Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 219 Collecting Weapons

Okay, I'll change it for you. The boss took the bag in his hand and opened it. Several packs of instant noodles that looked very clean and brand new were quietly placed inside.

Seeing such instant noodles, the boss was slightly surprised.

Nearly two months have passed since the end of the world. Even if you see instant noodles now, they are the kind that have been trampled and crumbled. How can it be as clean as his hands and feel as if they have not been crumbled.

The boss's surprised gaze did not escape Lu Jingxuan's eyes.

Looking at the boss, Lu Jingxuan realized that this place might make him feel... poorer than he imagined.

Young man, if you have any good products in the future, bring them to me, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory price. The boss could hear that Lu Jingxuan's voice was still very young, so there must be some channel for this young man's words that he didn't know of.

Lu Jingxuan nodded slightly, Boss, you also know that it is not easy to get these things. My friend is going through life and death outside just to get some guns and ammunition. If we can get better guns and ammunition, I think we can There are more things for you.

After hearing what Lu Jingxuan meant, the boss stared at him in surprise, Young man, it is still difficult to get guns and ammunition. Although this is an arsenal, these things are locked in the house over there. You see Well, the warehouse over there is full of bullets, guns and grenades.

Lu Jingxuan looked along the boss's hand, and he saw a house, but this house is not a house, it can almost be said to be a cave embedded in the wall, and then a door was artificially made.

A group of soldiers patrolled back and forth in front of the door, protecting the guns and ammunition inside.

Seeing such a scene, Lu Jingxuan couldn't help frowning.

It should be connected to a weapons and ammunition depot.

According to what you mean, we can't get those things inside? Lu Jingxuan looked at him, wanting to see if he had any other explanations.

You can get it, but the price is too expensive, so you can't get it at all. But the space inside is huge after all, and someone needs to put the food in there every day. Take this opportunity to get it as much as you can, but You have to be careful, people who go in will also be checked after they come out, and as many people go in as they come out, so if you have the ability to come out, help me get some bullets. If I collect bullets here, a pack of instant noodles One bullet.

The boss's eyes were full of businessman's calculations, Lu Jingxuan smiled, Then it's settled.

Coming out of the store, Lu Jingxuan passed a person. When the person entered the store, he heard that person exchanged five packs of instant noodles for one bullet.

Lu Jingxuan sneered, the boss knows how to make money.

What do you say over there? Song Fengfu watched him come back with a bag of rice, and opened it to see where the rice inside was called rice. It was rice mixed with half of the sand.

Damn, isn't this cheating people? It will take several days for Guan to sort out these sands.

Song Fengfu kicked the rice bag aside.

There is a saying over there that people are needed to meet the food outside every day. You can take this opportunity to go in. But there is a condition that as many people go in as there are people coming out. Lu Jingxuan said this, and the two passed through the alley on the side .

At this moment, a group of people were waiting not far from the door.

Seeing this, Lu Jingxuan said to Song Fengfu, You enter my space. Once I enter, you will drive the space car and wait for my orders. After I get you and the car out, you will find a way to get out of it. You can load as many bullets and grenades as you can, and according to my estimate, the arsenal here has not stopped manufacturing these weapons in the past two months. Of course, if you have the ability to pretend to be all of them...

Don't worry, my spatial position is still very large. Song Fengfu raised a smile.

Well, after you go in and collect things, come here to find me. After Lu Jingxuan finished speaking, he had already brought her into the space.

Okay. Song Fengfu nodded.

Entering Lu Jingxuan's space, Song Fengfu watched him walk towards the group of people.

Looking in front of Lu Jingxuan, many people showed hostility, but no one spoke.

Rather than having the strength to speak, it is better to have the strength to move the goods.

Waiting is a very long job. After waiting for nearly half an hour, Lu Jingxuan finally ushered in one car after another.

Hurry up, everyone come over to unload the goods. A rough voice came, Lu Jingxuan watched the crowd step up to the soldier, got off with the boxes on the cart, took a bamboo stick and pointed towards the armory. The door went through.

Lu Jingxuan imitated their appearance and carried the things into the house.

After secretly releasing the space car, Lu Jingxuan went back outside.

After all the contents of the cars were taken into the house, Lu Jingxuan followed the crowd to a soldier.

Line up, line up.

The soldiers shouted.

Lu Jingxuan frowned as he watched the main bamboo sticks in everyone's hands being replaced with two packs of instant noodles.

Hey, there are really fewer and fewer things.

Standing beside Lu Jingxuan was a man holding two packs of instant noodles, his eyes filled with infinite sorrow.

Lu Jingxuan glanced at him and walked towards Song Fengfu.

In the alley with tents on both sides, Lu Jingxuan glanced at the time, at most five or six minutes, Song Fengfu should be back in five or six minutes.

At this moment, Song Fengfu found in the arsenal that it can be said to be a cold room, a huge cold room.

The temperature inside is obviously much colder than outside.

Song Fengfu looked out from the space car, and after confirming that there were no monitors, she quickly got out of the space car and sent all the boxes of weapons into the space.

For a full ten minutes, Song Fengfu only removed three quarters of the things.

Looking at the remaining quarter, there are at least ten trucks worth dozens of tons of weapons.

Song Fengfu took a look at these boxes, and it took two minutes to collect the five large carts.

Although the remaining Song Fengfu wanted to take them away, but thinking that there were thousands if not tens of thousands of people here, they also needed weapons.

Song Fengfu entered the space, pulled out a teleportation talisman and returned outside.

The appearance of Song Fengfu finally relieved Lu Jingxuan's hanging heart.

Let's get out of here immediately.

Lu Jingxuan held Song Fengfu's hand, and when he was speaking, there was a sudden movement in front of him.

Seeing this, Song Fengfu immediately pulled him into the space.

Seeing the car driving ahead again, Lu Jingxuan was glad that Song Fengfu came back earlier.

One after another, people began to prepare to move things to the weapon and equipment warehouse.

However, when they found that the weapons in the weapons and equipment library had disappeared, they were all shocked.

In just a few tens of minutes, where are the weapons inside? Where did the weapons go?

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