Call me Xiao Gao. The person who spoke first patted his chest and said.

Zhang Xiaoqin nodded, and after exchanging names with the two of them, everyone went down to the hall of the castle.

There was chaos in the hall, and the places to walk were very limited.

After walking for a while, Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu felt that the heat was unbearable.

Looking at the sun outside again, it seems to have become a little stronger.

Why is it getting hotter today? Lu Jingxuan thought that he was still wearing several pieces of clothes, and as the temperature rose, it was impossible to keep these clothes off.

It's just that there doesn't seem to be a cleaner place to undress around here.

Lu Jingxuan glanced around, it seemed that there was a door behind the counter.

Fengfu, I'm going to take off the extra clothes on my body, you wait for me here. After Lu Jingxuan handed the backpack to Song Fengfu, he turned around and walked towards the counter.

Be careful. Song Fengfu looked at the chaotic scene in front of her and worried that Lu Jingxuan would be injured.

If you accidentally touch the blood of the zombies, it will be troublesome.

En. Nodding his head, Lu Jingxuan walked to the relatively clean counter, and then kicked open the door in front of him.

The inside of the door should be regarded as the staff's lounge and temporary office, and it is quite clean inside.

Lu Jingxuan closed the door after entering, and then took off his clothes, which made him feel much cooler.

Grabbing his clothes and walking outside, Lu Jingxuan watched as several people began to take off their clothes.

Damn it, this place and ours have become two extremes. Shen Cheng felt his body getting hotter and hotter while taking off his clothes.

Listening to his words, Lu Jingxuan remembered what he said earlier that the earth no longer rotates, which means that Britain has not seen night for several days.

I'm going to change my clothes. Song Fengfu handed the backpack to Lu Jingxuan and walked towards the counter.

Nodding slightly, Lu Jingxuan waited for nearly a minute before seeing Song Fengfu walking out of the lounge.

Where are we going now? Song Fengfu changed into a fresh outfit and walked in front of him, revealing her fair face, which was much prettier than Zhang Xiaoqin and others.

Shen Cheng looked at her sparkling eyes, which were much brighter than Zhang Xiaoqin and others.

After watching the girl and the boy walk into the lounge one after another and put on fresh clothes, Lu Jingxuan looked away.

Go and see if there are any supplies that can be collected. Grasping Song Fengfu's tender little hand, Lu Jingxuan picked up the backpack and glanced at Hao Junnan. Do you want to go with us?

I'm afraid there is no better choice now. Of course I will follow you. Hao Junnan looked at the two of them and told him intuitively that there was nothing wrong with following them.

First of all, we need to get a map of this place. Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu had studied the situation here before, but she hadn't been here for more than a year after all, so they didn't know if there was anything on this road.

So now what they have to do is not only to find a map, but also to get a car.

Just don't know the traffic situation outside the UK side.

After all, when the virus broke out, there were very few cars in the country around midnight, and it might be difficult to say in the UK.

There are absolutely no shortage of British cars during the day.

In this case, the road will definitely be very congested.

I don't know if the car will work.

The hotel must have a map. I remember the tour guide said that you can go to the front desk for consultation. Song Fengfu quickly walked behind the counter and found the map from the cabinet under the counter.

Although it is a tourist map, it marks the famous scenic spots and buildings on the streets, as well as supermarkets and shopping malls that are convenient for them to buy things.

The difference between the UK and China is that the complete range of drugs can completely set up one supermarket after another.

There are several supermarkets and pharmacies right next to the hotel.

What Song Fengfu first saw was not the supermarket, but the complete range of products in the pharmacy.

People will always have misfortunes and blessings, and medicine can sometimes play a role in resuscitating the dead.

After Song Fengfu picked up the map, the others also picked up the map and began to study it.

A team of three or two began to choose their destination.

Just when everyone had chosen, Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan felt a strange sound coming from 50 meters away.

Although it was very subtle, after entering their consciousness, the two of them quickly recognized that the sound was clearly that of a zombie.

The expressions of the two people changed, and they quickly walked towards the back door of the castle.

Song Fengfu did not know how many times she had studied this ancient castle built in the downtown area.

Seeing that the expressions of the two changed and they walked towards the back door of the castle in a tacit understanding, Hao Junnan followed without saying a word.

The others sneered when they saw their appearance at this moment, Looking at the three of them sneaking around, there must be nothing good.

After Zhang Xiaotao let out a cold snort, Shen Cheng also felt that it made sense.

No, they must have discovered something, so they left in a hurry. Zhang Xiaoqin remembered that Song Fengfu would not leave like this for no reason, there must be some reason for her to choose to leave.

What will they find? Zhang Xiaotao didn't care at all.

It's a zombie. A zombie is coming. Xiao He and Xiao Gao looked outside after hearing the unusual sound.

This is really incredible. Groups of zombies outside the broken iron gate outside the castle began to shake the iron gate, trying to step in.

Oh my god, it's a zombie, let's go.

As soon as Shen Cheng turned his head, his whole body trembled with fright.

Seeing the beast-like zombie with blond hair and gray eyes, Zhang Xiaotao immediately screamed.

Ah... Zombies, there are zombies...

Screams sounded in the empty hall, Zhang Xiaoqin frowned, grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the back door without thinking.

Seeing that the two of them had left him and ran towards the back door, Shen Cheng was suddenly filled with anger.

The sound of the iron door continued to slam, and after the iron door was knocked down with a bang, zombies ran in frantically from outside.

Shen Cheng didn't think twice, and just ran away.

Seeing that the zombies had already run in, the fat woman turned pale with fright and her eyes turned blue.

She is so fat that she can't run out at all.

Grabbing Yuan Shaoming's hand quickly, the fat woman brought him into the space.

Xiao He and Xiao Gao watched them disappear without a trace in the blink of an eye, and then ran away immediately.

The back door of the castle is a small alley, Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu ran into a small clinic with the door open, and closed the door quickly after Hao Junnan came in.

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