dark circles on everyone's faces, he and Song Fengfu waited until three o'clock in the morning when it was the best sleep time to get them all here.

So many people are so drowsy that they don't realize that they have gone to another place in the blink of an eye.

As for the two of them, they hardly slept all night.

After Lu Jingxuan proposed to take a break, the others suddenly felt a deep sense of sleepiness.

Go to sleep, go to sleep, I feel sleepy too. Hao Junnan yawned and said to Lu Jingxuan, I'm right outside your door, if you have anything to do, call me.

Okay, it's pretty good for you to be our bodyguard outside the door. Lu Jingxuan raised a smile, watched Hao Junnan smile and entered the space.

Let's go in too. Lu Jingxuan put one hand on Song Fengfu's shoulder and walked towards the room.

Zhang Xiaotao watched Lu Jingxuan and the two enter the room and closed the door, not taking them seriously at all, feeling very uncomfortable for a moment.

Sister, look at their attitude.

He is a supernatural being, so he can give you whatever attitude he wants. Zhang Xiaoqin walked into the room, put down his backpack, and opened it.

Picking up the boxed lunch inside, Zhang Xiaoqin sat on a chair in the room and ate.

Sister, don't worry about eating, tell me what we are going to do now? I don't want to stay here. Zhang Xiaotao sat beside her, looking at her with a depressed expression.

You don't have supernatural abilities, neither does Shen Cheng, even if we go out, we can't leave here at all.

Glancing at Zhang Xiaotao, Zhang Xiaoqin knew that it was impossible for them to leave here in their current state. Without weapons and abilities, there was only one dead end to go outside.

Adding Zhang Xiaotao and Shen Cheng is obviously a bit too hypocritical.

Facing zombies is probably...

Zhang Xiaoqin felt a little tired after eating half of the meal, put away the lunch box, and glanced at the bed, You guys sleep on the bed, I sleep on the sofa.

Okay, let's do this. Shen Cheng didn't talk nonsense, and after closing the door, he pulled Zhang Xiaotao onto the bed.

In the next room, Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan closed and locked the door, and then quickly entered the space.

Yuan Shaoming and the fat woman didn't keep up. I'm afraid they entered the space to avoid zombies. As for the others, they are in this building now. I don't know if they will continue to follow us. After a cup of milk tea, he sat on a chair and looked at the person in front of him.

Hao Junnan is definitely following us. Others have to see the situation, but the three of Shen Cheng and the others may follow us. After receiving the milk tea made by Song Fengfu, Lu Jingxuan took a sip.

Smiling, Song Fengfu deliberately chose the three of them, but not Shen Heng, because she disliked Shen Cheng.

Hmph, don't you have supernatural powers who want to seek our protection? I'll see how long they can follow. Song Fengfu snorted coldly, yawned and looked at her watch, Let's rest for six hours It should be enough.

Enough is enough, I don't know if the others have enough. Lu Jingxuan also glanced at the time, he wondered if the zombies would retreat after six hours.

It doesn't matter about them, as long as we live well, we can collect enough zombie beads later, and we can spend a comfortable time in the base. Stretching, Song Fengfu entered the room and threw herself on the bed .

Lu Jingxuan couldn't help shaking his head when he saw her falling asleep as soon as she fell down.

Didn't see everyone going downstairs, Xiao He and Xiao Gao went upstairs to have a look, and found that the doors of the two rooms were locked, they couldn't help but smiled wryly.

It seems that they have found a comfortable place.

Forget it, let's go downstairs. There are comfortable seats downstairs. Xiao He sighed softly and walked downstairs.

Back on the third floor, the two of them peeked at the scene below, which was really shocking.

Zombies are still around below looking for their breath.

Hey, this zombie looks more ferocious than those in our mainland. Xiao He whispered to Xiao Gao who was on the side.

There was still a bit of fear and anxiety on the young face.

Fortunately, it's relatively peaceful up here, otherwise the two of us would really be in the stomach of the zombie. Xiao Gao sat on a chair and took out a box lunch from his backpack, and started to eat.

There are so many zombies down there, it's a pity that it's not easy to kill, otherwise, if these zombie beads are brought into the crystal base, it will be enough for us to be happy for a while. Xiao He remembered that the 50,000 zombie beads are not a small amount, even if they change the apartment It can be lived for several years.

Xiao Gao squinted at him, These zombie beads can last up to three months, after three months you still have to come out to kill zombies.

Don't say that, even three months is a good thing, at least for three months we can still live like aristocrats. Xiao He looked at the chicken legs and vegetables in his lunch box, and hurriedly opened his backpack .

The backpack is more than one meter long, and there are a lot of things in it, but most of them are food.

Xiao He found that the crystal base treated him fairly well, and the food in this backpack was enough for them to eat for a long time.

If we want to live like an aristocrat, the premise is that we can get enough zombie beads, but killing zombies...hehe, it takes our lives to fight. Xiao Gao quickly finished his meal and threw the lunch box downstairs.

If you want to get good things, you must pay a price. Xiao He stared at the person in front of him, and suddenly felt that the food was a bit tasteless.

Exchange a backpack of lunch for 50,000 zombie beads, he didn't know if he got all the zombie beads before dying.

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